The Daily Blog Open Mic – Thursday 14th April 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



  1. If you’re a multimillionaire and you support John Key – bingo! You’re protecting your interests. You’re a dick, but I can see your logic.

    If you’ve invested in the property market and you support John Key – boom! Good times, baby. You’re a dick, but you’ll probably learn.

    If you’re part of the struggling middle class and you support John Key – doh! Really? You’re a dick. Period.

    If you’re working class and having to make difficult choices in order to make ends meet and you support John Key. There are no words.

  2. Anyone else notice, today msm has gone quiet, scarily quiet on the Panama papers, when it should be glaring headline news?

      • @ WORDS –


        This being an international issue, NZ msm won’t find it so easy to protect “honest” John as much as he would like it to!

  3. Why does the NZ Herald continually apoligize for John Key’s mistakes. Wouldn’t it make for more exciting reading if they nailed his arse to the wall!

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