Weldon kicked out of TV3 and how Scout covered it



And it has come to pass.

The meltdown at TV3 has peaked with the madness that is Mark Weldon finally being forced to walk the plank. His political meddling in damaging the network demanded a resignation, and it’s happened.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

But look at how Rachel Glucina, whom he infamously hired had to say…

Screen Shot 2016-05-04 at 11.05.14 am

…I’m sorry, ‘visionary’ – how the fuck was Mark Weldon ‘visionary’? He destroyed the brand, killed off important journalism and degraded the value of the entire network! How is that visionary? Weldon had all the vision of a blind cyclops.

The entire politically stage managed killing off of real journalism will be his legacy, and let’s hope the next person sacked is Rachel Glucina!

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Welcome back TV3.


  1. I wonder if Mediaworks will replace him with someone equally visionary – say Paul Henry?!
    I wouldn’t put it past them. Another festering apple in the rotten barrel ain’t going to change much.

    • That would be interesting… Paul Henry.

      Interesting also that even the Aussies didn’t want the big mouthed degenerate… interesting also that he could only make it here in NZ with a small population… obv the Aussie exec’s didn’t see a future for Henry when he had to foot it with the big boys…

      Somehow I cant see the overseas CEO’s letting him get anywhere near a junior executive position… thankfully.

    • Mike the Lefty – any classless, tasteless itinerant NatzKEY gobshite shill such as Henry or Hosking will do.

  2. ‘Killed off important journalism’, really?….Rachael and Campbell were (and still are) left wing shrills who are anything but balanced….good riddence to them both as well as Weldon. Now perhaps TV3 can get a better footing in market share without highly paid Labour mouthpieces pretending to be ‘journalists’

    • ‘Left Wing Shrills’???….

      Dear me… the lad has truly flipped this time… what he really means to say is that :

      ‘As long as there is no media opposition to the National party spin I can continue to become self enriched and to hell with a balanced democracy’…

      Hmmmm… another brick in the wall knocked out of the neo liberal monolith…must feel like salt in the wound when truth wins out over lies…

    • Yeah, and then we can get back to kicking poor people, stiffing the young out of a future and laughing at all the borderline suicidal folk in Christchurch.

    • Didn’t you get banned for right wing trollism not that long ago, “you are always wrong”?

  3. It had to happen.

    And this is a significant toppling of a situation that had become increasingly unsustainable in a modern democracy. Yet there is a long way to go yet. The media holds a unique place in a functioning democracy. And it is also why it is the first casualty in a dictatorship.

    In a few posts lately Ive included the now obscure ‘ Lambeth Walk ‘ , from an English Cockney musical production from the late 1930’s… the Lambeth Walk swept the world in a dance/music craze… including Nazi Germany, whereby the Nazi’s denounced it.

    In 1942 , Charles Ridley made a spoof as propaganda against the Nazi’s using spliced clips from Hitlers ‘Triumph of the Will’ which culminated in Ridley being given the death sentence if England was ever conquered…the spoof was entitled ‘ Lambeth Walk – Nazi Style ‘ , – it is 2 minutes long and is a complete side splitting send up of an evil empire and way before its time.

    Ive included it as a reminder that we all need a good laugh from time to time in bleak circumstances , to keep positive and above all to remember that ultimately the lie will always crumble in the face of exposure to the truth.

    And as we have seen ,… media then as now… is critical to maintaining a healthy democracy free from political interference.

    So here is the site on you tube.


  4. But Weldon was a visionary. It’s just that has vision was of an apocalyptic wasteland where TV3’s journalistic talent stood around with their jaws hanging open, mumbling “New Housewives Of Auckland…”, and bashing their faces into a wall.

    He understandably became as popular as a scorching case of herpes, and if he hadn’t walked the plank, someone would probably have burned down his house.

  5. Oh dear, oh dear. What a pity, such a shame, never mind!

    FJK’s specially appointed media manipulator henchman chum gone 🙂

    “Honest” John not having such a good year so far. Good 🙂 Long may the pattern continue.

    This is what happens when politics interferes in media!

  6. I believe Weldon’s legacy will be that the glucina creature referred to him as visionary. I’d rather accept compliments from an extremely venomous insect.

  7. Sorry, did someone in the power elite actually getting fired for doing a bad job? – well, that’s one for the books

    • Sorry, did someone in the power elite actually getting fired for doing a bad job?

      No, no one was fired, Weldon just (cough cough) resigned.

      It probably protected his severance payout arrangements.

  8. Business wise his bungling at Mediaworks and the wreckage he has left behind is a mini version of his National Partys management of New Zealands economy.

    But mission accomplished…..well sort of. The dismantling and destruction of the news media side of the business that questioned National and putting a National friendly line up in place in the mould of Gower happened all right. The trouble was that he ended destroying the company in the process.

  9. Hmmm … a bit of a trend emerging here, with FJK’s chums being appointed to prominent positions and then walking!

    First Ian Fletcher and now Mark Weldon!

    • And ya know what , MARY _A ?…

      Like all good little neo liberal lackeys,… they all refuse comment and melt into the background with their tail between their legs… depending of course on their penchant for avarice and need for control… in which case they pop up somewhere else after a suitable time elapses for the public to forget and then start the same old shafting of the public purse and theft of the commons wealth all over again…

      Neo liberals… so predictable, so profiled, so reprehensible and so parasitic.

  10. Business wise his bungling at Mediaworks and the wreckage he has left behind is a mini version of his National Partys management of New Zealands economy.

    But mission accomplished…..well sort of. The dismantling and destruction of the news media side of the business that questioned National and putting a National friendly line up in place in the mould of Gower happened all right. The trouble was that he ended destroying the company in the process.

  11. Message from a sinking ship, we have just thrown our captain over board, he was drunk (on his vanity) most the time, we had to get rid of him, we have no captain now, we are sailing on a rudderless ship, SOS.

  12. Obviously, Weldon didn’t have the support and confidence of the board and that’s why he has gone and the only thing he was successful at was destroying TV 3 for John key. Mediaworks let it happen, after all the National government using tax payer money did bail them out, but at the end, I guess the cost of the pay back was just too great for even the executives to swallow anymore. Just shows how the syrupy spin newshub’s news release was just lies and bullshit. Compare this….


    with “break out the champagne” that John key’s odious close personal friend is finally gone…

    TV3 staff ‘all delighted’ after CEO resigns in wake of Hilary Barry’s departure


  13. Here’s hoping the knock on effect of Weldon going is that Hilary Barry will change her mind and stay. According to former TV3 investigative reporter and insider Sarah Hall, Weldon single-handedly destroyed staff morale at TV3, leading to a mass exodus for the door.

  14. Bitter soul that I am I detest all of NZ television management and their celebrity culture. I nearly vomited when I learnt that the former head of TVNZ was running Te Papa Musuem. He hollowed out TVNZs public charter for “commercial reasons” and then had the audacity to work for the government running Te Papa on another high salary !

  15. Mark Weldon was also the CEO of the NZ Share Exchange, I remember him leaving that in disarray.
    He might have to give up his dream of working for McKinnsey business consultants.

    • @ Farmer Guy

      According to yesterday’s NZH, Weldon is involved in a trial as a witness at present, connected to his former employment at the NZSX. Heard through the grapevine, his diaries relating to his time there, have gone walkabouts and can’t be found! But as I said, that’s only hearsay, so I can’t confirm that one for sure. Interesting though.

    • Well its hard to say but recent DNA tests done on over 153 samples of alleged Sasquatch materials including hair, blood, bone, skin and fecal samples show that the results came back as 100% human female mitochondrial DNA …and get this ! – whereas the nuclear DNA came back as 100% unknown hominid ‘ !!!

      That result was consistent with blind analyses conducted in Universities that were not told of the origins of the material as well as the DNA diagnostics labs that knew what they were dealing with…

      Native Americans as well as South East Asians ( where they are called Yeti’s and Yeren) also tell of earlier times when these ‘ hominid’s’ would kidnap women and children…thus introducing human genes into an unknown hominid genepool…

      Some posit that these could be the descendants of Giganthropus blacki or alternately Homo heidelbergensis…

      Now I don’t know about you but the former – Giganthropus blacki – which was found to be an overgrown species of ape – seems the more likely choice and that suspiciously there seems to be a strange resemblance between both Cameron Slater and David Farrar and their possible offspring Rachael Glaucoma to the jawbone, teeth and brow ridges found of G. blacki sp. remains in South-Eastan China…

      Hopefully this may shed some light on your question but then again I cannot claim to be an expert on crypto- zoology I’m afraid….

  16. Hey Martyn,

    Seems appropriate at this time to get out your red four wheel jeep with “National” on the side out again with its wheels flying off, it as it is going across sand dunes???

    Can you have Key, Joyce and Weldon sitting on the back of it?

  17. Is Scout still going? Given that it’s vanished from the screen, I assumed it had died a well-deserved death.

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