Murray McCully threatens Key in Saudi stand off



The master of the dark arts and head of Slytherian House, Murray McCully, has expertly threatened Key over the Saudi Sheep Bribe by claiming he won’t stand in East Coast Bays in 2017.

There is real scrutiny mounting behind the scenes at the manner in which McCully facilitated this bribe money to the Saudis. While most of the sleepy hobbits of muddle Nu Zilind  are barely aware of the scandal, the checks and balances behind the scenes are now building and Key senses an easy out here would be to simply sack McCully.

By making it clear he won’t stand again, Key would trigger a by-election if he sacked McCully.

Cleverly played by Murray and it means the scrutiny on the Saudi sheep bribe won’t dissipate.


    • Yes the plot thickens and Poor Murray has been made the scapegoat while the monster machinery that is Nasty NatZ top high priest of Propaganda “Mr Fix everything” S Joyce will be down at his “nerve centre of propaganda” MBiE (Ministry of business innovation & Employment) plotting the way of setting up a graceful exit for perhaps one of the “old school of McLays finest line-up” and he will be binned quietly for yet another more radical right wing puppet that doesn’t speak back Martyn.

  1. The Saudi sheep bribe was more likely the work/plan of Key/Joyce/ English rather than Murray who was probably just the guy carrying out their plan and now carrying the can. As you surmise he has decided to insulate himself quickly instead of being forced to resign or forced out as the fall guy. Good move. He knows where the bodies are buried.

  2. Key isn’t worried about ECB because it’s solidly National and any issues emanating from the Saudi deal could be managed in the 19 or so months until the next election. The big worry is that Little will grab hold of this and do some damage in NZ Inc. which could see a safe popularity margin start to be chipped away as people realise the alleged corruption and outright anti-NZ activities in which the Nats have been involved.

  3. NZ is allowing this terrible PM to do what he likes. In regard to the TPPA it seems even if USA dosnt ratify the so called deal ,Key will,says he will carry on with the laws put in place,which i believe means regardless of other countries ratifying he will allow Corporations to enter NZ as planned and buy up farms and land ,will allow them to sue us for lack of profits,just as they would if USA ratified it.
    Its a though Key has counted the benefits to himself and his cronies and wont give them up whatever happens.
    The article in todays wake up New Zealand explains.Key is a corporate raider if this article is correct. What are we going to do about it ?

  4. What about the animal rights issue with shipping live sheep to the other side of the planet to a desert? It is morally disgusting the fact no one gives a shit about this.
    It is deeply disturbing and beyond belief.
    I am now believing that the human race needs a massive slap in the face or a slap right off the planet. We don’t respect anything we don’t deserve it.
    The hierarchy of the fat white male will come to a head soon. The great Humbling will reshuffle the deck, this disgusting civilization will crash and the sooner the better and maybe a few pure animal spirits will survive on a planet purged of the stupid white man/woman culture of suffering.
    The baby boomers also will speed up our demise, they keep voting in the arseholes who do nothing about climate change, far too late now anyway. (405 co2 ppb up 5 in one year).
    They had decades knowing the science and still don’t care, I am sure mostly they would be secretly happy to take all life on earth with them when they kick the bucket. Stupid, ignorant, selfish, money grabbing idiots. As long as the merry-go-round is fun for them and continues no matter what the consequences are, and they are happening now and going to be HUGE in the future!

    Congratulations Air NZ making millions of profit off the back of massive deadly storms fuelled by climate change. All those with share holder profits have blood on your hands and all the idiots keep getting on cheap planes rides because this is our culture. What a bunch of fools. What a shame they weren’t all like Bernie Sanders and stood for a better world for everything on it, imagine how different things would be now?

    Once you see through this insane culture you just can’t unsee it, it is amazing how many supposedly educated smart people are so immersed in it they can’t even see that it IS the machine of death for all of us. Educated imbeciles. We are tied to the ship of fools, we will all sink. And no technotopia will save us, we are not going to Mars it fantasy thinking.

    How the fuck else is anyone meant to compute sending live sheep to a desert as anything other than proof of a fucked up system?! And using tax payers money, everyone who pays tax should down tools and refuse to support this and war, and John Key, and the flag, and…

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