NZ Media – paying respects when they are due



I am often critical of the mainstream media and the Mike Hosking to Paul Henry wallpaper of right wing arseholishness that passes as news comment in NZ – but respects need to be paid where they are due because for all the genuine concerns about the decreasing quality of Fourth Estate Media, there has been some remarkable journalism recently.

Andrea Vance, TVNZ, RNZ and Nicky Hager’s extraordinary work on uncovering the truth that NZ is a functioning Tax Haven (despite Key’s assurances and personal attacks on the journalists) was incredible.

Matt Nippert’s work on the Panama Papers has been outstanding.

Dita De Boni’s scathing science column was a must read.

The Herald’s domestic violence campaign.

RNZs interviews with Paula Bennett over the 3000 ghost beds, Key on the WINZ advice, Nick Smith on his glibness and again Paula Bennett on there being no housing crisis were brutal.

Checkpoint’s work on outing the disgraceful WINZ motel debt was some of the best journalism we’ve had this year and NewsHub’s Michael Morrah’s devastating critique of the true nature of MPIs disgusting back downs to the Fishing industry has shaken that Ministry to the core.

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We have gifted and courageous Journalists who can do the work they believe the public have a right to know about – if we as the citizenry of NZ want a better watchdog on democracy we have to vote in Political Parties that wi.l take public broadcasting seriously and  we need to support those in the media landscape who are excelling in the role.



  1. Imagine how much better it could be without the inherent right wing bias that has always infected our news media.
    What we see and hear should be impartial ,should be educational,and inform honestly without a hidden agenda.
    Its an essential part of our so called democracy.
    Instead its subverted to ensure the current status quo,this National government to escape scrutiny and thorough investigation of its activities.
    And the appalling treatment of the Labour party and it’s allies at the hand’s of Horrible Hosking /Henery and others is a disgrace.
    They wield tremendous power and distract from the real issues and mold opinion around the news as they see it in a right wing perspective.
    If we have to endure their opinion we should have an alternative independent news source to provide balanced reporting like in other Western countries.
    Fifth estate and it’s excellent platform is a step in the right direction and has to reach out to a lot of misinformed New Zealanders if we are to break the current stranglehold affecting our fourth estate.
    How bad is it when we have to rely on overseas media to inform us on stories that should be covered here and instead are surpressed .

  2. Yes to that we need to force Opposition to seize control of the half of TVNZ and RNZ that the opposition represent as half OF THE VOTERS as their rights to a fair unbiased media must be paramount here.

  3. It shows how much our expectations of the media have shifted that we are surprised when they actually do their job properly.
    It’s like paying a qualified Builder to build a house and then being surprised when you see that he actually built it.
    All journalists should be churning out the quality of work you have highlighted, all the time.
    They are supposed to be professionals.
    If each and everyone of them are not capable, then a) the training is grossly in adequate and needs a complete overhaul, especially the moral compass papers. b)the standard required to get a pass is too low, or c) they are corrupt, in which case they need to be sued then fired never to work in the industry again.
    Using the excuse that ” I’m only reporting what my boss wants me to report” is no defence.
    They should do jail time. That would stop it over night !!!

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