The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment needs to act quickly to resolve a payroll issue which may have left hundreds of its staff out of pocket, the Public Service Association says.
The Ministry has consulted with the PSA about the discrepancy in its payroll systems, which appear not to comply with the provisions of the Holidays Act 2003.
“Obviously the PSA takes any issue about its members’ pay very seriously,” PSA National Secretary Glenn Barclay says.
“We understand many of our members at MBIE may be affected and we have already been talking with the ministry to help them resolve the payroll errors.
“We look forward to continuing the discussions, and urge MBIE to resolve this as quickly as possible.”
MBIE has told the PSA the problems with its system should not affect any other employers.
“The State Services Commission has been working with state sector agencies for some time to make them aware of potential issues around the Holidays Act,” Mr Barclay says.
“We will contact the Commission to see what progress they are making.
“It’s crucial that all workers
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment needs to act quickly to resolve a payroll issue
This over-bloated agency MBIE which has demonstrated before it has already stuffed up the accounting bungle known as “Nova pay” over the education staff pay that is still causing problems remember?
Mr Fix it” lost the plot over that one too.
Don’t hold your breathe over this one.
MBIE has now a new term going around.
Ministry of “Bullying, Intimidation & Enforcement”
Spread the word.
They are either underpaying or overpaying ,nova pay cost schools quite a bit, quite a few teachers were overpaid but was never made to pay it back, So expect business owner to dodge paying underpayments as well,. So much money wasted in school system ,so much money withheld from low paid workers
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