How the TPPA gagging is like the Batchelor



After all the ‘everyone will get to have a say on the TPPA’ promises, the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee have decided to cut the time to consider submissions against the TPPA from a month to 5 days. Some have called it an attack on democracy, the National Party have responded with, ‘we tell you what democracy is punks’.

If this was the Batchelor, it would be like the Batchelor sending back all the other women after the first night because he got drunk and hooked up with someone and married her in the morning. That’s how much of a rip off this is.


  1. Has the Government given any explanation as to why it has shortened the time for submissions to be heard. I haven’t read anywhere where the hard questions have been asked for what their reason is, considering how undemocratic the decision is. Why aren’t journalists and interviewers not pushing for a justification for this. And the Opposition for that matter, why aren’t they creating merry hell over this. We have become a nation of compliant citizens, and its shameful.

    • Its been shortened to hijack whats left of scrutiny in our Parlimentary process
      Key and his cohorts that support TPPA dont think it should be subject to the select commitee process which due to the complexity of this agreement should have been four weeks not five working days
      Its just another Key deception after he promised to give the bill fair and proper due process
      This should be highlighted in the media but will be ignored except on these platforms

      • Should not have been signed without discussing it in Parliament. It’s dictatorship, not democracy. A neoliberal fiefdom.

    • It is because the panama papers may expose corruption in NZ and The TPPA has laws which prevent investigation by anyone of money laundering… so lets pass the TPPa real quick!!!!!

    • Govt does not want Nz foreign owned trusts investigated. and new TPPa outlaws investigation into Trusts financial transactions…. just so convenient for KEY!!!!

  2. the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee have decided to cut the time to consider submissions against the TPPA from a month to 5 days.

    Well Martyn they moved to beef up our surveillance firstly so Information is power.

    And what is the SIS if not the official gatherer of the information by which the power of the state is protected?

    Yes the government will freely use the power to discredit anyone who tries to run up against their plan of subversion running up to the TPPA debarkle and ratification before this next election.

    And this equals the second round of “dirty politics.”

    Best all opposition take out a court order challenge to seize the NZTA/RNZ assets or half for their freedom to rail against any dirty politics this time as the last election was lost because Opposition failed to have a balanced press cover to combat the second round of “Dirty politics folks or we loose again,

  3. I know it’s nitpicking etc, but “batchelor” doesn’t have a “t” in it… A bit of a sloppy look imo.

  4. I am gobsmacked over this decision – I am going to send a letter to the ‘owned’ Governor General (for what good it will do) – just so I can rant at him as to how undemocratic this submission process is – in fact the whole TPPA saga is awash with undemocratic processes considering how much it will affect this country.!!

  5. All the USA presidential candidates say they are against Tppa,maybe Obama has said “get a move on we need this finished before the anti TPPA people get into the Whitehouse”.
    We need crowdfunding to get rid of this American puppet PM.

  6. A press release from David Clark ( Labour Dunedin North ) fri 8th April claims the Nat govt is hell bent on completing TPP certification legislation by the end of this year, and they do not want TPP to be an election issue in 2017 ,and are doing everything possible to compress the time frame .

    Given that TPP is arguably the most important US election issue 2016 National are nervous ,given their small electorate majority.

    The issue will be discussed by Labour in Dunedin on monday, to decide on a response but a boycott by opposition mps looks to be ruled out at this stage .It was the lead story on RNZ morning Report fri morning but did not make Checkpoint , or TV1 or TV3 news.

    “The entire select committee procedure is a disingenuous hollow piece of legal window dressing , done at breakneck speed with a predetermined outcome ,which in no way offers a balanced appraisal of the risks and rewards to New Zealand.”

    1.There are over 2500 written submissions and some 350 oral .to condense these into a report in 5 days requires processing around 700 submissions a day.

    2.Only 30% of the academic peer reviewed analysis from the NZ Law Foundation of the full 29 Chpt TPP text have been completed ,and the committee will not extend the deadline.

    3.The draft report will be completed before all submissions are physically heard ,strongly suggesting a predetermined outcome.

    4. NZ has only one committee to hear all submissions on the 6000 pg document. The US congress has a specialist committee for each of the 29 Chpts .

    5.The National Party have asked for submissions after the deal is concluded and signed , which means no submission can make any material variation to the agreement.

    6.Even if the Waitangi Tribunal rules against the Govt regarding lack of adequate consultation with Maori , this decision is not binding on the Crown

    To me this is a serious breach of constitutional law and a misuse of the democratic process which deserves far greater attention .

    Both the Mfat road show and the select committee appear to be ,nothing more than PR road shows to fool the public that ” real ” consultation has taken place , when nothing could be further from the truth.

    Labour , NZ First ,and the Greens , need a strong and unified action to slow down this runaway train .

    No matter how charming John Key is on TPP, I will not be accepting a rose from him .

  7. ” We own you ” this was heard from a Natz politician ( and corporate lacky ) referring to the people of NZ. They do not consider themselves ” our ” employees and on ” our ” payroll. They, for the most part, are not acting in our best interests as they sell out our assets and privatize the rest. They consider themselves above us and in charge of everything, no matter what it may or may take away from the well-being of the people and the environment.

    The TPPA, as we clearly now know, is about corporate control and corporate greed. I now believe that it will not pass as many in the states ( and other countries ) are waking up to the horrors of it even though our present NZ asleep govt. in charge are owned and dictated to by these very corporations. Sleeping bed fellows controlling the puppet strings and in denial about their piss poor leadership and disappointing governance of our country.

    Has anyone else seen the recent emotional breakdown of Bill Clinton as many are confronting him about the mistake of NAFTA and his many other failures. He is shaking in his boots as he is being exposed and this is damaging Hillarys campaign.

      • It was on a recent Tom Hartmans show called — ” THE BIG PICTURE ” on RT.COM Channel 92 on Sky with Mike Papantonio. Both are trusted and reputable men. I will try and find out what day it was and try and get the link posted but it was within the past week.

        The other link I will need to do some research on and will post it as soon as I find it again.

        Clearly Clinton is trying to blame shift everything away from him and his administration and their clear and definite part played in the current worldwide economic disasters through Nafta and so many other screw ups of his. Hillary will just be on ongoing continuation of the Bush/Clinton criminal; war mongering and war profiteering nightmare leadership.

  8. This is typical of modern “democracy”. Just like in the USA Hitlary Clinton is clearly the candidate chosen by the deep state puppeteers to be the next US President, the forcing through of the TPPA in NZ has also been proscribed by the same group of Bankers/ military industrial 1%’er megalomaniacs and their CIA mafia hitmen regardless of the opinions of everyday New Zealanders.
    John Key is just that the key to their plan to subjugate NZ and the other signatories to corporate America.

  9. “If this was the Batchelor, it would be like the Batchelor sending back all the other women after the first night because he got drunk and hooked up with someone and married her in the morning. That’s how much of a rip off this is.”

    And he’d be pulling each of their ponytails, and the relieving himself in the shower, get out and stand on his Lockwood Flag towel.

  10. If the government can ammend our laws in line with our TPPA partners it becomes a fait accomplie. Regardless of whether other countries ratify or not!! It becomes a national party walkover.

  11. The TPPA Legislation puts the power in the hands of foreign corporates who are paying little or no tax here in NZ at present, go and figure that one out?

  12. When talking about the TPPA the problem is that most of us ordinary mortals don’t understand a fraction of what the TPPA actually does, so we have to ask other people what it does (or doesn’t).
    How convenient that John Key and the other performers of the NZ muppet ensemble have their very own roadshow to tell everyone what they want to know in 25 words or less. (They don’t think we are capable of understanding any more).
    No, the roadshow actually isn’t about what people want to know, it is what John Key wants them to believe. A need to know basis and unless you are high up in business circles or have a thorough understanding of economics and trade Mr Key thinks you don’t need to know, but he will tell you the dumbed down version which omits all of the bad bits.
    Trust me! he says with his used-car dealer grin.
    That is why the government wants to shut down the process quickly – the longer the scrutiny the less the claims stack up and the more dodgy it looks.
    All thanks to a National government that has created history by making corruption and dirty politics a normal part of New Zealand life.

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