Waatea 5th Estate  – why beneficiaries are bashed


Joining us tonight for the final part of our 3 night special on welfare and poverty…
In the studio – Auckland Action Against Poverty leader, former politician and human rights activist – Sue Bradford
on Skype the Labour Party spokesperson for children – Jacinda Ardern
And coleader of the Greens and spokesperson on inequality – Metiria Turei


  1. Excellent three shows. Keep it up – your on a roll. Its just a matter of time till it gets into the mainstream. Thank god for Mr Bradbury and friends, it could save NZ…….!!!!

  2. This was a great one ! Three powerful ; hard working and compassionate women in NZ.
    People before profit.
    Thanks Martyn – great job.

  3. To be quite blunt and honest, most beneficiaries do NOT bother informing themselves and do NOT read stuff that could help them. I and others have made huge efforts over the last few years, published much info, but only a minority of people bother reading, informing themselves and bother to connect.

    With the amount of ignorance, and self focused BS, where people think they better rely on Twitter, Facebook and endless other distraction and misinformation, and otherwise just accept the crap they get presented by WINZ and so, they may not deserve anything else than run into the blade that is presented to them.

    I am sorry if this may sound unhelpful, but I have grown tired of the endless lamenting and victim attitude some have. If you get confronted with a challenge and much injustice, take action, go and reach out, read stuff, inform yourselves and go and work with others. If people cannot be bothered doing so, they can only blame themselves for their fate.

    That is where we are in this society, every one person thinks he and she knows best, just looks after number one, and does give a shit about the whole general situation and society as a whole.

    You reap what you sow, dear friends, and some should have considered bloody long ago, that this will not serve our interests, nobody’s interest in the long run, but the horse has bolted, it is one against each other and for each other, social cohesion no longer exists, and there is no unity, nowhere to be found here in Auckland, rest assured the rest of New Zealand, learn your lesson from this failed experiment in this lost city.

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