Key slags Amnesty International, Greenpeace and Mojo Mathers in childish tantrum to deflect Panama Papers



The pettiness of Key was on full beam yesterday in Parliament. Instead of acknowledge that he has helped build a tax haven in NZ and promise to clamp down on them so he doesn’t continue to damage and denigrate NZs reputation, Key did what Key always does, become a school yard bully.

He attacked Amnesty International and Greenpeace and then decided to rip into Parliament’s nicest MP, Mojo Mathers. He was so frantic to lash out he was swinging at everyone and everything.

At best his response yesterday was as sophisticated as ‘I know you are, you said you are, but what am I’?

We need to shut this tax haven loophole down now, and all Key is doing is throwing mud so that no one notices he’s covered in it.



  1. Its time this corporate ‘stooge’ had firm talking to. Lets hope the ‘people’ send a clear message in 2017.

  2. Would Muldoon have been this nasty? You know what, never a fan, but I think Key just proved himself to be worse than that monumentally nasty and brutal former PM. Out doing Muldoon by abusing bullying and smearing…..National Party MPs and voters you must feel so ashamed.

    • Sunny, I lived through the Muldoon years. The guy was a tough scrapper, no doubt. But I can’t recall Muldoon ever being accused of the lies, manipulations, deceptions, and sheer deceit that Key has engaged in since his tenure in Parliament. The longer this goes on, the more people will be looking sideways at Key.

      • Very true Frank!. I’ve never voted National but what I find worse is the number of Nat MPs (former and present), who I once thought were half decent, that aren’t calling him out. I wonder sometimes whether it’s out of fear.
        We all might be lamenting the state of the Labour Party in recent years, but I hope those once half-decent Nats are considering the future of the National Party.

        • Probably fear. A couple of years ago, a friend of mine was at a work-related meeting, where one of the speakers was the Minister of that area. (Can’t remember who, sorry)
          My friend was shocked to notice that the Minister was ‘scored’ as she spoke, one for how she stuck to the subject, and the other for how she towed the party (JonKey?) line.

        • It’s the herd mentality, mate. If the rest of the flock are neck deep in something unpleasant, it becomes so much easier to immerse yourself in it without being plagued by conscience, morals or ethics. In the words of Sting, “Men go crazy in congregations, they only get better one by one.”

          I don’t think you can say that every single National MP is a narcissistic shill prepared to sacrifice their soul on the altar of greed, ambition and self-interest. But they have eyes to see and ears to hear, and if they’re comfortable with what’s taking place under the current administration, then perhaps they need to embark on some serious soul-searching.

          There must be at least a couple of them who sit alone in their offices at night, thinking “What the fuck are we doing? I never signed on for this.”

          At least, I hope so.

      • Very true, with Muldoon we knew what to expect and we got it.

        With Key, he is just a little slippery slime ball and cannot be trusted as far as we can kick him.

        The very worst PM ever.

        • The general attitude to Muldoon from his political opponents was that he could be a right bastard at times and he was guilty of occasionally overstepping the mark.
          Remember his taunting of Colin Moyle?
          Yes he was like that at times but it was rare and he was usually straight up in what he said or did, rightly or wrongly.
          Key’s petulant outbursts in parliament happen just about every session which he attends. It is normal behaviour for him now. I don’t remember him being like this when he first became PM back in 2008.
          He doesn’t care what he says. He will make the most slanderous and untrue accusations (under parliamentary privilege) at anyone who challenges him and when he gets rattled he resorts to personal name calling. “Angry Andrew” seems to be one of his favourites. He is little better than a 7 year old sticking out his tongue with his hands behind his ears jeering “neh neh, de neh neh”.
          We have got used to his spoilt child act. What really puzzles me is how his fellow National MPs can put up with it. If you watch parliamentary TV, look how Bill English(for one) looks down making sure he avoids camera eye contact during such outbursts, it appears he is wishing he was elsewhere.
          John Key is an embarrassment to this country. When will this country wake up to this?

          • “When will this country wake up to this?”
            Nobody likes to admit they might have been wrong Mike. It might take a bit longer for things to bite.
            It is gradually (witness the number of NZ flags around rural NuZull during that whole sorry saga). No doubt also a number of boomer parents that are beginning to wake up to the fact that their offspring are shut out of home ownership and who will be increasingly dependent/reliant on them (going forward :p) – just as they thought they could celebrate the arrival of grandchildren who’ll likely be facing a bleak future with a re-emergence of various diseases we thought we’d licked.
            I’ll find it hard to feel empathy. All that greed and comfort maybe wasn’t such a good idea.

            I’ll bet though that when they do (wake up), they’ll be a fucking sight angrier. And I’ll also bet that we’ll all be expected to feel sorry for them.

            • +100 to both those comments…i think people are waking up….and some may be embarrassed to admit to the spoiled degraded brand of National Party now….he definitely is NOT an assert to the old National Party these days

              ….jonkey Nactional is associated with corruption

          • Many in NZ have already woken up John Key being an embarrassment to our country. The point is, how to get him out when he is a virtual dictator, to his own party, to the public servants, to NZ. But he has MSM and obscene wealth in his pocket cheerleading his every move and editing everything into pro Key prose and burying bad news?

      • Yep frank I agree Key has reached that insufferable level and should just resign also at least he would save some face probably and perhaps Parliament would become a place that maybe could begin to unite to work together in future for the good of all.

      • @ Frank. That’s because we never had the internet and social media to ‘out’ the prick ( No disrespect to actual pricks ) . Pig ( No disrespect to actual pigs ) was a fucker ( No disrespect to actual fucks) . He was a nasty little shit ( No disrespect to actual shit. )
        . muldoon was a Machiavellian bully who had a shrivelled conscience and a large, greedy wallet.

        Jonky? [Offensive religious denigration deleted. Please do not make such references in future, Countryboy. – ScarletMod ]

        Do you know who the real enemy is though?
        It’s us. We’re now the ones to blame. For letting this shit go on and on.
        And those others who sell out each other for Big Black Wheels while kids down the road go hungry. Pigs and jonky’s do what pigs and jonky’s do. I fear the most for us. We’re becoming that which we hate the most.

    • I was thinking about that Sunny. I did not like him but thought I knew Muldoon but Key is another kind of nasty and represents the 1% and I don’t think even his family really knows him or what he will stoop to to retain power. More than ever ” the smiling assassin” is living up to his name but he seems to be on many fronts not doing great (NZ’s huge growing debt and environmental shortcomings) and not smiling much under pressure.

      • He doesn’t care about national debt or environmental shortcomings, he just cares about his own personal wealth and power. He will always be able to say “yah, but I was the PRIME MINISTER of New Zealand” when anyone points out his shortcomings and he’ll have all that ill gotten money too

      • Yep YACHTY, at least we knew Muldoon as he called a spade a spade but this slippery PM twists everything to his advantage without caring who he hurts, and he winds up hurting mostly those who are hurting by his twisted policies already..

  3. It now turns out those trusts were (are?) scams not associated with the actual organisations;

    Amnesty International executive director Grant Bayldon said trusts were scams designed to trick people into thinking they are giving money to a real charity.

    Mr Bayldon said it was a known fact that trusts listed charities as beneficiaries, so the real owners could avoid scrutiny by tax authorities, and charities were not aware when their names were used in this way.

    He said Amnesty had no knowledge of any real links with foreign trusts and he was disappointed Mr Key would insinuate otherwise.


    And Russell Norman here;

    Our dear Leader is so desprate he’s not even checking the data/

    Or… is he? Perhaps he knew the trusts were scams but just didn’t care?

    • I heard the interview on RNZ this morning. Key has some explaining ans apologising to do.

      But he won’t.

      His aim is to muddy the waters and that’s all that matters to him.

  4. Yes, I heard FJK in Parliament yesterday, slagging off three charities as being involved in foreign trusts connected to the Panama Papers. And he has since been proved wrong.

    However, the worst was to come through his spiteful, venomous attack on Green MP Mojo Mathers, who through her hearing disability, represents disabled NZers in Parliament. Although she soon put the situation right, stating she has nothing to do with foreign trusts and is a beneficiary of a UK based family trust, FJK’s remarks were about as rotten as he and Parliament could possibly go. It was sewer politics at it’s most disgraceful!

    I sincerely hope an apology is forthcoming from FJK today, as well as from Speaker Carter, for allowing the PM’s nasty remarks to stand, without challenging him, making him withdraw and apologize to Mathers!

    • Yes Mary_a I watched yesterday too and was utterly disgusted with the attack on Mathers and then in turn was impressed with the way she got up and quickly clarified the situation. In so doing she showed Key up in no uncertain way.

      My guess is that Key gets his info from sites like “Whaleblubber” and doesn’t bother to check the veracity of what he’s given, in his desperation to lash out. At very least an apology is due.

      Misleading parliament is no small matter but Carter allows it to go on all the time.

      • Not checking his material is too kind an analysis. The last thing he cares about is the veracity of his comments. He will say anything. His main aim is to obfuscate.

      • Carter keeps up the charade of ethical madness and then he smiles at it all as if it is a funny ha ha joke. The joke is on idiots like him who are so biased and pro-Natz that Parliament is now a laughing stock of immaturity and waste of time.
        No apologies from FJK towards Mathers as that would take some healthy mental standards and good ethics which his is not in possession of. Parliament is a mess and house cleaning is in order.

      • @ Murray Simmonds … I always thought misleading Parliament was an offence. But knowing this corrupt lot, they might have changed that one behind closed doors in the cover of darkness sometime, while we weren’t looking!

        Yes, Mojo certainly proved her worth in Parliament yesterday, by promptly challenging FJK’s nasty comment.

  5. So Key has personally analysed all the papers? That gives me a new respect for him. Because as he surely knows, no one would be STUPID enough to believe the above is true just because JK said so.

    • Roy, when I first heard Key utter his allegations last night, that was precisely my first thought: what is the little prick lying about now???

      Practically anything he sez must be checked and rechecked. He simply cannot be taken at face value anymore.,

  6. The RNZ link with Russell Norman will see torrents of insults and abuse poured on RNZ and Norman.

    The fact is that the more Key craps his nappies the more the sycophants say it smells good.

    • That is the reality.
      Facts don’t matter – “even if that Greenie didn’t have a dodgy trust in this case, it’s exactly the kind of thing they would have – the hypocrites”.
      Poor little John Boy getting kicked about by those nasty vicious Greenies.

  7. Key was at his rampant worst yesterday in question time. He easily deflected Labour and side swiped the Greens with his usual mix of histrionics, red herrings and decades old references to previous governments. It was only Ron Marks well stated, incisive and excellently researched questions that caused him any problems. That is how you attack a blustering liar

    • Yes, well he’s not making that mistake today, got himself kicked out (on purpose? Perhaps even planned?)

    • To deal to this corrupt trader we need a Corruption Commission set up as Australia has had for years now

      They slap these crooks in jail quick after I looked quick at the recent ones of blackmail!!!!

      Mr Petch is charged with one count of misconduct in public office by allegedly disclosing confidential information in relation to the former general manager John Neish in 2013. He is also charged with one count of blackmail for allegedly attempting to improperly influence council’s an acting general manager to resolve in favour of six independent councillors (of which he was one) an ongoing costs dispute in relation to Supreme Court of NSW proceedings by making a threat implying that if she did not do so, he and his fellow independent councillors would not support her application to be appointed general manager.
      Mr Petch is also charged with being an accessory before the fact of a count of blackmail alleged to have been committed in 2012 by John Goubran who had implied that Mr Neish’s position of general manager would not be safe after the 2012 local government election unless Mr Neish agreed to form a committee to review the Ryde Civic Precinct Redevelopment proposal. Mr Petch is also charged with six counts of giving false and misleading evidence at ICAC hearings in 2013.
      asy to see that in FJK case he would be locked up until the key rusts away!!!!!!

      So why has FJK Key not set a NZ Corruption Commission up here?

      Oh silly me! as he would then finally be slapped in prison or deported wouldn’t he??

      • I favour Campbell Island. It’s ours – and far enough away.

        And he can provide the entertainment for the tour groups, if they remember who he is.

        If there’s enough money in the ever-skimpy budget, DoC might even pay him…

  8. Of course John Key’s compulsive lying and other antics provide an excellent distraction from what people should really be focusing their attention on -the stampede to NZ, the massive the housing bubble, the collapsing economy, the poisoning of the air, land and waters of NZ and the death of the planet.

    Not long to wait now before it starts to get really nasty in the Northern Hemisphere…..perhaps as early as August 2016 (our turn a little later):

  9. As we all know, Key is a master blame shifter and a serial liar. In parliament, he passes the buck and sways away from answering questions. If our attorney general is a waste of space, what are our next options in the plan to get rid of this idiot ?

    John Key is way beyond an embarrassment, he is destructive to our country.

    • @ BLAKE …

      “… what are our next options in the plan to get rid of this idiot ?”

      Um .. pitchforks come to mind here, along with a sharp guillotine as back up!

  10. Hopefully Labour/Greens/NZF get their sh*t together before the next Election 2017, they should be following Bernie Sanders Campaign in the USA and get a few tips on how to do it.

  11. None of us National Party stooges have been on here yet as we have been laughing so hard at your pathetic attempts to score a hit on the government and how your hypocrisy has backfired on you lefties.

  12. So Greenpeace and Amnesty names have been fraudulently used by the slime that inhabits Keys world of hidden money and the lying deceiving creep uses that to claim they were both guilty of stashing their cash in a tax haven.

    Yet again John Key hugely misleads parliament and anyone listening with natural ease and flawless delivery of a well practised conman. Nothing but nothing can EVER be accepted from Key without it being researched and corroborated.

    • Xray, I do believe Key has an excuse. Is it just me or does Key just sound drunk every time he talks. Has he been drinking too much of his own product or is he always in a state of drunken stupor. No one needs to try and get a “hit” on Key, Key does it all by himself. I think he’s in need of the very health services he is running down!

  13. FJK thrown out of Parliament this afternoon, for ignoring Speaker telling him to sit down, while he (Carter) was on his feet. Despite his microphone being switched off, FJK continued to rant and rave at James Shaw, waving his arms about like madman possessed. Quite entertaining to watch without the sound.

    I’m thinking also it was a way of having him avoid facing some further “tricky” questioning, particularly from Ron Mark, asked later on in the session!

    However, still no apology to Mojo Mathers for his remarks about her yesterday, nor a retraction of his statements re Greenpeace and Anmesty International names appearing on the Panama Papers data base, through no fault of their own, being named fraudulently as beneficiaries from the Exodus Trust.

    Same as yesterday, FJK did not answer one question directly, nor was he made to by the Speaker, instead ranting and raving about issues of little irrelevance to what he was being asked.

    Is FJK losing it now? I hope so!

        • The problem is, parliamentary rules state that a member must “address” the question, but does not demand that it be directly answered. So, for example, if Key were asked “How does the government intend to combat falling dairy exports?” he could respond “Falling exports are a result of blah blah blah, and so we are instead focusing on blah blah blah…” – Without actually answering the question, he has addressed it, so under the rules, he is clean. Thereafter, members can use up all their supplementary questions, and he can continue saying the same response in slightly different words, and technically, he is still in the clear. Unless the rules change to demanding specific answers with no tangential references, he will not be called out for this, and that’s all we can expect to see from him. Sad, but true.

      • Erm….some say he did in the ‘ shower’ interview…

        What a dude…

        Then again… is there really that much difference between pulling a ponytail and pulling the wool?

        What a dude …

        Still , never mind, chaps and chapesses… soon we will have Judy the Orivida Rudey over there in the UK giving Cameron what for about corruption…

        What a dudess…

  14. It really is TIME for a ‘vote of no confidence’ – is it so hard to see the writing on the wall? Key has made his cash, all he has left to do is ram the TPPA through and he’s done. JOB DONE – as planned. Hawaii is calling, see you later fools…

  15. Key stated when kicked out of parliament “I was in the middle of an answer. I was talking to James Shaw.” You were acting like a buffoon.

    He is now clearly delusionional, our very own Don Quixote

  16. Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John !

    Can’t answer a question.

    Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John !

    Calls people names

    Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John !

    Lies profusely

    Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John !

    Takes from the poor

    Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John !

    A nasty piece of work.

    Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John ! Angry John !

  17. What was said was mediocre. To be thrown out for it raised an eyebrow and it looked like I wasn’t alone in that sentiment.
    Many are calling it for what it is – it was staged with the speaker so he didn’t have to answer questions about it.
    But also at this time, lets not take our eyes off the ball, all this current charade being played out while the TPP is currently before parliament. perfect timing for the nats to use smoke and mirrors.

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