NO WAY! The new Head of TV3 News said WHAT???



The new head of News at the self imploding TV3 is Hal Crawford. This is what Hal said…

Why ‘quality journalism’ should be left to die

…that’s right, Hal wrote a blog arguing why the quality journalism should be dumped because clickbait rules ok

Real time data tell you exactly how popular a story is, and to maximise your audience size you need to weed out stories that no one wants to read. This kind of brutal treatment can be hard for an old school journalist to take.

Initially you may get upset that no one is reading the ‘important’ stories, but that arrogance fades quickly. Truly important stories rate. If some piece of news is going to change lives or become socially necessary or is just plain interesting, it gets traffic. It can take a lot of swallowing, but eventually every online editor comes to the conclusion that the audience is right.

…so it will be kitten videos and hard core pornography at Newshub from now on will it? This abysmal defence of clickbait is as sad as what will happen to the news room at MediaWorks. They may as well appoint Max Key as online editor.

Just what the NZ media landscape didn’t need, another depoliticised wasteland.


  1. Because Key signed the TPPA, will the ISDS provisions allow Oaktree Capital to take National, Key and Joyce to court for appointing Christie, Weldon and Crawford to absolutely gut the profits of Mediaworks/TV3?

    Maybe we will have to crowd-fund to keep Key and Joyce out of a SERCO jail?

    Interesting times we live in – oh the irony of it all….the sweet, sweet irony of it all.

  2. I have not watched or read anything directly from the NZ MSM for over 5 years and have no plans to. Its mostly tacky rubbish and misinformation.

    I have seen a lot of refugees from here on sites like RT and Sputnik. Chatting with them its clear I’m not alone in my disillusionment at so called journalism in NZ.

  3. Control the Media is what Key and National are about.
    Implement the TPP even though most NZ against it.
    Change the flag to a tea towel with not a silver fern but a white feather which means cowardice. (Never seen a white fern)
    So we can fly the tea rag at half mast, upside down.

    Meaning Cowardice, Nation in morning while in distress.
    Thank you Donkey..

  4. Oh god, it just keeps getting worse and worse at TV3…

    All I can say, is that my sanity is preserved by the existence of Radio NZ.

  5. Your photo made me so angry and I threw a borrowed dildo at my screen. The scrotum hit Key and the helmet hit Joyce.
    Question: Can I claim insurance for extreme provocation by three large dicks?

    • PS, if the NACT trolls like Andrew and Gosman vote this comment down, it means they disagree with the word “large” …

  6. Hey!! Back off Max. He’s a recording star, don’t you know. And as the son of a home-grown oligarch, he deserves to edit (or host)…something.
    And as for Mr Crawford’s assertion that ‘the audience is right’, well didn’t ‘the audience’ leave TV3 in droves?

    • Poor Max, everything is an Ex almost.
      TV is dead, when Coronation Street goes off air ratings will plummet even further.
      The only good news for NZ customers in the TPPA is that Netflix will have to allow us access to their database, and other licence contracts voided.

    • No, Donna, the audience is only right when they support your neo-liberal propagandist agenda. Not that they’ll ever admit it.

  7. “Truly important stories rate.”

    Bollocks. Kim Kardashian’s bum rates. Kanye West’s latest Twitter melt-down rates. A dancing kitten in a top hat and monocle rates. This in no way equates to any of this pap being “important”.

    Although the dancing kitten gets points for being amusing.

  8. The new Head of TV3 News should be given credit for his honesty. But clearly we are witnessing the collapse of one of the pillars of civil society.
    The question (and challenge) for us is: what are we going to do? – are we going to do nothing?

  9. This is the sad reality – that’s why T-Rump is getting all the attention he is across the world – not only is it real live soap opera, its real live soap opera and they know by reporting what he says and does, no matter how offensive it is, they can print it. He is a godsend for the media ratings – and you couldnt pay for that sort of publicity.
    The truly sad part of it is, that it brings out the very worst, in ordinary people, who actually know better, but because someone who is standing for president says it, then they suppose that its acceptable. Same happening here – it has the stamp of approval, because they were elected.

  10. Ah see that is neoliberal thinking. What is popular is what is important.

    Funny though a lot of important things in our history were not popular, such as art movements like cubism. Famous authors are often not as popular as say John Grisham (but in 50 years they will still be read and relevant, unlike John’s books!)

    Smoking was popular as was using Asbestos in the old days.

    My point is, going with what is popular is not a long term strategy for any business as is, like making short term money.

    Apparently the only companies still on the US stock market after 100 years, are IBM and GE.

    Think about that, astonishing. Most US stock market companies have collapsed within a lifetime due to incompetence. No wonder Kiwis love bricks and mortar!

    If the tax payers had not bailed the US banks out, they too would have collapsed.

    Dick Smith collapsed and everyone losing their jobs in OZ and NZ after corporate raiders got it and put the value up $400 million. A year later, worthless. Who pays, the people who work there and the people that paid that extra $400 million. Will any one be found to be at fault, NO. It’s the markets, legal robbery.

    But is this new style of corporate welfare sustainable?


  11. I read a blog piece (cough… ahem… I mean “column”) in the Nelson Mail about why daily newspapers are still important. Apparently it’s because they employ journalists, and blog sites don’t. From what I’ve heard, journalists at mass media organisations are now on the same sort of precariat contracts as junior academics at our universities. But let’s assume this is true, and the mass media still pay fulltime reporters and give them the journalistic equivalent of academic freedom; the freedom to ask awkward questions of those in authority and say whatever they can prove or source. So if online media organisations like theDailyBlog and Waatea 5th Estate can come up with the revenue to pay fulltime reporters and researchers, what use do we have for the legacy mass media again?

    • “From what I’ve heard, journalists at mass media organisations are now on the same sort of precariat contracts as junior academics at our universities.”

      You heard right. Not only do journos at the herald not have a proper contracts they have been forced to sign a new contract under Murdoch which means they no longer own their own copywrite (i.e. what they write) and various other punitive clauses. Journos should leak their employment contacts:)

      So under TPPA big business gets more copywrite power, those writing it, less!

      Soon the journos will be the new homeless if they don’t write what they are expected too!

      And where is the money going, shareholders and executive salaries of course!

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