Canada legalizes cannabis – where is New Zealand?


Remember when we led the world on progress?

First country where women could vote.

First country to say 40 hours a week was what workers should work.

First country to go nuclear free in the South Pacific.

One of the first to legalise gay marriage one of the first to have their unmarried Prime Minister bring their infant to the UN.

Yet when it comes to cannabis, where are we?

Canada has legalised recreational cannabis and have created a legalised market today – yet in NZ 50 die a year from synthetics and 6000 are still arrested each year for cannabis.

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How have we gone backwards on cannabis?

How have we allowed the politics and the cops to fuck things up so badly that organised crime run the lethal synthetics and the cannabis market?

If cannabis was legal, we wouldn’t even have a bloody synthetics market!  We are petty nation with petty people and gutless politicians.

I swear brothers and sisters, on the day prohibition is finally crushed and the cops and the spineless politicians defeated, we should gather around every major police station and spark up the minute after its legalised in memory of the hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders these politicians and cops have damaged and burnt and broken because of their bullshit cannabis laws.

On that moment let us remember the whanau who were needlessly punished and hurt so the cops and politicians could have power over us, let’s all smoke one in memory of their sacrifice and that the cops no longer can hurt us.

Before we can get to that blessed moment, we need to win the referendum and we need to win it by such a margin that not even the spineless MPs can hide behind prohibition any longer.


  1. Martyn we haven’t gone backwards, we just haven’t moved forward which is probably worse. Those who advocate against its decriminalisation are the same dormant unintelligent right-wing brainwashed naysayers who advocated against homosexual law reform saying it would destroy the family unit and therefore society and that it would increase AIDS. Neither of those things occurred.

    What will occur if cannabis is decriminalised is that hundreds of decent people will be saved from having a permanent blot placed against their names by the overzealous cops and their support network called the criminal justice system (the word justice in this context is a misnomer).

    • Synthetic cannabis has taken us backwards with drug dependency, misery and death.
      Unbelievable the cost of puritanism and wowserism in NZ.

  2. Me thinks their are too many in parliament with undisclosed conflicts of interest. How many MPs are pharmaceutical company investors? Even through “Blind” family trusts?
    The real cannabis crime has always been the anticompetitive original prohibition. A whole lot of corporate vested interests mounted a fraudulent campaign of lies and deceit to have it banned. And they took out hemp as well. The bastards should be sued.

  3. Every time i think we are maturing as a nation i am sadly disappointed.
    Before anything else is done with regards to the current cannabis law this drug should be available to people who are gravely ill as a form of treatment without fear of prosecution for christ sake.
    Helen Kelly and many others should never have been made to feel a criminal and be denied under law a drug that can make things just a little bit more tolerable.
    Waiting until 2020 is an outrage and does nothing to enhance our reputation as a tolerant caring society.
    It is time for change and a bit of maturity.

  4. The recent John Banks donations scandal and now Jamie Lee Ross speaking out the same thing makes me think its time we had more transparency regarding donations to political parties, Im sure the big fat donations come with some pretty big strings attached and feel this is why cannabis is still illegal here.

  5. Yes! Grow up New Zealand and get a life.
    Surely if Canada can make it legal so can we.
    Needless suffering so MP’s and fat cats can keep their fingers in the pie! Monsters.

  6. Pot smoking leads to, amongst other things, ‘thinking’. And our politicians can’t run the risk of a thinking, gathering-together-to-swap-out-ideas Kiwi population lest the truth dawn re our economy. And who’s got it? And how they got it? And why they still have it?
    I’ve always suspected that, that logic’s behind the road traffic safety hysteria and those awful road side signs showing what will happen if, and when, you crash your car or someone crashes into you… If you drink coffee while driving, are feeling a bit drowsy, use your cell phone, sneeze, are getting, or giving, a blow job, drop your cigarette down between your legs, spill your beer over your steering wheel controls etc you will either die, or will kill someone else but it’s not because you do those things. We all do those things. No. It’s because you’re stupid. You’re unskilled at car driving, and your stupid and you’re terrified and angry at everything.
    And while I’m at it? Get rid of those deeply creepy, God forsaken white road side crosses. I mean? WTF? Why? They cause fear in other motorists. That is all. It does not make people better drivers. Quite the opposite in fact. And if you think you need to continually drive past the spot where your loved one got minced and be reminded of that? You need therapy. Nothing wrong with a healthy dose of denial and you need to smoke more Pot.
    Kiwi drivers are entirely passive-aggressive and once in a car they go nuts. I know I do. Tail gate me at your peril. I’ll slam the brakes on then I’ll pull over and invite you to join me for your new face lift. Provided you’re not bigger and fitter than me and that there’s only one of you and you look a bit sickly. When I invite you to pull in ahead of me in heavy traffic? Don’t fucking look in the opposite direction or not at me all. Eye-contact me for Christ’s sake!? When driving down an open road? Keep well back from the car in front if you want to cruise along. That way, other people can over take. If you’re up the arse of the truck and trailer in front, you make my overtaking distance that much longer, and I have to go faster, ding bat. And if you want to go slowly along, say because you’re stoned, pull over, get out of your car and go for a walk in the bush. If you think you’re in some kind of desperate rush, when you’re not? You’re an idiot and you must smoke more pot immediately and sit in your parked car with your stereo on while eating an ice cream.
    Here’s another one. Death-wish people who park on the centre line to turn right off a 100 kph highway. That’s illegal for a good reason. Do you want to have a proctologist try to remove your cars fuel tank from up your arsehole after you’re rear ended at the aforementioned 100kph. A 2000 kg 4×4 hits you from behind while you’re parked in the middle of the road will make you look funny.
    Being able to smoke Pot in NZ/AO will mean our narcissistic bully politicians and their riche mates will lose one more control mechanism. That is all.
    They’ve already got our TV, Radio, Newspapers, etc in case you hadn’t noticed.

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