What Has Trump Just Done?


WHAT HAPPENED this morning (9/5/18) has yet to be fully understood by the peoples of the world. Upon learning of President Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Iran Nuclear Deal, the temptation to simply roll one’s eyes and shake one’s head was hard to resist. Many would have recalled Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement and assumed his latest move was in a similar vein.

It is not.

Not only has Trump pulled the US out of the Iran Nuclear Deal (known officially as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action – JCPOA) but he has also announced his intention to impose the most stringent sanctions on what he calls “the Iranian regime”. Now, one might assume that this unilateral decision (while serious for those American companies which have, in good faith, recommenced trading with Iran) will leave the rest of the world’s traders unaffected.

It does not.

The world’s trading enterprises, large and small, have been told that they have between 90 and 180 days to extricate themselves from any contracts they may have entered into with Iranian citizens and/or organisations, or face the full wrath of the American government. In other words, the US is telling the rest of the world who it can, and, more importantly, who it cannot, trade with on Planet Earth.

One has to go quite a long way back in history to find a precedent for this sort of behaviour. All the way back, in fact, to Napoleon Bonaparte’s attempt to prevent the imperial and national entities of Europe from trading with Great Britain. It was, to borrow Barack Obama’s phrase, “a serious mistake”. Not only did Napoleon’s “Continental System” fail to inflict serious damage on the British economy, but it also set in motion the diplomatic and military stratagems that, in just a few years, would bring the French Empire – and its Emperor – crashing down.

The rest of the world then – and now – cannot allow itself to be dictated to by a single state or a single individual. This is especially so if that single individual and the nation state he speaks for have stepped outside all the recognised boundaries of reasonable international conduct.

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It is important to state clearly and repeatedly that the JCPOA was signed by the United States, the four other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (China, Russia, France, the UK) and Germany. The agreement was then endorsed unanimously by the Security Council – giving it the force of international law. Repeated inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have confirmed that Iran is adhering strictly to its undertaking to halt its nuclear programme. President Trump’s unilateral abrogation of the agreement is, therefore, a breach of faith; a breach of trust; and a breach of international law.

Kaiser Wilhelm II is said to have described the 1839 treaty guaranteeing the neutrality of Belgium as a mere “scrap of paper”. It was his decision to ignore this “scrap” that pushed the British (and her dominions across the seas) into World War I. By tearing up the JCPOA, Trump has not only spat in the faces of the Russians, the Chinese and his closest allies, but also in the faces of every other member of the United Nations. Like the Kaiser, he is convinced that his contempt for the rest of the world will provoke no response of which he need be afraid. The rest of the world, he has been assured, will not jeopardise its relationship with the United States for the sake of Iran.

Maybe not.

World leaders will look at the people around Trump: Mike Pompeo, the US Secretary of State; John Bolton, Trump’s National Security Advisor; and Rudi Giuliani, the President’s friend and lawyer; and they will see a neo-conservative cabal which is not only unafraid of unleashing war, but in whose estimation the unleashing of war represents the most expeditious and effective means of “making America great again”.

Trump’s tearing-up of the JCPOA will, therefore, be interpreted by the rest of the world as the first step along the road to bringing about “regime change” in Tehran. The probable sequence is tried and tested. Impose an economic blockade to “make the economy scream”. Launch a bombing campaign to degrade Iran’s vital infrastructure. Organise an “uprising” by internal enemies of the Iranian government. (An uprising not unlike the CIA-MI6-sponsored coup that toppled Iran’s only democratically-elected government in 1953.)

The rest of the world, however, will pay a very high price if it opts to appease the United States and its President. Global capitalism cannot operate in a world where goods and services cannot flow freely across borders. If it allows the US to impose economic sanctions (a power formerly reserved to the UN Security Council) upon any nation state it deems to be an enemy and enforces those sanctions in defiance of international trade agreements (not to mention international law!) then the globalised capitalist economic order will fall apart.

China cannot afford to let that happen. Its economy (and the politically vital prosperity it generates) depends upon a world across which goods, capital and labour are able to move freely. Russia, too, cannot afford to remain inert in the face of an economic blockade and/or a military assault upon its Iranian allies. The governments of Germany, France and the UK will similarly have to weigh up the costs and benefits of permitting the United States to control their trade and overthrow governments at will.

Trump’s announcement that he is tearing up the JCPOA and imposing the most stringent economic sanctions upon Iran will either go down in history (assuming there is anyone left to write it!) as the move which set the US on course to becoming an unabashed global tyrant; or, as the actions which precipitated the creation of a global coalition of nations dedicated to the containment of the United States.

Perhaps America’s erstwhile allies should take a leaf out of Benjamin Netanyahu’s book and produce for Trump’s exclusive viewing a short YouTube video explaining Halford Mackinder’s famous formula for global hegemony: “He who controls Eastern Europe controls the Heartland; he who controls the Heartland controls the World Island; he who controls the World Island controls the World.” It could show, using simple but exciting graphics, exactly how the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Peoples Republic of China, when brought together in a self-defensive alliance with Iran, Iraq and Syria (and quite possibly the nations of Africa and South America) would fulfil completely the components of Mackinder’s geopolitical prescription.

Far from making America great again, Donald Trump’s reckless tearing-up of the Iran Nuclear Deal may actually signal the beginning of the end of the United States’ global supremacy.



    • Indeed, but frightening. Trump seems determined on war against Iran one way or another. This could be “Democracy’s” biggest failure in history. Maybe after so-called Democracy has failed in the US, maybe people will argue that it could work under better circumstances, just as some say of Marxist communism nowadays. Trump has no conceivable right to do what he is doing. He won an election in the US, and then rubbishes International protocol, the UN, and everything?

  1. Trump is simply doing what he campaigned on. He essentially seems hell-bent on undoing everything Obama achieved. While it comes as no surprise he’s done what he said he was going to do, I’m much more interested in seeing if the other signatories (Germany, France, UK, China and Russia), are willing to risk sanctions from the US should they continue the deal. Personally, I very much doubt it – the UK will cave first, especially given Brexit, and the whole thing will disintegrate after that.
    Assuming that happens, if Trump is genuinely serious about containing Iran and not allowing them a nuclear weapon, he’ll be forced into preemptive military action that will undoubtedly cost far more lives and money than Iraq (Iran has 80 million citizens vs Iraq’s 37 million). When the US coffins and trillian+ military bill roll in for the US, it’ll be interesting to see if Trump still says the Iran Nuclear Accord was a “bad deal”.

    • Divide and Rule, that is what Mr Trump does, with his former and present Trump Empire workers, with his Republican Party members and candidates, with his US allies in Europe and Asia and Latin America, they are all sent the message, you are not trusted and supported, unless you show LOYALTY to me and USA.

      The rest of the world can get screwed, according to Trump, no doubt about it.

      And he will NOT fear a war, he will be happy to start it with his son in law Kushner as loyal Zionist ally of Netanyahu.

      Comes to mind again, have these guys a point?


      Worrying, perhaps, but this also:


      Anyway, prepare for WAR!

    • Exactly. He know sthat in a pyramid scheme, you cannot all be winners, and he damn-well isn’t going to be a loser. At the expense of everything and everyone else, he’ll cling to his money, even as the world burns.

  2. The US can only enforce these sanctions as long as the US dollar remains the world’s principal reserve currency.
    Trade embargoes can be got around, and other currencies like the yuan and euro used, with alternatives to Swift revved up. The US could be cutting its own throat as the more heavy handed it gets, the more other countries seek ways of trading that avoid the US and its institutions.
    The UK has always been the US back door to Europe, maybe after Brexit, Europe might find the courage to defy the US and act in its own interests

    • Mind you we cant trust the other side can we?

      Remember the EU sided with Tony Blair saying Iraq had ‘mass weapons of war’ but didn’t so is this all bluff like North Korea?

      We live in a false reality bucket of lies today so what really is actually real?

    • Merkel, Macron and May couldn’t even organise a simple boarder check with out come consulting the wonderful Boris Johnson. It never ceases to amaze me how perilous the situation is. Since no one barely does any business with Iran, pulling out of the US end of the deal won’t cause any real harm, yet. Although I should note the USN 2nd Fleet Command was reformed to deal with increased operations after Russia’s recent “surprise y’all the Russian Miliatry wasn’t stuck in the cold war after all the vectorial (Comrade KGB Putin, you are properly saluted) nothing to do with men ships and machine, there still basically as they are since Obamas pivot to Asia. But Iran hasn’t violated their end of the deal, it just leaves the United States looking like an unreliable partner who is unable to keep up their end of the bargain. Iran gets to look like the reasonable adult and gets to keep all the benefits they get from the deal from all the OTHER nations that signed on with it. I’m yet to hear any country that supports this move although I suspect the 20 old countries that supported the wonderful Boris johnsons russia gate claims will fall in behind.

  3. The USA may isolate itself (again) and lose the support of its allies (previous) but this time it has a radioactive fall back….let us hope someone responsible has hidden the key.

  4. Trump needs another Crisis to keep the US citizens minds busy and to take the focus off what is going on inside the USA.

    Why don’t we all go Non-Nuclear then the problem is solved ?

    The world will be a lot safer place without the USA and Israel pointing the finger at every one else ?

  5. Of course, Europe and the States pay for all of Iran’s efforts, whatever they happen to be. By purchasing gas from Russian and joint investments in Arctic oil platforms they subsidize Russian oil who then invest it in Iran, who naturally divert the funds from there to weapons. Artificially creating a boogeyman in the middle east to sell yet more weapons and manage the perpetual crisis pantomime. In summary, it’s fake. Artificial crisis in lieu of real leadership, wholly manufactured by big oil and the milindustrial complex.

  6. With friends like the USA who needs enemies. This is just the latest in a long list of betrayals by the USA. This is why the Russians call the USA “non agreement capable”. Ironically this will drive up the price of oil and throw the USA even deeper into the unacknowledged recession it is already in. Maybe that is the silver lining. It will hasten the end of American dollar global dominance. Instead of listening to Hilary Clinton’s fear mongering about Chinese influence NZ needs to adopt a prudent approach and jump on board the One Belt One Road project that will be the saviour of the world economy once the USA has finished bankrupting itself.

    • Instead of listening to Hilary Clinton’s fear mongering about Chinese influence NZ needs to adopt a prudent approach and jump on board the One Belt One Road project that will be the saviour of the world economy once the USA has finished bankrupting itself.

      That would be going down the same failed route as the Bretton Woods agreement that set up the US$ as the Reserve Currency. Which was broken unilaterally by the US when it dropped the Gold Standard.

      No. The first step is to ensure that all currencies float against each other under a single, trade weighted, formula.

  7. I tuned into the Donald Show again, tonight NZ time, earlier today I also listened to the Donald Show, live from US America, the land of the ‘free idiots’ and selfish, grandiose narcissists also.

    A ‘wonderful’ land of the plenty, the plenty for some, morsels for the rest, try harder, you useless tryers.

    So The Donald did it, he did as I expected, and I expect the show to continue, to carry on, to bring us more entertainment and excitement, you won’t need video or online gaming now, the REAL game is coming soon, with REAL missiles, REAL explosives and REAL war, just as it was prepared and implemented in the gamers best territory for warfare, IRAQ.

    Replace the letter at the end, and we have IRAN, wow, get ready, get your guns out, get the targets set, get ready, shoot, shoot and bang, bang and bang, it will go and make BANG and BUMP and Bahoom, and more.

    Never have times in history more ‘exciting’, I am so excited, I want REAL war now, I want it, get it done, Donald, I am warming up to you, you really are the one the scriptures wrote about, that is the prophets, the one who will lead us into ARMAGEDDON, and salvation will come, after that, just get it done, thanks, we want Christian Salvation, get it done, make sure NO nukes will be left, shoot them ALL off, thanks, get it done, NOW!

    We are witnessing history, the last days of humanity, Iran must be bombed, Israel in return, and US, China, the rest, bomb the shit out of them, to level the ground, so the Saviour can come to save us all, thank you.

    TRUMP must be an Angel sent by GOD, any doubt???

  8. “The rest of the world then – and now – cannot allow itself to be dictated to by a single state or a single individual. This is especially so if that single individual and the nation state he speaks for have stepped outside all the recognised boundaries of reasonable international conduct.”

    But that is what Trump is doing, he is ‘grandiose’, he believes in his own (selfish) ‘mission’, he is close to being mad, no doubt, and I knew when that man was voted to become President of the mighty USA, we better prepare for the WORST, even WW3, I am NOT kidding.

    I like your comparison with Kaiser Wilhelm the Second, he was also one ‘outspoken’ and ‘grandiose’ ruler, but contained by the dictate of conditions of that time in history, where we had no media and mass manipulation like to day, and where the technological means of warfare were more primitive.

    But he brought serious consequences upon Germany, the whole of Europe, we know the rest. I am still hesitant to compare the nutty Trump with Hitler, but that ‘grandiose’ man did even worse, as we know.

    I am waiting for Kim Yong Un making his expected U-Turn, to say to Trump, if they meet, hey, I quite like your style, but hey, we are NOT stupid, I cannot agree to your terms.

    What the hell will happen then, it will be a huge mess, the present conduct by Herr Trump towards Iran will teach the leader of North Korea, do NOT trust the Yankee Doodle Sack, that is a lying bastard in sheep clothing, perhaps.

    So once Kim will realise the game and challenge, and take according action, and Trump will feel humiliated, we will have TWO fronts of potential war, add Russia and Putin, add China feeling encircled, we will have the perfect scenario for WW3, wait and prepare, I have told you before.

  9. A txt-message I sent to ‘Morning Report’ today;

    Its time the world put economic sanctions on the United States. They undermine world stability and support terrorist regimes like saudi arabia and israel.

    09 May 2018

    The US has become a rogue state.

    • Only by one individual, an expert high level manipulator and self serving one too, doing what he does, hire and fire at will, and the survivors are all too scared to challenge him.

      Reminds me of many employment situations I had, I hate such bosses, but they know how to play the game, and there are many like that in business and even government departments here in NZ Inc also.

      So people get taken hostage, and sent to doomsday commandos in the end. We know the rest, may as well sign up with a jihadi group brand then, but hey, that is the wrong cause and wrong religion, we better be pro Zionist.

      • Simonm: “Was RNZ brave enough to broadcast your text Frank?”

        Not that I heard. But then, RNZ isn’t big on bravery. That applies in particular to Morning Report, which specialises in uncritical broadcasting of propaganda from US, EU and UK media outlets. Feedback that is broadcast tends to be that pertaining to local issues, but little or nothing to do with international affairs.

    • The US is actually sanctioning itself by imposing sanctions left right and centre. It is also demonstrating the dangers to independent nations of globalisation . And the hazard of allowing one nation’s currency to be the sole medium of international exchange. The US is applying it’s privilege in these areas as a weapon. Surely the rest of the world will find a remedy.
      D J S

    • After sending three respectful and i considered concise and on topic emails to rnz nat at various times (obviously not toeing the party line) and not having one referred to on air, i would be astonished if your txt was broadcast Frank

  10. “The world’s trading enterprises, large and small, have been told that they have between 90 and 180 days to extricate themselves from any contracts they may have entered into with Iranian citizens and/or organisations, or face the full wrath of the American government. In other words, the US is telling the rest of the world who it can, and, more importantly, who it cannot, trade with on Planet Earth.”

    America First means the US Imperialist Dictatorship as so designed by one Donald Trump, not the Duck, is exactly that, a dictatorship, and that will be resisted, and it will lead to the same fate that hit the once Roman Empire.

    • Designed ? whats that ?intelligent design or some thing ? nothing is inevitable Mark .with Trump at the wheel War is likely but you never can tell and there are a lot of people hoping for peace.and working for it too .

  11. At the risk of being called a shill for America’s Trump:

    I’d point out that the now sunken Iran Deal was never in full swing and is unlikely to affect much, other than add more volatility to oil futures and forcing an ayatollah or two, to make their children drive a Toyota.

    The above article makes good points about trust and international agreements, however, Trump did campaign on tearing up many of these agreements or at least renegotiating them.

    Trumps sanctions on and provocations towards North Korea (DPRK) have been very effective for him. I see how it could be advantageous for Trump to be seen as a President who isn’t afraid to do something different – rather than the status quo.

    Pulling out of the Iran Deal might be signaling the DPRK that upcoming talks better bear fruit, fruit which Trump deems sweet, or else! This could be Trump’s biggest, overlooked, virtue? – the ability to try something totally different when things aren’t working .. that’s not to say things aren’t/weren’t working.

    But yeah, the guy likes to mix it up .. plus he’s been in office for a year and hasn’t started a new war, that’s probably pretty good historically lol.

    • Sounds about right. This is so like trump. Swimming against the Sharks never looked so scary. He’s done this his entire life and we even got a glimps on the apprentice. I mean I’m not surprised because I suspected as much.

  12. No War

    What will our government do about this move to war?

    When will the Prime Minister summon the US ambassador to her Beehive office and convey to him our message that his government’s egregious breach of international law does not have this country’s support.

    When will the Prime Minister announce clearly on the international stage that she has given the US ambassador to New Zealand a message from her government in Wellington, to convey to his government in Washington, that this country does not and will not support his country’s move to war, and will not be sending troops or funds to support it.

    Will the current leader of the opposition, Simon Bridges, be able to do a convincing a screaming skull act in parliament as John Key, when Key was leader of the opposition, and Prime Minister Clark announced that this country would not support the US invasion of Iraq?

    Or will the Prime MInister remain silent?

    It is important to state clearly and repeatedly that the JCPOA was signed by the United States, the four other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (China, Russia, France, the UK) and Germany. The agreement was then endorsed unanimously by the Security Council – giving it the force of international law. Repeated inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have confirmed that Iran is adhering strictly to its undertaking to halt its nuclear programme. President Trump’s unilateral abrogation of the agreement is, therefore, a breach of faith; a breach of trust; and a breach of international law.

    Chris Trotter

    All politics is pressure.

    Will Jacinda Ardern ignore the pressure to stay silent and become the leader she was born to be, and “state clearly and repeatedly that the JCPOA was signed by the United States, the four other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (China, Russia, France, the UK) and Germany. The agreement was then endorsed unanimously by the Security Council – giving it the force of international law.” Will the PM deservedly carpet the US Ambassador for his country’s breach of international law or not?

    • Our Jacinda may think like Zack, best keep the mouth zipped and see what develops. Trump won’t go to war.

  13. One point that needs discussion, reading and research, is Trump basically taking orders from Netanyahu ?  And how much does Trump covet and even depend on huge financial contributions from Sheldon Adelson, the multi-billionaire supporter of Netanyahu and his regime?

    Phil Weiss writing in mondoweiss.net 09 May
    “By Wrecking Iran Deal, Trump Politicized Israel”

    “Democrats will have to take on Israel and the lobby. Yes, they will cover their behind by saying what J Street and Nancy Pelosi do, lots of former Israeli security chiefs were for the deal. But that’s a figleaf. There is a powerful rightwing Israel lobby, and Netanyahu is the leader. These are the same forces that pushed for the Iraq war 16 years ago to such ill effect for the Middle East, and they are sowing destruction once again.
    During the Iraq debacle there was a reluctance to call out the Israel lobby for its role. Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer were smeared for stating what Col. Lawrence Wilkerson said was “obvious,” that the war probably wouldn’t have happened without the lobby “

  14. Iran announced they will be re-engaging their nuclear weapons programme , or words to that effect.

    Saudi Arabia has announced that if Iran developes nukes then they will follow suit. Just what the volatile Middle East needs, Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia all with a nuclear arsenal.

    Thank you President Trump. You’ve just pushed us closer to Doomsday.

  15. I don’t think the US wants an all out war – it would be un-popular in the US and something the Don campaigned against. However, there is a long term pattern that has emerged since the first Iraq war and this seems to be to maintain perpetual political instability in the Middle East.
    The economic benefits to the US, the UK and France in particular are huge when you add up all the arms exports to countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bharain, UAE etc. This latest decision by Trump is a marketing action on behalf of the arms industry – all out war is not the intention here.

  16. Will President Trump receive his Nobel Prize for Peace before or after the US or its ally Israel launch missile attacks against Iran?

  17. If it allows the US to impose economic sanctions (a power formerly reserved to the UN Security Council) upon any nation state it deems to be an enemy and enforces those sanctions in defiance of international trade agreements (not to mention international law!) then the globalised capitalist economic order will fall apart.

    You do understand that it’s already falling apart right? That’s what the GFC was and the ongoing morass of the capitalist system as the rich seek ever more ways of having more money and wealth without actually doing anything and the physical limits of the world are exceeded (see climate change).

    Trump’s announcement that he is tearing up the JCPOA and imposing the most stringent economic sanctions upon Iran will either go down in history (assuming there is anyone left to write it!) as the move which set the US on course to becoming an unabashed global tyrant;

    The US has always been a global tyrant. It has always invaded other nations militarily for it’s own purposes killing the people and taking the resources of that nation.

    The world has changed and such actions are now becoming seen as the immoral and self-serving actions that they are.

    A question: How many people has the US killed for capitalism?

    Far from making America great again, Donald Trump’s reckless tearing-up of the Iran Nuclear Deal may actually signal the beginning of the end of the United States’ global supremacy.

    We can but hope. The dominance of a single nation over the world has always resulted in catastrophe.

  18. No War

    What will New Zealand do about this move to war by the US?

    Will the Prime Minister become the leader she was born to be, and step onto the world stage to clearly announce, that she has summoned the US ambassador to New Zealand to her Beehive office, for him to pass on to Washington our message, written in no uncertain terms; That New Zealand does not, and will not, condone or support this move to war.

    And further, so that there is no misunderstanding on this matter between Washington and Wellington. – That on the outbreak of hostilities between Iran and its allies and America and its allies; “New Zealand does not and will not give any military or other support to this war.
    Including not allowing any NZDF personal, long term leave. If any part of that ‘leave’ is to be used to ‘unofficially’ take part in or give support to this war. On pain of court martial.

    Will Simon Bridges as leader of the opposition be able to deliver a convincing a screaming skull address in parliament, to match that of John Key’s address attacking the government of Prime Minister Clark for not supporting the US war on Iraq and threatening all sorts of dire consequences for our trade if we don’t toe the line?

    It is important to state clearly and repeatedly that the JCPOA was signed by the United States, the four other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (China, Russia, France, the UK) and Germany. The agreement was then endorsed unanimously by the Security Council – giving it the force of international law. Repeated inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have confirmed that Iran is adhering strictly to its undertaking to halt its nuclear programme. President Trump’s unilateral abrogation of the agreement is, therefore, a breach of faith; a breach of trust; and a breach of international law.

    Chris Trotter

    All politics is about pressure

    Will Prime Minister Ardern publicly condemn this breach of “international law”, or will she bow to pressure and keep silent. Will her silence see us being dragged into another US led war?

    Time will tell

  19. ‘Let me cut to the chase. Every single world leader knows Trump’s full of shit. Even more importantly, the citizens of their nations also know it. Everyone with a functioning brain understands that pulling out of the Iran deal has nothing to do with terrorism, nuclear bombs or any other fairytale propagated by U.S. neocons. This is simply about the existence of a non-U.S. client state in a key strategic region sitting on massive oil reserves. It’s about empire — global games of power and money fueled by a desperate attempt to hold on to a unipolar world where the U.S. bosses everyone around.

    A global empire will keep pushing and pushing until something snaps. The leaders of empire become convinced of their invincibility right before the end, and the U.S. is no different. Given the rise of China economically and militarily, as well as Russia exerting its influence in Syria, the writing’s already on the wall as far as where the world’s headed. Towards a multi-polar planet in which the U.S. will still have influence, but far less than it’s enjoyed since WW2. While shifts are already well underway beneath the radar, American leadership refuses to admit it. A serious decline of U.S. global power as a result of major mistakes related to Iran will begin to play out publicly from here.’


  20. Yep, the Chinese organ-harvesting dictatorship is so much better than the USA… the “left” has officially jumped the shark after drinking copious amounts of kool aid 😉

  21. Former President of the United States Barak Obama had this to say about the Iran deal.


    I think the deal is more alive than dead. The other P5 members plus Germany are committed to it, as is Iran, which is compliant as far as the U.S. intelligence community can tell.

    Trump and Netanyahu want war. They don’t want peace. Gotta do something with all those armaments so their logic goes.

  22. This is all about provoking Iran, thus allowing Israel and Saudi Arabia to have a crack at Iran – they’ve been gagging to do this for years. As soon as I heard about Trump’s decision, coming soon after the ridiculous pantomime by Netanayou (whatever), I thought “This is kick-the-shit out of Iran time”. It is all so damned obvious and desperately dangerous.

  23. The EU says the US cannot unilaterally undo the agreement and that they, the EU are committed to it and urge Iran to holdfast. Iran switched from using the dollar to the Euro recently. I hope that the conclusion to this very informative article is correct, it looks like it is playing out this way. Robert Fisk says, in an article in The Independent today, that the US has become a state of Israel.

  24. The Americans are going to get flattened and it serves the bastards right for voting for a narcissistic sadist.
    But don’t worry. Bruce willis will save them.

  25. Trump’s decision forces Europe, the EU, and even the UK, to consider better relations with Russia and China, the US are on a self destructive track, that is under the madman in the White House.

  26. Trump is the master of the paycheque, he knows this:

    “The United States pays 22 and 28 percent of these budgets, respectively. Assessed dues also finance other UN bodies, including the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Trade Organization.”

    US America mostly get its way, sadly.

    Same with the World Bank:



    As a BIG financial contributor, the US can hold most of the world to ransom, when it comes to what they want.

    Trump knows this, and uses this power, ruthlessly.

    Are there still any ‘leftists’ sympathising with Donald Trump???

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