The Daily Blog Open Mic – Thursday 10th March 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



    • +100 SAVENZ…have done this

      …and easy to do this on action station ( see link within the link above) because they provide a summary of the most cogent reasons …and you can copy and paste and rewrite or embellish with your own comments

  1. Better than David Icke!

    ‘JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick’ by Francis R Conolly

    (Conspiracy theory review notes:…rather long, watch at your leisure…a bit once over lightly in some places, except on Kennedy …tough on Queenie ( not true imo!…nasty lies )…convincing and shocking on plot and murder of JFK…imo not the whole truth on WW2 and Hitler but certainly thought provoking!…terrifying present day oligarchy of power manipulations and implications for USA, majority of ordinary people and world peace…worth watching but keep your skeptical hat on)

    and …SAY NO to TPPA!…Squawk!

  2. Can confirm that Mahesh Bindra is correct in what he has said. The Hindi translation does read ” tick the flag of New Zealand which you want to be the new flag” That would confuse people and make them think they will have to tick Lockwood’s design. Winston Peters is absolutely correct in his assertions, and that this amounts to rigging the vote in John key’s favour. The Hindi translation is very different from the Punjabi translation which reads “tick the flag which you want to be the New Zealand flag”

    How many other nationalities have been incorrectly translated with incorrect misleading wording?

    • Re above link – does the orange “Ballot Man” point at the new flag in the Remember to vote” TV message?

      • Just like on the voting papers, John Key’s flag has been put first, when it should have been the current NZ flag.

    • Re the above link – It’s “Does the orange “Voting Man” point to the proposed “new” flag in the “Remember to vote” TV message?”

  3. I am not surprised that the road show show little disagreement with the spin.

    This is what is sent out with registration “Entry to the roadshow on the day is entirely at the discretion of the event organisers. Disruptive, threatening or offensive behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in you being required to leave the venue.

    You must comply with the instructions and directions of the event organisers. You may be required to leave the roadshow if you do not do so.

    In order to ensure that our guests receive the maximum benefit from the afternoon workshops, we may need to limit the number of people who attend each one. Please ensure that you pre-register for your preferred workshop and bear in mind that you may not be able to change that preference on the day. Decisions in this regard are entirely at the discretion of the event organisers.”

    It sounds very much like only the nice behaved little hobbit or businesses are welcome

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