The Daily Blog Open Mic – Tuesday 22nd March 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



  1. Interesting contrast between UK and NZ.
    In UK the Tory government gives tax cuts to the rich and reduces disability benefits – the MSM roar in protest and one of the government ministers publicly comes out against it.
    In NZ National gives tax cuts to the rich, cuts the heart out the health budget and the MSM and government cheerleaders all nod and smile with approval.

  2. This is worth watching and repeating . Israel is the fourth biggest arms exporter in the world.The arms industry is run almost exclusively by males and psychopaths, as is evident from the film. Congratulations to the documentary maker for his courageous expose.

    From Rosie on The Standard

    Rosie 15
    21 March 2016 at 2:29 pm
    Over the weekend I watched this Witness documentary about the flourishing Israeli international arms trade, on Al Jazeera. It was an unsettling watch. A military “philosopher” ( as he was referred to) oozed a fascist blood lust, grinning constantly about the efficiency and skill of the IDF. Arms dealers at a trade fair sold their weapons proudly, stating they had been “tested” and that they were the best on the market – testing, meaning they had used them “successfully” on the Palestinians. The narrative of the dealers and military was purely barbaric.

    Then in a surreal parallel with our very own abuser PM, a retired IDF general who became involved in the arms trade for all its lucrative gains, filmed attending the trade show, was standing next to a female soldier, and couldn’t help but give her ponytail a violent yank, enough to pull her head back.
    It was a few seconds of footage but demonstrated how these war lords view themselves as untouchable and all powerful, with the god given right to abuse.

    The sense of entitlement that those in power can have, to do as one pleases, for their own pleasure and entertainment was quite apparent in those few seconds. While Key hasn’t quite reached the status of war lord, he does share the same level of unaccountability and sense of entitlement as anyone in a position to abuse their power. Pure creepy and sick.

  3. ‘Humanity is pumping climate-warming carbon dioxide into the atmosphere 10 times faster than at any point in the past 66m years, according to new research.

    The revelation shows the world has entered “uncharted territory” and that the consequences for life on land and in the oceans may be more severe than at any time since the extinction of the dinosaurs.’

    Needless to say, on ‘Planet Key’ every scrap of fossil fuel resource must be extracted and burned, every opportunity to use concrete must be taken, and there is to be no discussion of the consequences or preparation for them.

  4. John Key doesn’t like the idea of a Universal Basic Income. According to newshub he said “You’d be giving it to people that don’t need it,” says Mr Key. “You’d be giving my wife $11,000. With the greatest respect I think we would prefer that $11,000 went to children in need.”

    Bronaugh is welcome to give $11,000 a year to children in need if she doesn’t want it, though I doubt she does that now. Income disparity, destitution and misery are the National Parties objective, to drive wages down so he and his ilk can whore off it.

    It will be a very interesting election if the sheeple finally get it through their head to stop splitting the left vote.

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