Malcolm Evans – Justice for David Bain


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  1. how do you find the defendant: NOT GUILTY : Next!!! How do you find the defendant: NOT GUILTY : Next!!! How do you find the defendant: GUILTY : AIMEE we’ve got one………

  2. Money talks and the Nats are saying “no” how can they give compensation to David Bain,they need it for Saudi businessmen or ????

      • @ Clemgeopin – or pandas. They will cost some big bickies to buy or lease. So have to keep some money in the kitty for a couple of pandas, which by the way will become the focus of attention during a certain “prominent NZer’s” court case in April!

        Priorities, priorities.

        No money available to rightfully compensate David Bain!

  3. Dunedin Police in the 1980’s ! !
    Tampering – corruption – lying and then continuing for years in denial and more lies and cover- ups.
    Set up and pin guilt on the non-guilty just to quickly close the case.

    If anyone deserves a hefty compensation settlement it’s David Bain.
    But not from the unethical and lying Natz who are clearly out of touch and want to protect the police – pure and simple. Their financial priorities are slipping into more debt and more selling out of NZ and then lying about it all. We have become a corrupt little nation with leaders like we have now who take care of their corporate and bankster buddies and to hell with the people of NZ. Money and greed – their motto.

  4. Judith Collins played an important role in stopping justice with this case regarding compensation, etc. and she is appalling and a massive disgrace. The ethical and caring Joe Karam should be commended for trying to help David get justice and to receive what he grossly deserves – Compensation ! ! and compensation NOW. The legal system failed and the police failed and the Natz failed.

    Judith Collins tows the Natz ( corporate/bankster gangster ) party line no matter what is fair and just and lawful.
    Joe Karam is a wonderful man and in a league way above Crusher Collins and knows what the words compassion and justice really means.
    Collins legacy will be as pathetic and shameful as her lying leader.

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