Political Caption Competition




  1. Look – if you type loads of malevolent crap all the time your fingers eventually rot off.

  2. Don’t worry my good lawyer mate Cathy in Hong Kong will help me out and arrange to have the bugger knocked off…Oh by wearing boxing gloves I cant masturbate…

  3. John & Judith will enjoy the good fisting I will give them tonight with these gloves on when we are at Judith’s tonight for our weekly threesome

  4. “Oh, what a noble mind is here o’erthrown!—

    Oh, woe is me,
    T’ have seen what I have seen, see what I see!”

    Ophelia – Hamlet

  5. All muscle and fat and no brains nor ethics.

    ” My a #@ hole is jealous because of all the shit coming out of my mouth. “

  6. Face of the voting majority. You and me rub shoulders with those who think he’s pretty good. Worried yet?

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