Political Caption Competition




  1. “Give me control of the nations media and I care not who makes its laws”

    – The smiling assassin.

  2. if it looks like a back, sounds like a back and moves like a back, where’s my knive

  3. Aide desperately restrains Key’s right hand from reaching out to stroke Feldon’s hair.

  4. “For anyone to suggest I axed John Campbell ‘cos I didn’t like him is outrageous! Some of my best friends are called John….”

  5. I’ve got your back Welldone. Oops sorry, how embarrassing, I’ve known you for soooo long and I’ve mispelt your name. Oh well you can blame my lawyer for that!

  6. The boss looks really pissed off about me wearing the wrong colour tie.

    I hope he lets me stay on the team.

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