Key wasn’t just scare mongering with Jihadi Brides – he used it to distract from Tim Groser GCSB spying



Let’s just remind everyone what actually happened here.

Late last year, The GCSB and SIS had to front for the Intelligence and Security Committee. Questions were being asked about what the bloody hell the GCSB thought they were doing spying on our trade partners to try and get Tim Groser a job. Instead of answering those questions, the mouth pieces for the GCSB and SIS said they couldn’t answer that but they could talk about ‘Jihadi Brides’ – John Key immediately then seized upon this – as if this had been planned all along – and in front of the media played up the domestic threat posed by ‘Jihadi brides’ which justified expanding spy powers.

So instead of being forced to explain how they are currently misusing their spy powers, Key and the Intelligence Agencies managed to distract and spook everyone while demonising Muslims.

It NOW turns out that entire spin line about Jihadi Brides was bullshit because they didn’t even live in NZ!!!! 

NZers have been conned. Once again. And instead of focus on this outright lie and blatant attempt to manipulate the public, we get media attention false focused on Andrew Little for supposed racism based on questions the media put to him and we have another distraction with Key tweeting some inane crap to Jack Black about bloody pandas!

The Left are angry because of the out right lies and distractions that pass as mainstream media coverage. The Left are angry at the ease with which Key can deceive. The Left are angry at  how gullible the rest of the electorate are.

That anger then gets portrayed by a right wing political mercenary like Matthew Hooton as some type of mental illness.

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Meanwhile 300 000 kids live in poverty, the economy is being held up by lazy immigration and a housing bubble while dairy intensification falls over under an ocean of debt. We have private prisons bulging and public hospitals squeezed and we have entire generations unable to conceive of ever owning a home.

But don’t worry, the fucking Batchelor is on so it can’t be too bad eh?






    • the impression given and received for those gullible enough to believe it …was that we had a serious security problem in New Zealand

      …as usual it was a lie

    • I think it depends on whether they have left NZ for good, or are just doing an OE thing. If they have left NZ for good, they are no longer ‘real’ Kiwis in my books.
      That is the silly thing – apparently some of these Jihadi Brides had dual Nationality, so they could actually be Australians rather than Kiwis. (Maybe all of them, or was there perhaps only one? We do not know.)
      Yet for bullshit propaganda purposes they/she are/is being called Kiwi(s). Face it – there is a stench of dishonesty and deception about this whole can of slimy worms.

  1. Waatea 5th Estate – “The Spying Powers That Be”
    This was your best yet martyn you was so on to it there, and what a lineup you had also magic mate keep it up.

  2. You have described my feelings perfectly. The MSM are so frustrating with their Key worship as if he is some sort of god. I keep thinking of the saying “every dog has his day” & hope Keys days are running out. There must be a revelation to the people that Key is running a ponzi scheme with the economy although I suspect most of them will only find out after the inevitable crash.

  3. From one RNZ report:
    “They were New Zealand citizens domiciled in Australia and they left from there.”

    Yep, did anybody think anything else, when this hit the news?

    There was already much scepticism then, and despite of lack of real proof, even our useless MSM repeated this “news” giving the impression there were possibly a dozen or more New Zealand women preparing to head to Syria or Iraq, to join Jihadists as their brides.

    We should have learned by now, that Australia and their larger cities like Sydney and Melbourne have a larger Muslim community, and that there have admittedly been some cases of radicalisation, which their MSM have though also exaggerated on numerous occasions.

    So it may not surprise that some New Zealand citizens, apparently holding dual citizenship, who lived there, many have become somehow attracted to jihadist ideology, that would be in small numbers.

    Yet the SIS knew this, the GCSB will have known this, possibly Mr Finlayson and Mr Key will also have known this, but they made NO attempt to clarify the then scare mongering media reports that went around.

    Again we are sold the “ISIS fighter under your bed” story, to justify further expansion of spy and surveillance powers, and John Key is one expert at telling us half truths and untruths.

    Any word coming from John Key must be treated with a grain of salt, I am dismayed that so many, first of all our useless MSM, do still give the PM so much credit.

    Key is a repeat offender when it comes to compromising the truth and to misrepresenting things. When do our rat pack and other journos finally wake up, and start pressing the man with the really hard questions, rather than behave like tamed mercenaries?

    • Our useless MSM will continue to parrot Gnat Party spin as long as they remain in the pocket of the Govt.

      What we must have is independent media: people who are unafraid to look under the rocks, ask the real questions and keep asking them, challenge MPs and make them squirm, engage the public with real information.

      I think that will be a long time coming.

  4. Its like a never ending horror movie except this monster is real and wears a smile, suit and tie
    At least the Canadians came to their senses ,recovered their intelligence and stopped their conservative government nightmare before it became as bad as what we have here
    We have had a right wing takeover without one bullet being fired
    Such is the extent of that takeover that our media have been captured and are no better than this obscence and manipulative government and is effectivley involved in suppressing freedom and democracy by not upholding its responsibility to New Zealanders to give un biased news coverage and un biased journalists and presenters
    Untill the opposition in this country unites under a single banner and recruits concerned New Zealanders who see whats happening and are motivated to become a strong public force for change and cant be ignored by the MSM and Key and his cronies will we see any real change
    untill then we are facing the prospect of the continuation of a one party state

    • This time too the Gnats must be punished. Jail for Gerry for CERA corruption. Jail for Judith for Oravida kauri corruption. Jail for Bill for munting the economy. Jail for Key for the SCF fraud. No more messing about.

  5. We NZ/Aotearoans are in a, more or less, on-going state of manufactured confusion and anxiety. Every sector of our society is in polite chaos.
    We have ‘Plenty’ and yet we have poverty. We have ‘Peace’ and yet we have destruction. Instead of a government encouraging risk and innovation? They pretend they do but in fact covertly penalise such endeavours with threats and penalties to control us and force Compliance.
    Compliance. Film

    We couldn’t organise a revolt against those few parasites who’ve come to infect our democracy/politics if our lives depended upon that when, in fact, our lives do depend upon that. And yet… We do nothing. We can do nothing. We live in a permanent state of sleep paralysis. We’re vaguely awake yet we’re powerless to move.

    Sleep paralysis.

    I think it’s time we stop pointing at the problem and start coming up with strategies to purge our country of the Jonky effect. The rogernomes need to be asset stripped and then have our resources returned to us by any means necessary and if found guilty ( Braw ahahahahahahahaaahaaaa a ) should spend the rest of their days chipped like dogs so as we know who they are and where they are for our safety. Think fiscal pedophiles?
    But how?
    How about this for an idea?
    How about our police, teachers, health workers/professionals, WINZ workers, court officials, Judges, etc be requested to intervene in the affairs of the traitorous status quo that plagues us? Has anyone asked them? They are, after all, the ones most effected by the shock wave of dysfunction that radiates out from our corruption-induced poverty. They’re the ones run off their feet trying to stem the tide of lost zombi souls denied hope and security.
    I’m trying to say; we have a, by and large, brave and devoted social infrastructure more than ready to head to the battle front but they have no leader.
    Has Andrew Little had meetings with the HOD’s of the above organisations to express his concerns for when the 300k impoverished kids get to breeding age? Or for when the working poor of today are too old to work and expect a pension, health care and housing? Is Andrew doing that?
    No , he’s not. He assumes the position, bends over and puffs out brain farts using the High Language of the scholar so as to impress himself then chucks a jandle to prove, once again to himself, that he can Blokey-Blokey with the rest of them.
    Our politicians are perhaps not the place to start to look for solutions for the horrific cluster fuck we find ourselves struggling with because they’re all the fucking same.
    It’s with us. We are society. We pay the above infrastructure to be there for us. With out ‘ Us’ they wouldn’t have jobs. Why is it then that they sit back and watch on in horror as yankee doodle psycho jonky-stien goes at us with impunity?
    The answer to that question is simple. We have no leader.
    And I don’t mean a Labour or National or NZ First or Green or ACT party bias leader.
    NZ . Aotearoa. We have no one of stature, of gentle intellect, of brave and incorruptible integrity to stand up for us. We just have a simmered down film of greedy, lazy quislings to Lord God Dollar.

  6. Anyone with half a brain figured that out long ago. The only ones who haven’t realised this yet are the National sycophants and trolls who still cling to their beloved mushroom status.

  7. “But don’t worry, the fucking Batchelor is on so it can’t be too bad eh? “MB

    Frustratingly this is the sad truth.

    The majority are still such happy slaves, they do not care about people worse off than themselves. As a solo parent I have found myself in the most stigmatised, vulnerable and dismpowering situation. I am prey for every guy who thinks I must be “dying for some” when I walk out my door. The solo in the street.

    I supported my partner’s career for 10 years+. He pays 70 a month. I have to please him even though he physically abused me in front of my daughter, so he might be inclined to help buy clothes etc. No one cares, we are labelled.

    BTW This is an educated European male well respected in his, what was our, community, I had to move to another town 3 hours away to prevent him having access to me on his terms.

    I am cleaning it is the only work that suits the hours I can be with out my daughter. I am trying to study, my 76 year old mother who lives nearby is about to come home in 10 days she will need help which I believe is my duty and I want to help her.

    My daughter and I are following the US Presidential Elections, we watch parliament, we sign petitions together, from banning female genital mutilation to saving forests.

    We don’t have a television. We are reading Katherine Mansfield and next will be Kafka (perhaps…. it might be a little to close to what home is becoming).

    It is ridiculous that the lobotomised enjoying The Batchelor point to me as bringing the country down. Under John Key, I might as well be a Mexican Muslim in Trump’s world.

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