The family of Hamilton man Nicky Stevens, who drowned in the Waikato River on March 9th last year, while in the care of Waikato DHB’s Henry Bennett Centre, are holding a silent vigil outside Waikato Hospital today, the anniversary of his death.
They have attacked the DHB, led by former senior MP Bob Simcock, for “its complete and total inaction since Nicky’s death.”
“In the year since our son died while in their care, we have received no apology and no support from the DHB, and they have started no investigation,” said Nicky’s mother Jane Stevens.
“Nicky was legally in their care, by order of one of their psychiatrists, and was let out unsupervised by DHB staff despite our written and verbal requests that this not happen.”
“We have spent a lot already on legal costs, but not one cent of support was granted by the DHB when we requested assistance.”
“We have had physical and mental health problems ourselves as a result of this nightmare, and when we asked the DHB for help, they turned us down flat; insultingly telling us to go to our GP, who had already told us there was no DHB funding available for this sort of service at the moment, Ms Stevens said.
In the year since Nicky died, Waikato DHB has been plagued by a series of ‘mishaps’, including
the ‘escape’ of several other patients from the Henry Bennett Centre
the employment of a fraudulent psychiatrist impersonating another person
the ‘fail’ marks given the DHB in service delivery audits
the Coroner’s shocking story of the lack of care given Henry Bennett Centre patient Claire Watson before she died
Nicky’s father Dave Macpherson pointed out that “Health Minister Jonathan Coleman got so alarmed last July about the bad press and accusations of incompetence plaguing Waikato DHB that he ordered a special urgent investigation into the DHB.”
“We now know that was a ploy to keep things quiet while actually doing nothing – because in the 8 months since, no result has been announced and no changes have been made.”
“Nicky’s death has still not been investigated by the people legally responsible for him, and for holding such investigations.”
“Our family is strong, but it is still hurting, and cannot come to terms with Nicky’s death while answers are still not being provided.”
“Nicky’s death will mean nothing while there is no accountability,” he finished.
Ministry of Health is a joke sorry.
I got chemically poisoned 20yrs ago and still suffer from it but requesting help from this Ministry we received a sorry we cant help reply so these jerks don’t do anything for the sick and dying.
They protect the pharmaceutical industry that’s all.
Everything is swept under the carpet and the sole blame lays at Coleman’s feet and the previous minister. Why? Because the DHB’s are given an edict of do more with less. Clinicians in mental health are working way over their capacity yet are told to get on with it, with pressure being applied. Clinicians leave as a result and are not replaced, saving DHB’s $000’s and thus meeting the Ministry of Healths edict.
Bill English proudly boasted that National had reigned in spending in health and education with a “doing more with less” statement.
And to cap this all off Coleman makes personal attacks on Labour because they ask for answers on Coleman’s $ 18 billion upgrade of his ministries building botch up!
With an ever increasing population through migration, how the hell does one expect to do more with less in heath whilst buffoons like Coleman willfully misspend elsewhere.
I’m livid with morons like Coleman who have no remorse and in young Nicky Stevens case, say nothing, do nothing, sweep it under the carpet and it will all go away. No morals whatsoever.
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