The Daily Blog Open Mic – Thursday 25th February 2016




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



    • I personally think Hone is still ruing the day he teamed up with DotCON. That would have lost him more than 1500 votes.

      • u r wrong/wrong/wrong..tophat..

        as i said..question the maths/logic of my view… was in his hands..and he threw it away..

        ..and in part i raise it because the problem has still not even been recognised..

        ..let alone bloody well solved..

        ..harawira/minto etcare still prohibitionists..

        ..and they are still denying the will of the majority of party members..

        (and i must confess..i do have an irony-overdose when i imagine harawira/minto etc..having a ‘cold one’..and railing on about the evils of cannabis’..(!)..

        ..when surely it is alcohol that contributes to social-ills..not pot…which is indisputably the safest of all intoxicants..

        ..and the damage to maori communities etc from pot is from prohibition because cannabis is bloody illegal..!..f.f.s..!)

        ..there are intelligent people..harawira/minto etc..why the fuck are they unable to see this..?..

        (mashes forehead into keyboard from frustration..)

        • @Phillip I disagree. Although Hone has final say (even though they all say they live by an AGM vote) Hone wasn’t in charge of campaign funding. That’s the prezzies job.

          • is an irrefutable fact that the ad-campaign was ready to ads and all..

            ..and hone harawira saw it..and as he is a prohibitionist..he threw a power-play…

            ..demanding the campaign be pulled/not run..he did not want his name associated with pot decriminalisation..

            ..and he held sway..

            ..the multi-media campaign was pulled..

            ..and by doing so..harawira sealed his/harres’/mintos’ fate..

            ..and of course all the members of mana/internet who worked so hard for victory..

            ..they are the big losers..

            ..(and to lose in such a way..?..)

            ..they and their political-dreams/aspirations/work turned to dust..

   harawira hoisting himself on his own prohibitionist-petard..

            ..i am unsure as to yr agm/prezzie this was worked up by the internet party..

            (and the campaign-money had already been spent..(and that’s another story..that waste..

   fact that word ‘waste’..sums up the whole sorry-episode/end-result..

            ..and as i said..the problem has not even been recognised/acknowledged by harawira..

            ..let alone some abject fucken apologies proffered to the party members..

            ..and some promises to not do it again..

            ..that would be good..for

            • Well New Zealand has 180 billion in derivatives and fraudsters creaming 600 million off the top every year, for free, this is why things like EQC pay outs take so long. We should have a tax on it right now.

              Focusing on anything else. All this tactical talk?

              What’s the use of it all, fighting for our rights, when the money is already spent

  1. When China shut down it’s markets recently citing increased volatility there was a chorus of abuse aimed at Chinese mismanagement and a total willingness to frame China as the worst operator of capitalisms instruments.

    Then last Monday Europe suspended trading Eurex because they couldn’t process the increased amount of trades. Lol.

    And now the FED sees fit to suspend trading in one of there markets.

    What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. The FED deserves every short sell they get. And there is a lot

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