The Daily Blog Open Mic – Thursday 24th March 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



  1. Soooo…. the FBI needs the Israelis to crack an iphone but NSA can do it anyways…does this mean the FBI and the NSA are not talking to each other ….and does it mean the Israelis control NSA?

    ‘FBI using Israeli firm to crack San Bernardino iPhone without Apple’

    …but Snowden who worked for NSA argues they can do it already:

    ‘That’s horse sh*t!’: FBI can already unlock iPhone without Apple’s help – Snowden

    … “what’s all this fuss about unlocking the terrorist’s iPhone?”

  2. This is brilliant! ….first posted on the Standard by Draco T Bastard

    Professor Guy Standing on ‘Why the Precariat requires a basic Income’

    … compulsory viewing especially for young people , women in unpaid caring work, the unemployed, artists…and what is left of the working class

    …in fact everyone who is not part of the 0.01 % crooks who own the wealth and control the people and the planet

    Professor Guy Standing ( Professor for Economic Security , University of Bath) is an articulate advocate for why the precariat absolutely requires a basic income …and for a redistribution of wealth

    He is really the equivalent of the old trade unionist and socialist…calling passionately for a return to an egalitarian, compassionate, just and humanitarian society…dignity and freedom for ALL

  3. John key threw all the lies and bribes he and National had at Northland, and still lost

    John key threw everything he and National had, even broke parliamentary rules, and still lost.

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