The Steven Joyce Dildo Smack REMIX


Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 9.28.57 pm

After the horror mocking by Last Week Tonight…

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…feel the beats


  1. Yes true that.

    Steven Joyce,- the high priest of the Government’s flagship propaganda agency “Ministry of business innovation and employment.” MBIE.

    This Government Propaganda machine sounds awfully similar to Hitler’s high priest Joseph Goebbels Propaganda ministry setup in 1932 to prop up that Dictator called “Ministry of public Enlightenment and propaganda” or MPEP.

    This sounds awfully like the same beast as MBIE which has been revived 90 yrs.’ later to prop up another shonkey dictator.

  2. L0l… it just keeps giving !!!

    Old Dildo Baggin’s and Glitter Bomb Key…


    Y’ know….we need a song where the boooooo’s can be rhythmically and digitally recorded as well…

    Hmmm…some sort of Techno /house /rap sort of thing… drum solos accompanying the dildo slaps…

    Booooo , Booooo, slappa slappa slappa !!! Booooo , Booooo, Booooo!!!!

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