The speed with which the University of Canterbury report into the connections between the National Party and China has been utterly ignored by the mainstream media of NZ gives a real hint as to the power these Chinese Business interests now have over the rest of the country.
A comprehensive Academic report that links senior National Party MPs and leaders directly with Chinese Business interests and policy that seems to enable and help those Chinese Business interests should lead every news bulletin for a week.
News that China have purchased farms in NZ to test high altitude balloons which help the Chinese military target their missiles is an explosive revelation yet it has been totally smothered in the NZ media.
Hell, even the New York Times has run a lead story on the Chinese spy inside the National Party…
A New Zealand Lawmaker’s Spy-Linked Past Raises Alarms on China’s Reach
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — Revelations that a New Zealand lawmaker had been a member of the Communist Party in China and taught English to spies there have raised alarms about Beijing’s influence in New Zealand — and how well the political parties there vet their candidates.
Jian Yang, a lawmaker with the center-right National Party, did not declare his past Communist Party affiliation or his work teaching spies in China on his New Zealand citizenship application. He was returned to Parliament for a third term in the country’s Sept. 23 elections.
Days before the election, as some New Zealanders were casting advance ballots, Mr. Yang’s background was exposed in a joint investigation by The Financial Times and the New Zealand online media outlet Newsroom.
While New Zealand is a small country, it is a member of the “Five Eyes” intelligence sharing partnership along with the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia. And so vulnerabilities in New Zealand’s government could have wider import.
Mr. Yang admitted that in the 1980s and early ’90s, before emigrating to Australia and then moving to New Zealand to teach at a university, he studied and taught at two Chinese educational institutions run by the People’s Liberation Army, China’s armed forces.
He said he had not named the Chinese military institutions on his application for New Zealand citizenship, and had instead listed “partner institutions” as his employers, because that was what the Chinese “system” had told him to do.
Mr. Yang conceded that he had taught English to spies, but said he had never been a spy himself, was no longer a member of the Communist Party, and had been contracted and paid only as a so-called civilian officer.
Mr. Yang has not been officially investigated in New Zealand or charged with espionage.
But Nicholas Eftimiades, a former officer with the Central Intelligence Agency with extensive experience on China matters, said the title of civilian officer was a fluid one in China.
Mr. Eftimiades, now a lecturer at Penn State Harrisburg in Pennsylvania, said officers moved seamlessly between military and civilian assignments to include Chinese army units and work in the defense industry, think tanks and universities.
…yet in NZ, a report detailing that the National Party are little more than a front for Chinese Business interests and that China are actively seeking to influence our democracy is completely ignored by the rest of the NZ mainstream media.
It’s not like the allegations are false, they are well researched and legitimate. Whose interests are the media serving by ignoring such naked political manipulations?
There has been more media coverage of Duncan Garner leaving bloody Twitter than the power Chinese Business interests now hold over the National Party.
The US who have given NZ power and access with the 5 Eyes technology will become increasingly alarmed at the influence China has over the country and the ramifications of this relationship between National and China will be born out if Labour and NZ First form a Government and clamp down on foreign land ownership.
Holy crap !
… ” He said he had not named the Chinese military institutions on his application for New Zealand citizenship, and had instead listed “partner institutions” as his employers, because that was what the Chinese “system” had told him to do.Mr. Yang has not been officially investigated in New Zealand or charged with espionage.
But Nicholas Eftimiades, a former officer with the Central Intelligence Agency with extensive experience on China matters, said the title of civilian officer was a fluid one in China.
Mr. Eftimiades, now a lecturer at Penn State Harrisburg in Pennsylvania, said officers moved seamlessly between military and civilian assignments to include Chinese army units and work in the defense industry, think tanks and universities ” …
The Americans sure don’t mess around telling it like it is , – and naming New Zealand as part of the ‘ five eyes spy network ‘ .
And yes , Martyn ,… you are dead right about Labour Greens and NZ First throwing a real spanner in the works of all those cozy business relationships going on within the senior National party causing real international consternation…
A Labour , Greens , NZ First coalition is going to clean out all the rot , and in a timely fashion.
Nationals day of judgement is drawing nearer and nearer,… and then there is the matter of Pike River ,… and a whole raft of other mendacity’s..
The man should be forcibly removed from the country and an independent inquiry of non National ministers, into how this was allowed.
Picture; Three crooks looking very smug there in the picture is what I find clear.
Yes the media is so tooothless at investigating the deep state chinese connections with the current crooks Government that will sooon be history.
Only after they are sacked will the MSM come oit and show as if they are serious about foriegn influence in our Government today.
We hope it is soon as the chinese play hard and for keeps.
Don’t forget that the Wage Slave Labour Party signed the Free Slave Agreement with the world’s largest dictatorship, or the fact that there are Chinese agents in the Labour Party, too. There is going to be violent civil war in No Zealand, and the neo-colonial Chinese land and power grab will be one of the leading causes.
So we all get to charge around in a large field with rolled up newspapers and flour bombs and swat each other over the head with a rolled up NZ Herald?
Count me in !, – always wanted to do that !
Form a badly unregulated militia and get in touch with ALF’s Imperial Army or the Clan McGillicuddy. We do paper sword and flour bomb battles every couple of years and its great fun!
I’ love to drop flour bombs from a tiger moth like we saw during the 1981 spingboks tour remember WK?
L0L !
Shhhh ! ,… this is a very sensitive time for the far right element in NZ at this time ,… they are entering a stage of mourning by all looks…
Good stuff Bomber , we need to keep whatever pressure we can mount on those that may have the means to investigate.
“The US who have given us such power and access with the 5 Eyes technology will become increasingly alarmed at the influence China has over the country and the ramifications of this relationship between National and China will be born out if Labour and NZ First form a Government and clamp down on foreign land ownership.”
As I’ve stated previously the nuts and bolts of any Labour/Green/NZF coalition agreement must include a rigorous plan for coalition management.
Foremost in any such plan needs to be the management of public perception and crucially the dismantling, nay dismemberment of the Gnats good news/dirty tricks media machine.
The pernicious surveillance legislation is there to be used and the obvious starting point is a cross agency/department investigation of the Chinese Business interests influence on the National Party.
There’s been snippets here and there over the past 12 years about the ongoing funding of the Gnats , eg High dollar dinner dates with PM/ministers etc and the it’s obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than room temperature that the costs involved in the vast dirty tricks machine must be enormous .
Follow the money.
Take no prisoners!
Why? …because If China pulls the pin on NZ investment our rock star economy wont have the wherewithal to purchase a newspaper is why
I must chose my RNZ listening times carefully lest I stumble into kath ryan’s polluting, right wing bias. She’s like when at a barbi and someone chucks on a plastic bottle. It gets up the nose, in the hair and stinks like buggery. And unless I’m mistaken, RNZ is the best msm we have.
The Kiwi-as MSM have been neutered by their outrageous salaries and no doubt back handers. They don’t dare challenge the Corporate Criminal hand that scoops our money up then hands it to them to push their plots and plans.
1000% CB,
Kath Ryan is a right wing stooge and we want her gone when Winston takes over RNZ.
She was helicoptered in by National’s Propagandist SS Joyce for this election so she is now on borrowed time, as SS Joyce is yah yeh yeh!!!!!
not sure Dildo Baggins had much influence back in 2006
Given his previous work history that has been revealed, along with that which is still unknown, Jian Yang’s presence within the NZ government should have triggered alarms going off very loudly, enough to alert msm to investigate.
But no.
Even though SIS has shown some interest in Yang, mainstream media has ignored this one, no doubt on strict instruction from Steven Joyce, to sweep it away, so as to not taint National any more than it already has been with it’s dirty sordid secret agenda!
It’s good Martyn and TDB are not letting this go, because it’s something which must be kept alive, to protect our sovereignty and as the NY Times article states, to also prevent far reaching ramifications occurring, affecting other nations with ties to NZ!
Mary, given the way the Todd Barclay issue was systematically shut down, I really can’t see anything coming of this. Your right about Joyce, he’s corrupt as hell.
Indeed, – Little Toddles and his problems have grown awfully quiet as of late , I should think hes happily tucked away in a plush London flat at about this time,…
Hi Mary_A
There was a Jian Wang caught operating a spy agency in SA over ten years ago and he was also attached to an election scandal when it was found to be rigged?
Interesting Cleangreen! Surely it can’t be possible two Jian Yangs to be involved in spying? Sounds a bit dubious.
Don’t take this comment the wrong way, but… Just how much do you know about Asian names? I live in South Korea, been here 8 & 1/2 years now, and I have personally met one person named Kim Jong Eun, and I have seen at least a dozen others named that on various social media platforms. Children take their father’s surname (Kim) and their own given name (Jong Eun.) Given that Kim is the “Smith” of Korean names, then yes, there really are a bunch of people with the same name. As for Chinese names, I don’t know the frequency of “Jian”, but given that there are 1.4 billion of them, I’d say there are at least several thousand with that name.
So, yes… There really can be two Jian Yangs involved in espionage. It’s no less likely than Steven Joyce being smacked in the face with a dildo.
For heavens sake bomber —perhaps the so called MSM has dropped it because the report is obviously bogus and utterly absurd in places (read her assertions concering Raymond Huo of Labour). It is trash research and even the Standard has pretty much dropped the matter
National does have members with business interests, and that will naturally mean business interests with the Chinese – as they are the world’s largest economy now and our largest export market. Its simply about sheer size- –indeed almost anyone in business nowadays is having something to do with China – its not going to be Iceland or Mauritius or Tonga is it? Nothing more sinister than that
And if the Chinese are trying to extend their influence, which they no doubt are, that should surely be seen as a good thing – it counterbalances the far greater US influence —at the moment NZ is still part of the Western imperialist bloc and supports the encirclement of China through active participation in the US led Five Eyes intelligence alliance.
John Pilger destroys myth of Chinese aggression
The Coming War on China
Yes , well we all know about John Pilger and the videos and are quite concerned at the 200 or so US bases surrounding China , but that doesn’t mean we should tolerate potential spy’s in our very govt just because we want to go out in sympathy for them , does it.
And as for National using diplomacy as leverage for personal business interests , – that could be argued there is a fair amount of conflict of interests going on. And we don’t want that either.
Then there is the small issue of NZ ‘ being part of the Western imperialist bloc’ , – I notice you conveniently forget NZ ‘s anti nuclear stance despite being in the 5 eyes agreement , and despite the USA , China has participated in its own form of power broking in its satellite neighbors in the past , therefore ,…
Giving no particular advantage or show of favoritism to either is the best policy.
“For heavens sake bomber —perhaps the so called MSM has dropped it because the report is obviously bogus and utterly absurd in places.”
Yeah, good thing they showed the same diligence when it came to the allegations of the $100,000 bottle of wine, right? Because they are so fucking onto it?
Seriously, they are morons. Don’t give them credit for intelligence when they’ve shown themselves to be such gullible wankers already.
The Silence of the Lambs
Why has no one of the media mentioned Billy English’ chinese Spy?
A member of his own Party. Faithful to Maoism in every detail.
Gradually assisting the complete occupation and acquisition of Land and Business within New Zealand – by the Dragon Juggernaut. Just as Key and English wanted.
The only answer that can be given, is that Katherine Ryan does not want to be sacked by the Honourable Mr Joyce. Or by Paula Bennett. Or by Michelle Boag.
Katherine would be in big trouble if it got out she had knowledge of our PM’s real dealings. Katherine appears to be gutless. I hope I am wrong, but she seems to detest anything that is not National NZ. Give her the dragon any day – or night.
Bully Jacinda. That’s right Katherine push her face into your right wing pollution. You are just another silent media lamb.
Keeping Faith with our Allies
It would be mighty strange for any king/queen maker to reappoint a Government who has within its ranks a Chinese National. Jian Yang has admitted apparently to teaching both Language and Chinese Spying to Mao Military personnel.
He has been Appointed to our Parliament by Billy English to cement the Chinese boundless opportunity to acquire our Land and our Businesses.
Is Billy English in need of mental health therapy? He has lit a fuse that NZ will regret forever. And we think the Donald is nutty !
Many years ago, while reporting on anti-WTO protests in Sydney for Indymedia, I allowed myself to be led into a situation that allowed me to get mugged by a youth. The reason I did that was because the youth was aboriginal, and I was afraid of being racist.
I wonder if something similar is going on with the NZ political class, including the broadcast media? Are we afraid of asking the same probing questions that we would ask about our political-economic relationships with UK or US government and business interests in the case of Chinese one, because we’re afraid of being racist? We’ve already seen the NatACTs pull the “racism” card on a number of occasions to deflect criticism of policy allowing foreign ownership of land in Aotearoa, for example. Could this be part of a larger PR strategy?
There’s a bulls-eye sitting on Bill English’s Prime Ministerial door and you just hit it.
Professor Brady’s paper is a must-read. It’s an excellent, in-depth piece of research. Probably too long and detailed for most people, it would be good to see a summary done somewhere. We’ve had snippets and pieces of the jigsaw but this delivers the whole enchilada.
What’s the difference between the Far Left and Fascism?
Not much, or so it seems by this racist article.
You support Chinese Communism, but none of us call you a racist.
You want more and more Dragon. We still don’t call you racist.
To declare persons who do not foster Communism as Fascists shows a weakness – perhaps a cowardice – in your thought.
National is under enough pressure. Don’t add to their troubles Andrew.
The far right National Government in a nutshell.
Keep people housed in cars, motels and shop entrances, all at the expense of immigration and foreign influence. But at least your alright Jack!
Whats the difference between globalism and treason ?
Not much according to THIS article:
New Right Fight – Who are the New Right?
Martyn don’t forget the NZ Herald has very close connections with Asia business groups such as the NZ China Council and Asia NZ who fund journalists to make sponsored trips to China.
Do you think they’re going to tell us the truth?
Simple: Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, that is what MSM think and know, same as many in business here in NZ Inc.. Upsetting China will not be good for business, so they think.
From Mother England all the way to the Middle Power. A change of masters, it seems.
Naw – same old shit , different labels.
You should know that by now.
New Right Fight – Who are the New Right?
The economic motivations behind this speak for themselves, here some useful propaganda:
Of course there will be huge interest by China and Chinese investors and business people in New Zealand, as a growing economy they want to do on the world stage things that other large economic powers do also.
Hence it will continue, the pressure to work with them, as little New Zealand is just a tiny power by comparison, very export oriented and thus dependent on other markets to allow its goods in.
We are simply a country a little bit bigger than Tonga and Fiji, who have already made many deals with China, and as the many business operators here view all this as an opportunity for them to grow, and enter new markets, this will not radically change, even if the Nats will not be able to govern.
They have just made the deals with local immigrants, simply to appeal to them as a party to vote for. As Nats are pro business and pro employer and so forth, they will dance with any partner, who offers them some advantages.
Nats are for sale, bewared, Labour may also be for sale, perhaps only for a slightly higher price.
Can we all acknowledge the speed of how the Left has embraced anti-immigrant hysteria of the populist Far Right?
This is all a storm in a teacup and a distraction from the real problems that beset our land. Now that Winston Peters is about to embrace the National Party can we at last stop pandering to this race baiting opportunist?
So called “populist” politicians, like Winston Peters (or Donald Trump) have nothing to offer the poor or working people. To garner support from these sections of the voting public, they scapegoat, the blame the ills of poor housing, low wages, pollution and resource depletion on immigrants. Usually Brown or Black or Asian immigrants
The result is that the underlying problems are never addressed, the working people of the world are set at each other’s throats, while the global elite, live it up.
Yeah? well NZ 1st are the only party offering NZ workers $20 an hour as a minimum wage Pat.
Pat O’Dea – Fantastic comment.
Peters is not ‘left’ by any sense of the imagination. He is New Zealand’s Trump —there is not one social ill he has not blamed on Asians, while there is not one social ill he has blamed on the mainstream Pakeha population (in fact we should never be pointing the finger at any particular ethnic group)
Even though it was white Europeans around the world and in this country that started off this whole neo-liberal experiment, and even though the cultural and social motivators of this movement are rooted in the unique and much vaunted individualism of the West and in particular the Anglo American West.
It is interesting that in spite far greater US presence in this part of the world, and the US being by far the greatest purveyor of death and destruction of any great power in recent history, the concerns expressed over imperialist projects such as the Five Eyes alliance come nowhere near to the racialized panic mongering that we see here, in spite of these sorts of horrors inflicted on our Pacific neighbours:
“In 1946, the US took over the Marshall Islands as a trust territory, but turned it into a “laboratory for the testing of nuclear weapons, and its people into guinea pigs,” the film says, adding that effects of the atomic bomb were also tested on animals.”
… ” while there is not one social ill he has blamed on the mainstream Pakeha population (in fact we should never be pointing the finger at any particular ethnic group) ” …
* You just did arsehole.
… ” Even though it was white Europeans around the world and in this country that started off this whole neo-liberal experiment ” ..
* You’ve just shown you’re pig shit ignorance and simplistic inverted racism for all to see as well as a total misunderstanding of who really has been behind the impoverishment of New Zealand .
Try this instead and get an education :
New Right Fight – Who are the New Right?
… ” It is interesting that in spite far greater US presence in this part of the world, and the US being by far the greatest purveyor of death and destruction of any great power in recent history ” …
Citation needed .
Unless only a personal opinion, please.
Oh , and I presume it is meant to read ‘ that in spite ‘of’ far greater ‘…( might make it easier to read … )
… ” the concerns expressed over imperialist projects such as the Five Eyes alliance come nowhere near to the racialized panic mongering that we see here, in spite of these sorts of horrors inflicted on our Pacific neighbours ” …
* Yes ,.. and I would presume you are a young fired up social justice warrior with an inverse racist bent directed against Caucasians coupled with a covert and undisclosed love for far right wing neo liberal policy’s that justify your avarice.
Just where were you when Greenpeace conducted protests at Moruroa Atoll ? Following on from that , – just where were you when David Lange challenged the might of the USA in banning nuclear powered warships in NZ ports?
Probably were not even born then.
As for the rest ,- to refute your inverse racist attitudes towards Caucasians ( as that is the demographic you seem most antagonistic against ) I present to ( again) the Rape of Nanking .
Why ?
Because of your seeming ‘ China- phile ‘ bias.
Which suspiciously seems to tie in nicely with current National party policy of insider trading with wealthy mainland Chinese business interests , – which would suggest you are either a National party troll defending ones own pecuniary gains , – or simply an embittered racist malcontent with an axe to grind against Caucasians .
So once again ,… a plethora of evidence of Asian upon Asian violence for your own edification and education as to the futility of selective racialism , which is akin to the same sort of base racist attitudes displayed by the NAZI’s:
Rape of Nanking Part I Atrocities in Asia Nanjing Massacre – YouTube
Video for rape of nanking you tube▶ 34:06
Rape of Nanking – YouTube
Video for rape of nanking you tube▶ 4:46
The Rape of Nanking – YouTube
Video for rape of nanking you tube▶ 14:56
‘Nanking’ with Woody Harrelson – Full Movie | Snagfilms – YouTube
Video for rape of nanking you tube▶ 1:29:54
Extremely rare evidence of Nanjing Massacre filmed by US … – YouTube
Video for rape of nanking you tube▶ 6:26
Rape of Nanking – YouTube
Video for rape of nanking you tube▶ 44:28
The Rape of Nanking – Trailer – YouTube
Video for rape of nanking you tube▶ 1:44
Iris Chang-The Rape Of Nanking (2007) – YouTube
Video for rape of nanking you tube▶ 1:34
Rape of Nanking – YouTube
Video for rape of nanking you tube▶ 44:24
Nirvana – Rape Me [Nanking!] – YouTube
Video for rape of nanking you tube▶ 2:51
Take your pick , newbie.
You have a lot to learn.
This is a curious retraction from earlier posts regarding your vehement vitriol against Caucasians,… have you found its not such a popular theme to push?
… ” there is not one social ill he has not blamed on Asians, while there is not one social ill he has blamed on the mainstream Pakeha population (in fact we should never be pointing the finger at any particular ethnic group)” …
… ” there is not one social ill he has not blamed on Asians ” …
* Has Peters referred to Asians at any times as being rapists , murderers and thieves ? Obviously not , … so the answer is no. In fact I do not recall Peters at any time time referring to Asians as blamable for all ‘social ills’, … so that’s obviously a fabrication coming from your own warped bias and political agenda.
…” while there is not one social ill he has blamed on the mainstream Pakeha population ” …
* Oh really ? – And you are saying the Winebox inquiry was all directed against Asians, Polynesians , Africans and those from the South American continent ? ,… and that the countless fraud , embezzlement , theft , murder and rape charges were ALL directed against non Caucasians to the exclusion of Caucasians to which Peters , … being a lawyer , – was unawares?
… ” (in fact we should never be pointing the finger at any particular ethnic group)” …
*And here’s where it really gets amusing.
Here’s where it really gets ingratiating, even conciliatory in its deference and appeal to gain approval , – but conciliatory such as a small child does when they know they have been caught out in their guilt in wrong doing ,… in other words ,… the ‘Appeal’ , … the ‘Question ‘ ,… to avoid being seen as overly assertive or ‘ precocious’…
Except at this point we realize we are , in fact , … dealing with an adult in a political column…
A fledgling political ‘adult’ who presumes to think that more seasoned adults will take at face value and place stock in such gullible naivety…
That day after day ,… of this cockeyed , twisted , self contradictory , inflammatory inverse racist bullshit being spewed out by yourself over the last two to three weeks ,… that in trying to cover your tracks from earlier accusations of bias about the sheer ‘ inherent evils of Western Caucasians ‘ in your opinion and how they ALL have got it coming to them in some great and glorious uprising of the coloured people simply because THEY ARE Caucasians , … you expect to tack on a pathetic little qualifier such as ,… (in fact we should never be pointing the finger at any particular ethnic group) ,…. to appease us enough to win us all over to your obviously fledgling and adolescent viewpoint,…
I am quite aghast at your assumptions that people would be so easily misled by your poorly thought out , obviously blatantly racist biases,… did you really think people,… who have been contributing to this blog site for years ,… would really take you THAT seriously ?!!?
Does it not strike you ,… that in the short time that you have suddenly ‘ appeared’ here ,… that not many have bothered to reply to you?!!?
Are you on some sort of personal crusade ?!!?
Are you a feeble minded right winger ?!!? ( Lord knows we get a lot of them through here to compare notes on )
Are you in it for the money , areshole ?!!?
Or are you just another , … fly by night wannabe idealist or far right wing fantasist that will last for a few weeks or even months and then slowly ,… drift away ,… and in the year / years to come ,… cease even to be a memory ?
Frankly ?…
I suspect the latter.
“Oh really ? – And you are saying the Winebox inquiry was all directed against Asians, Polynesians , Africans and those from the South American continent ? ,… and that the countless fraud , embezzlement , theft , murder and rape charges were ALL directed against non Caucasians to the exclusion of Caucasians to which Peters , … being a lawyer , – was unawares?”
Oh lordy…..are you just flat out thick? So I suppose Hitler wasn’t an anti-semite coz he also warred against and killed fellow Aryans such as Danes, and Norwegians, and Dutchmen, and Englishmen?
Thanks for your response though —-you wasted how many minutes of your life to demonstrate how much of a mug you are?
Although nothing tops a previous comment of yours in which you compare New Zealand’s social situation to “a genocidal war just as real and every bit as devastating as anything Bashar al-Assad of Syria is guilty of.” Again, get a grip.
You obviously haven’t travelled much.
In any case, grind your teeth coz I’ll say it again, its not going to be white powers calling the shots for much longer. The yellows, the blacks, and the browns are rising and the control of the worlds resources (previously almost 80 to 90% of them controlled by the West) is inexorably shifting towards the east (basically this is all about reclaiming stolen wealth)
The rise of china a return to the natural order of things by Malcolm Turnbull
“….that in the short time that you have suddenly ‘ appeared’ here ,… that not many have bothered to reply to you?!!?”
Well….you are certainly have, you have replied to almost every post I have written …appreciate it…take care now…don’t burst burst a blood vessel!
Why was sire john trying to get rid of our flag the union jack who was pushing this. NZers need to think and look a little bit wider not just keep accepting the status quo.
The very same subversives that Hugh Price mentioned a decade ago , ie: negate the power of the crown , – you negate Tiriti O Waitangi indirectly, – then you can work on reducing all legislation to market value.
Which means you can buy off, divide and separate demographics easily.
I of course ,… redirect you again ,.. to the well worked out , apt and succinct , timeless applications of the works of Hugh Price , of Hugh Price Publishers , – as applicable now as it was twenty years ago , – and as prophetic in wisdom from the day it was first written, … to present day applications in the year 2017 :
New Right Fight – Who are the New Right?
Meanwhile in Australia…
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