PHRC response to Israel Institute Press Release – Palestine Human Rights Campaign


On 21 December 2017, the Director of the Israel Institute of New Zealand, David Cumin, published a press release urging the New Zealand Government to vote against a UN resolution criticising the US decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Cumin described the resolution as “misguided and a politicisation”. Of course, Cumin was onto a loser because if anything is a ‘politicisation’ it is the Zionist military Occupation of Jerusalem.

Israel’s annexation Wall continues to threaten the livelihoods of hundreds of Palestinian families and Bethlehem has beensurrounded with ever-growing illegal Occupation settlements on Palestinian land; for the first time in over 2000 years Jerusalemfinds itself separated from Bethlehem.

Anna Baltzer, National Organiser for the US-based Jewish Voice for Peace reminds usof the conditions that Palestinians are forced to live under, for instance: Israeli military checkpoints are shut down for Palestinian ID holders so Israeli soldiers can have time off, freezing freedom of movement for those trying to reach their lands, jobs, schools, and families.” Anna also recalls “ . . .the massive menorah erected by Israeli soldiers at the Zatara checkpoint between Ramallah and Nablus as a reminder to Palestinians of who was in charge and to whom Israel believes the land belongs.”

Anna Baltzer’s response to this ugly and inappropriate association of Jewish identity and symbols with such evil has been the lighting of candles to “shine a light on a different vision – one characterised by justice and liberation rather than discrimination and racism.” She comments, “none of us, no matter who we are, can afford to let Israel’s violent oppression of Palestinians continue.”This message will be well appreciated by the New Zealand Government because this country has a tradition of respect for international law and New Zealand stands by its commitments.

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Our Government’s independent stand in supporting international law and refusing to give way to Trump’s threats is right and proper. But is it enough? So long as Israel remains unaccountable for its actions, the atrocities will continue. For the Zionist enterprise, Trump’s irrational performance may yet prove to be an own goal. The world is seen to be divided now between those who believe that might justifies hegemony, which the US has openly joined, and traditional supporters of international law and universal justice. The fault lines have opened and the world can at last see the truth that has so long been buried beneath circumlocution and dishonesty. The two-state solution has evaporated forever and a historic opportunity has taken its place. The world must, with all speed, embrace the possibility of an end to the ideology of apartheid in the Holy Land. Let New Zealand build upon the respect it has earned for sponsoring Security Council Resolution 2334 and take the next step towards a new global understanding of past injustices and future remedies. Make this call to the whole world: One land with justice and equal rights for all!


  1. “The two-state solution has evaporated forever and a historic opportunity has taken its place. “

    Yeah, let us see, what a one state may one day look like. Good bye Zionism, I reckon, you will end up being the minority, or at least have to learn sharing your lands and resources with the rightful occupants of Palestine, whose ancestors had lived there for centuries.

    That seems to be the only ‘solution’ now, I dread think of another, less humane alternative, let us hope that will be spared all that now live in modern day Israel and the Occupied Territories, together being One Palestine.

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