Political Caption Competition




  1. “Whhyyyyy oh whhyyyyy did I pretend Shillary’s damn emails weren’t an important issue? Fer cryin out lou, the FBI has launched a yuuuuuge investigation. And it’s not like she reciprocated in the way she’s treated me throughout the contest!”

  2. LORD I BEG OF YOU!!! A future to believe in, does not include Trump or Hilliary WHY ! WHY! WHYYYY!! do you forsake me….

  3. HA! HA! i will probably be Trumps running mate ,try that on for size.
    Or maybe his minister of justice, id love to see Hillary beg as i hand out the verdict.

  4. Much to the surprise of evangelical Christians, God’s first choice for The Rapture is a 74-year-old Jew .

  5. Who is the next president will be determined by the millennials.

    As a share of the electorate, the millennials, those born after 1980, will match the baby boomers for the first time.

    Finding themselves in an economy more unequal than it has been in almost a century, the millennials wonder why the average low-wage worker has been left behind.

    The corporations that drive these “disastrous trade deals” such as the TPPA, have to be listened to less, and ‘the people who are their victims’ listened to more.

    The millennials are attracted by the ‘new’ (to them) ideas of Bernie Sanders, who has drawn Hillary Clinton to the left “on health care, on banks, on the influence of Wall Street.”

    Bernie Sanders is nearing the point where his more narrowly based campaign must give way to Hillary Clinton’s wider appeal.

    “The only thing standing between a thuggish narcissist and the White House is the almost-certain Democratic nominee — Hillary Clinton.”

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