Hear no poverty, see no poverty, speak no poverty: We have lost what it means to be a New Zealander



Hear no poverty, see no poverty, speak no poverty


For some like the Key family, life is one long party. DJing, modelling, opening pop culture art events in Paris, Hawaiian mansions, foreign trusts, tax havens,  property portfolios, Instagram followers and tax free capital gains.

For them NZ is a paradise and their constant inflation of wealth and ego makes them more aristocrat than citizen. They have a view of NZ as narrow and vapid as The Edge Radio Station, it’s always a shallow reflection, there’s always a can of V somewhere, and wilful ignorance is celebrated.

For a great many others however, New Zealand is a grim Isle. 80 000 hungry children a day, 300 000 in poverty, 20 000 desperate families, tens of thousands living in crowded sick homes where the diseases of poverty do so much life long damage.

For them these cragged lands never see the sun and their debt servitude is more akin to a feudal state than democratic one. For these New Zealanders the egalitarian pretensions of our nation are as grim as families sleeping in cars. It’s as grim as the PM selling $5billion in state housing while handing to the richest $3billion in tax cuts.

It’s as grim as the Housing Minister glibly telling morning report that there have always been people living in cars.

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It’s as grim as the Minister for Social Housing arrogantly claiming on Radio NZ that there is no housing crisis.

It’s as delusional as the Prime Minister claiming all the homeless need to do is go and see WINZ while promising $3billion in tax cuts.

It’s as grim as many middle class NZers shrugging off the plight of fellow citizens because their property portfolio’s have increased in illusionary wealth.

When the market pops, and those middle classes suddenly don’t feel so middle class, wait for the demands to change something then.

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  1. It’s grim for many middle-class NZers as well. Don’t lump as all in the same basket. I know a few boomers who are struggling to pay the rent as well.

    • Absolutely agree. Afterall it’s the middle class who do not have access to financial help and often do not have access to trusts and other vehicles to structure what wealth they might have left over after paying the tax man. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, as middle income Nz is expected to carry the burden most of the time.

    • You were brought up middle class however now you have slipped down the social ladder, you know longer have the ability to buy your own home even as you have what you consider a middle class income. Surely that is the standard of the middle class. Along with the silent majority you have yet to acknowledge your plight and consider j and his bitches as saviors rather than the corrupt of nz society

      • Well said! Middle class been played by being fed thru media messages that the only obstacle to being rich is the poor who are benefit bludgers etc. The reality is the obscenely rich and powerful want to stay that way and its us and them!
        We have got the government we deserve through our silence, our apathy and ignorance.
        We have lost the New Zealand we were.

  2. Three of the most despicable humans we have amongst us today all without any soul or compassion and All that run this country so we are truly fucked people since if lack the humanity to guide us forward anarchy will take over sooner or later when those are reaching the tipping point and the time is near.

    • Yep well said and maybe we owe them disgust and disrespect as well.
      With these three elitist — well fed — snobs at the helm, the homeless and the hungry should be well taken care of – Yeh right ! !

      I enjoy your creativity Wild Kapito – Daisy, Gertrude and Bossy ! !

  3. ACT came into power in 1984 with the aim of improving the lives of New Zealanders. ACT wanted Government out of running businesses that the private sector could do better and more efficiently.

    After the next election, I would expect that ACT and its coalition parties of National, Maori Party and United Future will implement the tax system that ACT set out to achieve under that visionary Sir Roger Douglas, of 20% GST and 20% flat tax for businesses and taxpayers.

    Since 1987, the growing problems facing New Zealanders have arisen because successive gutless governments tinkered with ACT’s 20% GST and 20% flat tax system.

    Only after the next election, will the Keynesian dream be realised in New Zealand and wealth will better trickle down to ordinary New Zealanders.

    • See-More, you and your ex-leader Jamie Whyte are deluded heartless ACT neolibs. who have no social conscience.

      Whyte has said ‘there is no poverty in New Zealand’, trotting out plagiarised ideas from England and poverty-denying ACT propaganda.


      Now the country that Whyte left to peddle his heartless, soulless povertu-denying message has be outed by Ken Loach, British film-maker.

      Ken Loach, renowned director, in the article below has outlined the way the British Government treats its ‘weakest members’.


      Where’s New Zealand’s film-makers telling the story of how New Zealand’s John Key, National Party, Maori Party, United Future and ACT have robbed teh country of its egalitariansim and consigned hundreds of thousands of kiwis to poor and working poor.

      “The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens.” – Jimmy Carter

      “Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members — the last, the least, the littlest.”
      – Cardinal Roger Mahony, In a 1998 letter, Creating a Culture of Life.

    • The trickle down theory has long been exposed to be a fraud.
      If you still believe it then it shows how you and ACT are thirty years behind the times.
      You also don’t know much about economics if you think ACT policies are Keynesian.

    • SEE-MORE…Hmmm.

      Whats 20% tax rate on two dollars an hour?

      Do newspaper kids have an hourly rate, … building on that … someone on a minimum wage earns around $15.00 per hour.

      Sooooo…. working at 40 hours, at $15.00 per hour… that’s $600.00 gross per week. Now subtract 20% tax… that leaves $ 480.00 net.

      People living in garages around the country are being charged $400 per week rent by landlords . Often these people have dependent’s. Who need feeding , clothing , school fees and get sick – particularly in winter . And not forgetting GST is also added on food and services – such as doctors fee’s – thus increasing the taxation burden on an already low wage .

      That is if there is one sole wage earner with one looking after preschoolers. If both parents work , frequently preschoolers need day care, which costs significantly. AND – they need flexible/part time hours often to pick up their kids when day care ends – which further diminishes take home pay.

      Would it be better for these family’s to live in cardboard boxes and live off grass instead?

      Because it seems that living in a garage is the only height of aspirations people like you will allow for these poverty stricken individuals .

      And SEE- MORE… this is why ACT is a non event on the political scene in NZ in the year 2016.

      And why we all see you as an irrelevant joke.

    • I love how many lefties here act like David See-more is a genuine poster and not a poor satirical characture of what a lefty thinks an Act party supporter is.

      • Gosman, the satirical caricature of someone who cares about people.

        Poster boy for National, ACT, Maori Party and United Future.

      • You are right Gosman (if I weren’t further right than you, I’d apologise about the pun).

        I was researching the impending recession, for when the housing bubble bursts and stumbled upon Keynsian Economics, to explain it.

        ACT promotes the world-respected Friedman and Chicago Economic theories of course, and the intelligent people here spotted my slight coque-up immediately.

        That’s why I like being ‘a poster boy’ here, the lefties here can appreciate intelligent postings.

        • The game was up as soon as you mentioned Keynesian economics…

          Still…if you stick your head out of the window of a moving car- expect it to get whacked off.

          Sick humour like that when people live under bridges and are charged $400.00 per week to live in a bloody garage goes down like a lead balloon after Keys bullshit ‘ being on the cusp of a brighter future’ rant.

          Moreso with the news of middle class and working poor being ripped of to the tune of $50.00 per week.

          I notice you’ve slunk back again Gosman… hows that trust going mate?

          Remember THIS ? :


          So much for your scrub Prime Minister – he lied then and he’s still lying to the NZ public now.

      • David See-More is probably one of your many alter egos, that is why you know so much about him/her/it.

      • Correct about 1984 Dean, and the natural coalition partner and synergies lay between ACT and National (as they do now).

        ACT could not synergise alongside pre-1984 Rob Muldoon’s socialist tenure, and so needs must and ACT trojanised Lange’s Labour government. ACT did have help from another respected knight of the realm back then, Sir Bob Jones.

        Sir Roger has always been true to ACT policies, even while he was slightly ‘disguised’ within Labour.

        It’s obvious that ACT’s policies were, and still are well-respected, given the number of knighthoods awarded for those with ACT leanings. Sir Roger was the Richie McCaw of politics back in the day.

        • Exactly right See-More – more right than you bargained for.

          Just watched Richie McCaw fronting a Fonterra advert, frontman for NZ’s largest corporate land-grubber, soon to be land-grabbers. Another Sir, just like your Sir Roger Douglas and Sir Bob Jones

          Over the last 12 years, Fonterra has in-debted dairy farmers with the promise of $9.98 payouts, then slash payouts successively each year and put dairy farmers to the wall.

          I wonder who Fonterra and the Govt will sell the farms too?

    • Gibbs one of the founders of the ACT Party made most of his money selling illegally acquired Maori Land in conjunction with Holyoake the ex PM and National Party Leader (Kinloch Lake Taupo subject to a TOW Claim) and trading State Assets ie Telecom

      New Zealanders need to open their eyes to these people like Key, Fay Richwhite, Gibbs and Holyoake they didn’t get wealthy through doing hard work?

  4. Also plenty of boomers having to keep working after 65 because retirement savings don’t exist due to the employment contracts act of 1992 screwing everyone no matter who.

  5. Finding it hard to get ahead? Get a job in local government or central government. Incredibly high salaries. No knowledge, skills or ethics required. No accountability. The ability to churn out bullshit will be rewarded and will result in fast promotion.

  6. Yeah, life is full of “choices” they say, “don’t be so negative, think positive, and that is how we can all become a millionaire”.

    All this kind of philosophy comes from the US, and if people cannot cope, they send them to a psychiatrist who may recommend some happy pills or CBT “cognitive behavioral therapy”.

    So there you are, the fate of your life lies only in your own hands and mind, just make the right choices, and we will all succeed, be happy and party with the Keys, I suppose.

    Maybe if you cannot manage with all that “support”, and the so generous “support” WINZ offer with “wraparound services”, then you do not deserve anything else than sink in your own misery.

    That is “problem solved” Key style.

  7. These three are like the witches of Eastwick , but in their case it is the three witches of the national party with Key as the warlock.

  8. Sick David is using the old hackneyed term “Trickle down” that is now debunked globally as “Junk science”

    Go away idiot!

  9. Completley agree trickle down and light at the end of the tunnel was a lie when those words were first spoken 30 years ago and have been proven as a complete failure ever scince designed to give the impression that the reward for the poor, working poor and middle class would eventuate ,we just needed to be patient.
    Instead the trickle was a flood and that light got you out of the tunnel if you were already wealthy and making you richer beyond all your dreams.
    Nothing has changed our backs have become weary with carrying our aristocracy on to more and more wealth with the help of individuals like John Key who promise brighter futures ,another lie as that future only applies to the top 20% not the remaining 60% carrying the burden
    in New Zealand and being told to be grateful for the scraps Key throws at us like an increase in the minimum wage and a tax cut but at the same time putting up GST and increasing the country’s debt to pay for it and the lionshare enriching our masters even more.
    Untill this welfare for the wealthy stops and we get a government with the courage to tackle the status quo and actually for once govern for the poor, working poor and what’s left of the middle class we might just make progress in being a fair and proggresives country that rewards the kiwis doing all the lifting.

  10. And John Key says: “We are doing all we can, we have increased spending for this that and the other. We cannot afford more government spending, as I just told people I will offer them up to 3 billion in tax cuts. So leave me alone, I am doing all I can, I must ensure that our clientele is kept happy, so we are ensured a fourth term. I need a forth term as New Zealand’s most beloved PM, so I will have a nice mention in our future history books.”

    While saying and/or thinking this, Key does not mention that our populations has also increased significantly over recent years, which means that per capita spending on health and other services has actually decreased.

    BS is ensuring a fertile political landscape, that is for Key, so he keeps heaping up that dung, and it stinks and drips down on our heads, blocking the eyes and ears of too many to see it is BS.

    • BS is the key in the world of JK unfortunately most New Zealanders are still madly in love with the guy due to his extreme wealth and the fact he donates his salary to charity. Best mates with Richie McCaw and Obama.

      We have never had a PM with such a high profile and the extreme admiration by a fawning NZ public, after all he lifted himself from a State House in the back blocks of Christchurch to become one of the leading merchant bankers in the world and sat on the Board of the Federal Reserve in the USA. New Zealand and New Zealanders are extremely lucky to have a person of his skill set to be managing our economy.

      And he rescued NZ from the Global Financial Crisis.

  11. These three bloated women are so out of touch and living above it all that their ACT of showing concern and compassion is exactly why we carry disdain and horror relating to them. They are pathetic and your are exactly right Martyn, they could not see any poverty or know how to help end it if their lives depended on it. They and their kids would never sleep in any old dirty car but the sad SAD VERY SAD thing is that they have no real understanding or compassion for those who do. Their answers and plans are not helping.
    With their lord fontleroy donkey ass at the helm, the problem will likely get worse instead of better. Three well fed elitist queens in denial who want for nothing but more prestige and more money and to hell with those in need.

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