Why Don Brash deserves to be New Zealander of the Year


Don Brash has been nominated for New Zealander of the Year, and you know what, he would be perfect for the position.

The utter ignorance of the kids who run the news rooms these days means that very few New Zealander’s have any true idea of how manipulative and evil the people around the Orewa Speech really were.

Hager’s incredible, The Hollow Men, had access to all the emails that Brash and his enablers used to discuss the plans around the Orewa Speech…

We know from the emails that were leaked to Hager that Brash and the people around Brash who wrote the Orewa Speech KNEW that what they were claiming when it came to Māori privilege and special treatment and the so called grievance industry were all bullshit myths that they couldn’t prove.

They had a media plan to throw journalists off the scent when the media came demanding examples of all this Māori privilege because they knew they couldn’t prove any of the hateful things they were claiming.

They knew they were creating a false fabrication but went ahead with it anyway.

They manipulated us by playing to the worst angels of our nature, and they knew that. The Orewa Speech wasn’t the tell it like it is musings of a polite Gentleman who was prepared to challenge the PC thought Police, this was a carefully stitched together lie of hate that everyone of them knew was false.

That’s not Free Speech, that’s not intellectually courageous, that’s spitefully Machiavellian.

Māori have been horrifically impacted by our brutally passive racism. Māori are 380% more likely to be convicted of a crime and 200% more likely to die from heart disease and suicide. Māori are paid 18% less and 34% leave school without a qualification. Māori die earlier and suffer more. Māori had 95% of their land taken from them in less than a century and were almost wiped out at the turn of the 1900s.

Couple all of that with a pittance in terms of reparations for stolen land, and to have that legacy defined by Don Brash as ‘privilege’, when he fucking knew it was a lie makes Don Brash evil.

To repeat a lie you believe is true is ignorance. To repeat a lie you know to be untrue is evil.

…who better to represent the low horizon negative egalitarian bigotry that truly sums us up as a people better than Don Fucking Brash? Who else can perform the intellectual spinelessness to be able to bend over backwards to ignore the truth and manipulate our worst spites to try and gain political power?

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This is the country that screams it’s the parents obligation to feed hungry kids, not schools.

This is a country that shrugged at mass surveillance because their mate John Key said it didn’t exist.

This is a country that runs a punitive prison  nation that makes people more damaged coming out than they were when they went in.

This is a country that treats renters as second class citizens.

This is a country that blames the poor for being poor.

This is a country that stole from Māori and then berates them for the pittance in reparations they are given.

This is a country that blew $100m and threw thousands of beneficiaries onto the street for a meth hysteria that was never true and NO ONE is held accountable for that.

We are a juvenile culture with all the maturity of a can of day old coke where Heroes renovate property to flip for speculative capital gains and Success is the name of a cross-fit Instagram influencer you follow.

The petty obscenities of a people whose complacency is their only blindfold demand a representative like Brash.

Don’s white arrogance and self-defeating brittle identity is the New Zealander of the Year we deserve.


  1. Good fun. No one doubts Brash’s sincerity about his well thought out ideas, in favour of the rich.

    The only prob with capitalism, free enterprise, is its means and its end. It’s short term all the way. A bloom.

  2. I agree with you. Maybe if Brash wins it would be horrifying enough to jar the public out of their apathetic existence.

  3. +100…good post….but instead of blaming New Zealand, New Zealanders and the country …you should be blaming the Nactional Party

    Jonkeys Nactional Party in its nine years was the most destructive to the country and New Zealanders that we have ever had

    • I thought it was the teens version of Holyoake. Certainly in terms of the lack of attention to the economy, the poor and climate change it was a 9 year pause. That pause, despite their avoidance of extremity like the plague, is immensely damaging.

    • RED BUZZARD; Modified 2

      “+100…good post….but instead of blaming New Zealand, New Zealanders and the country …you should be blaming the Nactional Party”

      Half right.

      Blame lays squarely at the foot of NZ Media and it’s Controllers.

      An outside view; and if we look at this Irish analyst’s numbers, it should be worrisome.

      CONCLUSION: “NZ Media behaves more like activists masquerading as journalists.” !!

      In a nutshell. Highly entertaining. Enjoy or cry;

      “What we learned from lauren & stefan’s australia / nz tour”

      We should all be highly embarrassed over this whole sequence of events.
      When outsiders can look in and see the bleeding obvious.
      The dumbed down propaganda machine that is the NZ Media.

      Cringe, cringe, cringe.

      “Activism masquerading as Journalism.” !!

      Very precise and even more sinister.


  4. I’m not sure if it has been mentioned here already, but the speech Stefan Molyneux was going to give in NZ until the woke left stopped him, has been posted on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzL4za_8u4o
    Worth a listen for those interested – he has very similar views to Brash. His core argument is that the left and indigenous people get upset over free speech largely because they get most of the Government handouts so by silencing the right they keep their gravy train going (i.e. simple self-interest). He apparently feels only white people pay net tax (seriously). He does make some imo good points on banks and debt later on.

    • This is Molyneux’s explanation du jour.
      The climate change hoax exists because of the money climate scientists get paid to toe the line – who needs science when Molyneux’s incisive mind nails base motives.

    • I forgot to mention he also goes to great lengths to explain how indigenous people are far better off under white rule due to all the advancements we bought them (e.g. vaccines, healthcare, education, technology, stop them eating babies (seriously) etc). i.e. they owe us, not the other way round.

  5. We’re going down with the ship , the pirates life we lead

    Yes we’re ready , to go down , with the ship and drown

    We’re ready to drown , as our ships going down,

    Hello death , here we come,

    Hello death here we come with our guns….

    Hank Williams III- with the ship – YouTube

    Pirates, – apart from the romanticized view of history , … were notorious criminals. As are , … the neo liberal cabal. Yet far more subtle. But unlike pirates,- the neo liberals never had Her Majesty’s Navy to hunt them down.

    Don Brash is a neo liberal. And like a good many Pirate leaders actually were, is eloquent and well spoken. Yet unlike in the bad old days , we don’t harm people, – we boycott, protest and debate them.

    Perhaps like Z says , ” Maybe if Brash wins it would be horrifying enough to jar the public out of their apathetic existence ” ,…and would provide good platform to zero in on the type of bigotry that has permeated this country driven by the neo liberal agenda.

    In actual fact I think it would be the final nail in the coffin for that angle of neo liberal attack. The public outcry would be tremendous.

  6. Yeah…? Nah. We don’t deserve that beautiful gentleman of honour and nobility. Of solemn integrity and measured intellectual, and clearly physical, prowess.
    We deserve better than that thing. And those other Things like it.
    Since the advent of news papers, radio and TV the ‘spitefully Machiavellian’ can deliver their psych’ control viruses like a syringe into our hearts and minds. We’re not to blame.They are.
    I’m not sure I’m entirely comfortable with your tongue in cheek berating of us @ MB. Things said, are absorbed. Whether tongue in cheek or not. That’s why I really do hate the noble Kiwi art of the piss take. I’m sure I’m, certainly unconsciously, guilty of it as much as another but I do avoid it if I take great care to. No good comes from good natured belittling. Unless, of course the other person is an enemy. Then, chuck the gloves away.
    Being told off doesn’t encourage people to rise to higher levels of being. They just feel humiliated and disempowered.
    More worryingly, creatures like brash will see us having a go at him as our weakness to be exploited. Because he can’t hear our suffering over the noise of how awesome he tells himself he is.

    • Brash is a drip (nerd,geek). Let’s allow his sincerity. He has his ideas and nothing else. Give him that due. Most of us on this site spent our teens sexless and idea-full. It allows us to reason him out of his thoughts. No Dr Fu Manchu.

  7. cant help but totally agree, nothing less than what we deserve for political apathy, guess thats why we are being targeted for a corporate take over bye the Bankster Cartel

  8. About as worthwhile as this meaningless award, amusing how it was founded by an Australian.

    Perhaps we can expect this sanctimonious, juvenile, spiteful, boring as fuck “free speech” charade to go to another level by duking it out through this crap by the nomination of Phil Goff and the Massey Vice-Chancellor. Rile up every miserable boring bastard again. Yawn.

  9. If Don Brash won NZer of the Year, that would speak volumes more about this country than all the wanky middle-class, privileged-white notions of so-called “free speech”. This will be a telling point in our history.

  10. Yes, with disappointment and despair, I agree with these comments:
    “This is the country that screams it’s the parents obligation to feed hungry kids, not schools.

    This is a country that shrugged at mass surveillance because their mate John Key said it didn’t exist.

    This is a country that runs a punitive prison nation that makes people more damaged coming out than they were when they went in.

    This is a country that treats renters as second class citizens.

    This is a country that blames the poor for being poor.

    This is a country that stole from Māori and then berates them for the pittance in reparations they are given.

    This is a country that blew $100m and threw thousands of beneficiaries onto the street for a meth hysteria that was never true and NO ONE is held accountable for that.”

    What more can I say, at least some understand what really goes on, and it gives me at least a little consolation knowing this.

    They go around promoting the country as ‘100 percent pure’, ‘clean and green’, even as ‘egalitarian’, but most of it is BS, sad to say.

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