The Balcony Speech: Reflections on the Republican Convention



THE COINCIDENCE of the Republican National Convention being broadcast alongside the re-make of “Roots” is fortuitous. Alex Hayley’s famous novel laid bare the blood at the root of the American Republic. The United States’ constitution both validated and entrenched the “peculiar institution” of slavery. Removing it was only accomplished after the bloodiest conflict in American history. (The Civil War cost more lives than all of America’s other wars combined.) Even then, the deep-seated racism of the Old South proved too strong for the victorious Union to suppress for more than the brief decade of Reconstruction (1866-76). For the next century, African-Americans were subjected to a reign of physical terror and legal exclusion. The so-called “Jim Crow” South provided the model for White South Africa’s system of Apartheid.

There is a memorable scene in the original “Roots” television series which shows how the South’s racist system was kept in place.

A candidate for Congress is being entertained in the library of a wealthy Southern landowner. Together the two men sip imported wine and converse intelligently about local, state and federal politics. At length, the candidate consults his pocket-watch and declares it to be “Time.” Taking off his frock coat and necktie, he rolls up his shirtsleeves, musses his hair, flings open the French doors and steps out on to the balcony. Below him, on the big house’s sprawling lawn, a waiting crowd of poor white farmers and their families welcomes him with a round of applause. The candidate holds up his hands for silence. The sweat-covered farmers’ faces glisten in the flickering torchlight, their eyes bright with anticipation. The candidate raises his hands still higher above his head, and summoning a voice from the very depths of Hell, screams out a single word: “NIGGER!” The crowd roars.

How much difference is there, really, between that scene from “Roots”, and what is happening at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio? In the end, is the distance between Donald Trump, the billionaire property tycoon, and those cynical, race-baiting politicians of the Deep South, so very great?

The men of wealth and power, then, understood that their political victory hinged on two crucial factors: first, the black community had to remain disenfranchised; and second, the poor whites had to value the colour of their skins more highly than the common qualities of humanity they shared with their black neighbours.

The Republican Party is being accused of selling its soul to Trump in return for a way back to the White House. Not true. The Republican Party sold its soul fifty years ago when Richard Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” rolled up the millions of White Southerners who believed themselves betrayed by Lyndon Johnson’s passage of the Jim Crow-destroying Voting Rights Act of 1965. (Prior to the 1960s, the South had been the heartland of the Democratic Party.) That the “Party of Lincoln” was willing to shrug-off its proud tradition of opposing racism for the crucial electoral college votes of the Southern states not only changed the shape of American politics, but it also fundamentally altered the character of the Republican Party.

All that Trump has done is deliver the balcony speech from “Roots” to poor whites living in the rest of the United States. The truly terrifying feature of the presidential election race of 2016 is that the poor whites living in the rest of the United States are roaring too!

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  1. I just watched this documentary from the series ‘Faultlines’ on Al Jazeera tonight, it tells us a fair bit about what is behind this Trump excitement and phenomenon. It is a must watch, I think:

    We live in a dangerous age, I think. Even the new British PM, Ms May, said the other day, after passing a vote in their Parliament to renew the nuclear defence system of the UK (Trident rockets and so), that she “would not hesitate pushing the button”.

    Trump is a man who uses similar disillusionment just like other populists and demagogues have in the past. We cannot compare him directly with such dangerous men like Hitler, but the means he uses, do bear some resemblance.

    Sadly, when in hardship and disillusioned, many turn to the “strong men” or “strong women” that they think can lead them out of their misery. The ground for this to happen, what is happening in the US and some countries also in Europe and elsewhere, has never been more fertile for a longer time.

    We are going backwards, I fear, at a fast speed.

  2. Looks like the KKK is going back to it’s roots, the Democrat party
    Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Klan’s California chapter and responsible for recruitment in the western United States, and has already donated $20,000 to her campaign.

    “We want Hillary Clinton to win,” Mr Quigg told The Telegraph. “She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. [But] once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colours are going to show…

    The continued cover-up of the Democratic party’s shameful ties to slavery and racism knows no bounds. As we head into the 2016 election for POTUS, it is clear liberal media outlets have NO intention of informing Millennials and recent arrivals to the country of the Democrats dark past.

    Yes, America has a racist past, get over it! Deal with it! And, while you’re at it let us never forget that the Democratic Party played a huge role in slavery. Not all southerners owned slaves or were involved in the slave trade and not all Northerners were abolitionists . Trying to reduce racism or the Civil War to a slogan that fits on a bumper sticker is dishonest and demeaning to the citizens of the U.S.

    • Well said Slippery, it might come up in Trump speech hopefully, if he knows about KKK ,Im sure he does.America has had enough of the Clintons.

  3. Chris Trotter ,better Trump than Clinton. Trump is not racist he is anti temporary immigration until they stop ISIS.
    There is a worldwide film online coming out that tells of Clintons crimes.
    You just repeat Democrat propaganda.
    Democrats should have given Sanders the chance of nomination but wrote him off at the beginning, Clinton is a establishment pick because she will do what they want.
    Democrats are not left leaning ,as Sanders is, thats why he was discounted, I believed in Obama as did many others did in the past.
    Trump is a rough diamond but hes the best hope America and the rest of the world has ,he dosnt hate Women or Latinos or African Americans.
    Clinton promises them the world but has never done much for them , they are worse off under Obama.
    Clinton culltivates those people for their votes,the only one she looks after is herself.
    This comment wont get printed , opposing opinions rarely do.

    • “Democrats should have given Sanders the chance of nomination but wrote him off at the beginning”

      Yes, Clinton is a third way / neoliberal politician and Sanders is way better, but that doesn’t mean Trump is better than Clinton. That’s like saying that because NZ Labour are Clintonites, then National are better.

      “better Trump than Clinton”

      Based on what? You haven’t mentioned a single policy.
      The Democrat’s platform under Clinton will include: $15 an hour (that’s a doubling of the current federal min wage), abolishing the death penalty, extending healthcare, extending reproductive rights, fair immigration policy, etc. (

      I’m no supporter of the Democras, or their Clinton platform that they released a few days ago, but you’ve got no argument for Trump. Centre-left politicians around the world (including NZ Labour) need to ditch their failing ideology, but it’s better than anything Trump has put forward.

      “Trump is a rough diamond but hes the best hope America and the rest of the world has ,he dosnt hate Women or Latinos or African Americans.”

      There are plenty of Latinos who are genuinely scared of Trump. You know what Trump has said he’ll do to undocumented migrants? Whether or not Trump “hates” women, Latinos, and Blacks is irrelevant. How women, Latinos, and Blacks feel about Trump is the real issue – you should listen to them. They’re scared, and rightly so.

      You’ll never be able to construct an argument that Trump is better for women, Latinos and Blacks. Have a go if you think you can, but you won’t be able to.

      “Clinton is a establishment pick because she will do what they want.”

      Yes, but you sound like another one of those people who throw the word ‘establishment’ around without thinking about it. How does Trump oppose the ‘establishment’ and what policies from Trump will empower the people outside of the ‘establishment’?

      If you can’t answer that question then you need to stop using the word ‘establishment’. It’s become a meaningless catchphrase.

      • Fatty,you read too many Clinton media negative publicity, Trump is constantly saying what he is going to do, JUST LISTEN FOR ONCE.
        “Establishment”are the banks ,big business etc who employ huge amounts of lobbyists to approach the members of congress and senate to get them to interfere in the house decisions to get the results the their bosses want ,not whats best for the country,ie Monsanto , Goldman Sachs, Drug companies, etc etc.
        They are the ones pushing TPPA and the other so called trade deals benefitting themselves over sovereignty of other countries and their people.
        Clinton lied under oath,lied about emails, thats well documented, her spouse is a constant womaniser, Hillary tried to cover up for him by calling the women most of whom were’nt willing, scum and other filthy names,so much for being there for women.
        she didnt do it in support of her husband but because she herself was affected,she knew and condoned Bill ‘s actions for years.
        Trump is for change , change for veterans ,support for millitary, better healthcare , change for school choices .jobs ,security, the list goes on, watch Fox ,i did for the first time in my life, i learnt a lot that you wont see in Clinton media which couldnt find anything more than critising Melania,for using terms that Michelle Obama said, Melania said she admires Michelle, and she didnt write the speech, if thats the best negative the press can come up with then ,Hillary is in big trouble and her massive expensive machine is as well. If you watched the republican convention you would learn Trumps agenda.

        • “Fatty,you read too many Clinton media negative publicity, Trump is constantly saying what he is going to do, JUST LISTEN FOR ONCE.”

          I’m listening. I asked you for policies, and I provided the democrat’s policies, but you’ve offered nothing.
          I am listening, but you’ve got to tell me. I know Trump said he’d ditch the TPP, but what is he going to replace it with? Do you know? He said he’d bring the jobs back, but how? What are his policies, can you provide us with a link please?

          You say that Monsanto, Goldman Sachs, Drug companies, etc are the ‘establishment – and I agree with you. But tell us how Donald Trump is going to fight them and disempower the ‘establishment’. Do you know how he’s going to do that?

          I’ve watched Trump’s speeches (not just the selective clips from the MSM), but Trump never gives specifics. He has good critiques of trade policies, but do you know his solutions? Nobody has and Trump keeps seducing people with a load of hot air.

          I agree with all your critiques of Clinton, but I’m no Clinton supporter. I’m not defending Clinton. I’d say vote for Jill Stein. But I’d way rather have Clinton over Trump – and I’ve explained by citing the Democrat’s platform and shown that they have some Bernie-like policies now.

          “Trump is for change , change for veterans ,support for millitary, better healthcare , change for school choices .jobs ,security, the list goes on”

          And how is he going to change that? What’s Trump’s policies on health and education. How is he going to create jobs and improve security?

          “watch Fox ,i did for the first time in my life, i learnt a lot that you wont see in Clinton media which couldnt find anything more than critising Melania”

          I watch Fox News regularly – more out of morbid curiosity and the need to understand the drivel half of USA consumes. I don’t trust Fox much at all. Some of their critiques of Clinton are fair, others are absurd. I believe very little of what they say about Trump.

          I vote on policies and I’ve seen pretty much nothing from Trump. Feel free to give me some links to Trump’s policies and we can see how they compare.

          • I believe nothing of what Hillary says,shes a proven liar so much for her policies she did nothing but harm in her years as secretary of state ,what makes you think she will do anything good as POTUS

            • “I believe nothing of what Hillary says,shes a proven liar so much for her policies she did nothing but harm in her years as secretary of state”

              Read what I wrote. I’m no fan of HRC and I’d vote for Jill Stein. I don’t like HRC’s policies, values and ideology. But I would say that 4 or 8 years of Clinton is better than 4 or 8 years of Trump. I’ve explained why by highlighting the Democrat’s platform that was released last week. The Democrat’s platform is not HRC. There’s a difference there.

              “what makes you think she will do anything good as POTUS”

              True – she is a Democrat, so I don’t expect much from her. But you can’t seriously say the GOP with Trump at the helm will be better? How and why? – you can’t answer this without descending into a HRC hate-fest (which I already agree with). If you look back at the flip-flopping of HRC, we can see that she simply responds to public views. HRC is a populist who blows with the wind, she’s not an idealist – she’s no different from most politicians.

              I think she’ll implement a lot of the Democrat’s platform for the simple reason that there is a public groundswell behind it.

              As for Donald Trump, he hasn’t said how he’s going to achieve what he says he’s going to achieve. Do you know?

              I’ve asked you this repeatedly, but you don’t answer it. Trump has nothing but hot air. You can’t explain how he’ll renegotiate NAFTA or other trade policies. You can’t justify any of his promises – they’re ludicrous. Even with a GOP majority in the senate and the house, Trump will not be able to deliver on his promises. If you think he can, then you need to show how.

              The Democrat’s policies are achievable (because they’re so timid), and with grassroots movements, they’re pretty much inevitable – she’ll respond to whatever is fashionable (and the Democrat’s platform includes fashionable policies thanks largely to Bernie’s campaign).

              You need to stop watching so much Fox News. Try the Young Turks or Democracy Now – both of those youtube channels critique HRC and Trump. You need to understand that critiquing Trump is not endorsing HRC.

        • her spouse is a constant womaniser

          You’re blaming Hilary Clinton for something her husband did, without her knowledge, and behind her back?!

          How is that even remotely fair?

          Sorry, Elle, but that is nonsensical. Have any of your male partners ever done anything bad, and can we rightly blame you for it?

          See, it makes no sense.

          • Not blaming her for what her husband did Frank, all reports from her staff say she knew and condoned it and covered up for him until it came to the publics attention.
            My point was she blamed the women and called them sluts etc,some were unwilling participants Paula Jones for instance,she brought a prosecution for rape and won ,she was paid $800 thousand in damages settled out of court.Hillary claimed she was a liar and after money ,court proved otherwise.
            Hillary claims to stand up for women,she stood up for Bill instead to try to prove it wasnt true even though she knew it was .
            Many women would support husbands, for loyalty reasons ,Hillary did it because she knew it would affect her run for president,its well documented and numerous accounts say so.If people only read democratic newspapers the truth will never be found there, and most of the newspapers in America are owned by democrats , and so is NZ Herald,who rubbish Trump at every chance.

            • “Not blaming her for what her husband did Frank”

              Actually, Elle, you DID blame her; “her spouse is a constant womaniser”

              Do you now resile from your blame-gaming?

              • Clintons are a package ,Hillary wants him to be Finance minister,that way he can look after all the money shes obtained from middle eastern countries who support Isis.
                She is blamed for covering up his crimes, which she did. A lot of the women were innocent victims preyed on by a powerful person,bad enough to be involved with Bill without being called names by a knowing wife.
                You seem to confuse Republicans with National, it was before Trump ,he wont be like the Bush’s, Trump will look after the people, no right or left in USA now ,just the establishment with the Democrats,and Trump who’s upset the establishment, they are terrified of him because he will stop them and their games.
                Trumps speech was brilliant and it did outline specifics.

        • If you watch Fox & think they are truthful that explains your misguided opinions. Its realistic to say the elections in the USA do not offer much hope for improvement but Trump appears to be a disaster in the making. Things are only marginally better here though so we should not condemn them too much.

      • Yes, Sanders would have been the best thing for the American people, but I tell you what, it will be better to put up with Clinton and the establishment a bit longer. They will probably no more endanger the world (which, btw, includes us) than the current lot. Trump will be absolutely dangerous. He is crazy, his followers are crazy. They just seem to be so enchanted they cannot even see the wood for the trees. They look like a bunch of apes in full cry, to be honest. I’d swear if the total of the whole auditorium’s IQ got into double figures I’d be surprised.
        Trump is a womanizer yet picks an ultraconservative bible basher for a running mate, and that bible basher happily teams up with Trump, who has led a life that should be a total anathema to him. I want what Pence thought of Trump’s “how were her breasts” answer to a question about his wife having an accident that damaged her looks. The hypocrisy just oozes from the GoP, yet gaffe after gaffe, the absolute stupidity of Trump’s “policies” and worst of all the whole “make America great again” crap, what does that mean? I am pretty sure that great is the sort of thing that could march the world into war.
        Think, people, look, we know what madmen are capable when they get into power, and Trump is mad!

          • You look at the PERSON, and let your instinct guide you, I barely need to listen to the story, it sticks out like a sore thumb!

            • Better than a woman who is only interested in her own foundation which is a slush fund for Clintons.
              Trump is not a demagogue ,the primaries were a show to put himself out there , you will see a real person now.
              Hillary is a liar and cheat.

      • I’ll bet Trump has Employed (and therefor empowered) far more
        women, Latinos, and Blacks than Hillary has (& I dont just mean the Paid protesters by George Soros & the crooked Clinton foundation) – so your argument has no merit,
        Trump will make America Great Again

    • Your name is Elle, I presume you are a woman and you have not noticed what an utterly repulsive creature Trump is. Have you not taken a skerrick of notice of the numerous revelationary “tells” about the man. He is utterly vile, a megalomaniac, a narcissistic sociopath and a million times more dangerous than Clinton, who admittedly is not ideal, but Trump? I just shake my head.

        • Absolutely Donald Trump, he is the only truly repulsive person running for POTUS that I know of, I can barely think of anyone who comes close to him. Yuk, yuk, yuk

          • Ah, you must forgive me – the description ‘ vile, megalomaniac, narcissistic sociopath’ so easily describes Bill I couldn’t tell. Funnily enough, it also describes the person who laughed about the news of Ghadaffi being executed in the street and physically defiled by a mob of Islamic extremists with U.S. air support.

      • You dont know Trump at all ,you listen to abc and listen to that rag the Herald,who like T D B print the most awful picture they can find of him, time will tell.

        • Open your eyes!! I suggest you start with the doco “You’ve Been Trumped” made long before he even conceived of a go at the POTUS job.

          • I havnt seen your name here Rae you must be new or are you Chris Trotter under another name.

            [Elle, I don’t normally get involved in this sort of discussion, but I can advise you that there is no evidence that “Rae” and “Chris Trotter” are one and the same. So you forego that line of debate. – ScarletMod ]

            Who made the Doco, probably an ex disgruntled person from the Apprentice or elsewhere. Heaps of info on the Clintons if you care to check.shes got a very high distrust rating and shes been in politics for 30 years,Trump is a beginner,not a politician but someone who wants to stop the rot in America,you need to open your eyes and ears. Trump is more honest than the Clintons , he has his detractors like any multibillionaire would ,jealous people obviously.No one said he was innocent , just a human being who has made mistakes but he has done more good in the world than Clintons. and he dosnt charge his own foundation $400 thousand for making a speech. Between them they made millions from Wall St businesses , some speeches, many say bribery for favours.Hillary has taken millions for their foundation from middle eastern leaders, who promote ISIS.
            Thats well documented as well.
            Comey the head of FBI said she lied about emails constantly ,he stopped short of inditement probably because of pressure from justice members,who knew if Hillary was indited she wouldnt be the next president,and the game would be up for all the people involved. Im not going to say anymore because Its not worth the effort ,check things yourself.

            • The doco was made about the golf course in Scotland and the most telling thing was the way he spoke of people who lived basic but happy lives and how he would make everything so much better. He destroyed a natural environment, displaced people and was completely oblivious to the lives of others. The guy is DELUDED, he got off the plane in Scotland after Brexit praising Scotland for pulling out of the EU completely unaware they voted to stay in. He couldn’t even be bothered to find out where they stood!
              I have commented on this site from time to time for a fair while. I just don’t have time to be constantly doing it.
              Are Trump supporters so bereft of the knowledge of human behaviour to see what is happening here? Take your goddam blinkers off, the guy is dangerous and should not be anywhere near the nuclear button!

              • Trump compensated everyone re Golf course and made a screen for the ones who didnt want to sell, they are all happy now and the course provided jobs.

    • “There is a worldwide film online coming out that tells of Clintons crimes.”

      Oh, really, Elle? we must’ve missed the part where Clinton was charged, tried, and convicted for those “crimes”? Can you explain to us when that trial (or trials) took place?

      As for preferring Trump over Clinton? You must be deluded. Imagine that barking-mad misogynistic, racist fool with his finger on the nuclear button!! God, at least previous Republican presidents understood international politics sufficiently to stop themselves blowing our planet into radioactive dust!!

      • And what about that horrendous running mate he has, the USA is going to head backwards at a huge rate of knots with hideous people like them at the helm.

      • And Priss, it IS as serious as that. And I say again, while Clinton is far from perfect, I really believe the planet is safer with her there. Trump’s ego could well lead us into all out war.

    • A badly written speech is worse than keeping state secrets on an unsecured and unauthorised home server which got hacked by a Romanian stoner who was himself being hacked by the Russians, then attempting to delete everything to cover it up?

    • Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are in a bar. Donald leans over, and with a smile on his face, says,

      “The media are really tearing you apart for That Scandal.”

      Hillary: “You mean my lying about Benghazi?”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “You mean the massive voter fraud?”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “You mean the military not getting their votes counted?”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “Using my secret private server with classified material to Hide my Activities?”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything Else?”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, hiring cronies, and taking bribes from
      foreign countries?
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “You mean the drones being operated in our own country without The Benefit of the law?”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it Declared Bankruptcy and was sold to the
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commodity Deals?”
      Trump: “No the other one:”

      Hillary: “The IRS targeting conservatives?”
      Trump: “No the other one:”

      Hillary: “Turning Libya into chaos?”
      Trump: “No the other one:”

      Hillary: “Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?”
      Trump: “No the other one:”

      Hillary: “Turning our backs on Israel?”
      Trump: “No the other one:”

      Hillary: “The joke Iran Nuke deal? ”
      Trump: “No the other one:”

      Hillary: “Leaving Iraq in chaos? ”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “The DOJ spying on the press?”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance Executives?”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 months later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “The NSA monitoring citizens’ ?”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “The State Department interfering with an Inspector General Investigation on departmental sexual
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “Threats to all of Bill’s former mistresses to keep them quiet”
      Trump: “No, the other one.”

      Hillary: “You means taking the $145,000,000 from Putin for the Uranium Bribe ? “
      Trump : “ No the other one .”

      Hillary: “I give up! … Oh wait, I think I’ve got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware and
      China when Bill left Office?”

      Trump: “THAT’S IT! . . . I almost forgot about that one!”

      • There’s more Slippery,not so funny though. Wikileaks has released more Hillary emails.
        One tells of an email how Hillary arranged for Bernies efforts to be undermined,by saying he needed to be discounted and his attemps at the nomination be sidetracked ,her wicked little helpers made sure his gathering and speeches were put on tv at times when not many people watched, she challenged wether he was a Christian or a Jew or atheist, many mean things in wikileaks emails running down Bernie ,im sure it will be online .Its said 20 thousand Bernie supporters were disgusted at Bernie endorsing Clinton ,there will be many more when they learn of the leaks.
        Ted Cruz supporters were disgusted at his self centered speech at the convention and Trump will have most of them as supporters .A senator spoke of Cruz saying it was typical of Cruz nature in the house he is very unpopular because of his selfish nature ,everything is about him.He was one of the instigators of trying to change the rules to put himself on the ticket even though Trump won resoundingly. It was defeated and they say his political career is over,and there will be cheers in the house.
        they don”t like disloyal people in Trumps team.
        I read online a while ago cant find it now, but it was sort of confirmed by a visitor from America ,that The One World Order lot the establishment democrats, are followers .
        Clinton is the pick of O W O because she is ruthless enough to assist the takeover.
        Clinton wants Syrian refugees to enable ISIS to sneak in , she encourages Black Lives Matter to cause trouble ,to enable Marshall Law to be enacted to control the people when more of their liberties are taken away.same with people coming in illegally from Mexico,Trump want to stop them because he probably knows the agenda not because he is racist ,that is a Clinton spin, black lives do matter Trump dosnt say they dont,thats a Clinton spin , Trump dosnt want “cops injured and killed ,they matter as well.

        Trump employ’s many Black Americans and at the same salaries as whites,there were many at the convention to attest to that.
        The American visitor said she used to vote democrat but not anymore .The FBI investigation was a farce she was held to be lying about most things,but Comey said no judge would charge her
        other judges said it was a set up by democrat judges,other judges said they would have charged her in a heatbeat.

        Still the foundation fraud to be looked at ,the dems will try to hold that over until (hopefully never)she has won the White house then Obama can pardon her as presidents are allowed to do when leaving office, so look forward if she”s crowned to a crooked president right from the get go.

    • There is no doubt that Trump has to be laughing his ass off right now because what the asinine mainstream media and Clinton staffers did not realize before they started spewing garbage and slinging ink, is that the master of The Art of The Deal, Donald Trump had out maneuvered all of them again.

      The writing of Melania’s speech for the RNC, was played out by Trump the same way he has been playing things out throughout his campaign; using the mainstream media to publicize his wife’s speech throughout the world.

      The media and the Clinton campaign has unwilling made Melania Trump a living martyr to every person in the world who has a soft spot in their heart for a woman viciously and without just cause, attacked by unscrupulous asinine reporters and political fiends.

      Arguably, any pundit and Clinton staffer with more than a 2nd grade education must be asking themselves today, how many times is Donald Trump going to make a fool out of them before they realize that Trump is the most intelligent and best Presidential nominee to ever run for the office of the President of the United States of America.

  4. The Left deserted the workers years since. Labour in UK became Blairite neo lib centrists as per NZ Labour converted by Douglas and the status quo maintained by Clark. In the USA the last semblance of Democrat “Big society” and “New Deal” was sold out by Clinton.

    By deserting the workers worldwide the Left has reaped the whirlwind. Universal human rights for identity groups was the pay off allowed by capital and finance that cost them nought and took prededence. The foolishness was that the workers were deserted in favour of rights they would have agreed to anyway.

    Its time that the Left sought absolution and forgiveness from their originators. They fled the field for 30 years and left their parentage to the savage predation of the rich. Without seeking forgiveness there will be no redemption.

  5. It doesn’t matter what the rest of the world think.
    The winner of the presidential election will be the one who can sell the biggest b…s illusion of grandeur to gullible Americans.
    Glad I don’t live there.

  6. Bill and Hillarious – the most criminal sociopathic couple in U.S. political history and now she is going to be their president. Trump has no chance in hell as the govt. is controlled and the election process is owned ( likely rigged in many states ) and those above obama will make sure pompous Hillary gets in. This is disgusting enough but what saddens us more is that Bernie supports her and this is very disappointing and frankly horrific. He smells of a hypocrite now.

    Check out the facts and get informed about the Clinton criminals. Sad times for the U.S. to have two such pathetic options for their leadership. But then the US president does not lead much being the owned and controlled corporate puppet that they are. Voting is a waste of time as it has already been decided who will win and the election process is not to be trusted. Does anyone really think that the power elite 1 % running the show all over most of the world are really going to allow an idiot like Trump to win ? The writing is clearly on the wall and most are unaware and brainwashed and asleep at the wheel.

    • I don’t think Bernie has much choice other than to “support” Hillary Clinton.
      At least democrats have GOT someone like Bernie and others like Elizabeth Sanders, the republican party is full of bible bashing, gay hating, women controlling nutters and Sarah Palin.

        • Didnt disagree with your assessment of Trump on the fertile ground of right wing bigotry. You did however leave out more fertile ground for those non corporate rust belt small business Republicans. And the ex middle class and ex working Americans who corporate Republicans on Wall St no longer represent. They have seen their economy stripped of industry and jobs in favour of globalisation. Trump staged a coup by saying that “their” America had to come first. Nobody else even said their lifes mattered. Trump did.

          In this whole change of poles bigotry is an attendant symptom of a deeper malaise. Sure Trump scores high using it and people who are losing economically will focus on in. As I said on the other column its time the Left took on the Trumps not with Clinton / Blairite corporatist but with Corbyn types. The Left created a vacuum they now need to fill. And if we can just get over Trumps bigotry we might just see his stealing the economic platform that I contend is far more important to his rise. And it is why he will beat Clinton (which in itself is vote for Satan against Lucifer….where is God when you need her)?

        • The two party system in the states is a complete failure and those who continue to support it and a sickening criminal like Hillary have not only lost respect but lost their way.
          Eliz. Warren and Bernie are great but to support and back the likes of the Clintons is wrong on so many levels.

          We need massive change and we are not going to find it nor any good future with either party.

          ” Capitalism will collapse because banks and the political elite allow the poor to rot. ” Tariq Ali

          The Democrats are the lesser of two evils and neither party will be good for the states and you only have to spend some time reading Ralph Nader and Abby Martin etc. to know the truths of all of this.
          Bernie and Ralph have known that it is essential to build a strong movement outside the democratic party but Bernie, in his later years, has succumbed to the system and is tangled up in the two party system that will fail again and again. Either way the U.S. looses and with Pres. Hillarious we will just have the same ole same ole and not much will change. This is all about greedy banking and corporate control and the continued loss of freedom, democracy and sovereignty. No winners in this years U.S. election.

          • Elisabeth Warren was all over Clinton because she thought she had a chance at VP.
            Bernie deserved to be VP but wasnt even considered because he would challenge Clintons authority,Clinton could’nt have that so picked a boring (his own description of himself) man for VP ,a man with lots of baggage of his own, taking lots of “gifts” over the limit etc.
            Pence has run a state that has a surplus ,law and order,decent schools etc ,all the things Trump wants.
            Tired now bye.

      • Hell, I forgot to mention racist in there and I called Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth Sanders. My bad, I guess I was a bit more wound up than I thought I was.

      • Bernie definitely had a choice and he chose to sell out.
        To back a criminal ; lying ; corporate princess like Hillary, just to win an election, is wrong wrong wrong no matter how much icing you put on the cake. Ralph Nader was right.
        Sorry Rae and Frank, I disagree with you on this one. How can we defend a history like the one the criminal clintons have created and how connected they are to the political/banking elite puppet masters ?
        Business as usual if Hillarious wins and ” Profits before People ” will reign supreme yet again.

        • At least the world will have a better chance of surviving long enough to get rid of her, I don’t trust Trump with that, not one tiny little iota.

          • Are you aware Rae that it takes 5 people to agree to push the button,Hillary would push it in an instant for the right price and she would make sure she was safe while we all burnt.

    • It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. – Joseph Stalin

  7. I also called Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth Sanders, my bad, I guess I was a bit crosser than I thought I was

  8. After hearing a lot of political rhetoric from USA over the last few days, I think I have worked out what is America’s underlying weakness.
    America’s problem is that it has an unshakeable belief that it is, and has always been, the greatest country in the world. It doesn’t realize just how arrogant and infuriating this attitude is to the rest of the world.
    Despite plenty of evidence to the contrary, both past and present, Americans still believe they are the Earth God and worthy rulers of the planet.
    I suppose when you think you are God then you also think you can do no wrong.
    If it changed its paternalistic attitude to the rest of the world then it would become much more respected, even liked perhaps.

    • I agree, after having watched the Trump speech on Al Jazeera this afternoon, they are so up themselves, they cannot handle being just another nation among others on this planet, that is too humiliating to them, they want to be masters and tell all others what is right and wrong.

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