Paul Henry, flying dildos, mass TPPA protests & being booed off Big Gay Out stage


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Paul Henry and John Key made passionate love on TV3 this morning in their weekly love in which passes as an interview. Between gasps of joy, John blamed his historic booing off the stage at Big Gay Out on a small group of protesters who ruined it for everyone. Paul Henry screamed YES, YES, YES.

What a load of bullshit.

John says he wouldn’t go to Waitangi Day because he was gagged.

What a load of bullshit.

John says it’s beneath the role of the PM to have dildos thrown in politicians faces.

What a load of bullshit.

John says it was just a ‘rent-a-mob’ who turned up to protest the TPPA.

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What a load of bullshit.

Key was booed off the stage at Big Gay Out because his polices are despised and counter the love and freedom and acceptance that BGO espouses. John has always used BGO the way he has used the Maori Party, as political camouflage to make his Government look less brutal than it really is. The veneer of John’s spin has worn thin, that’s why he was historically booed off stage.

John  didn’t go to Waitangi Day because his decision to sign away our sovereignty 2 days before it was a spiteful and deliberate affront to all of Maoridom and his safety couldn’t be guaranteed. As for gagging, this from a PM who has negotiated a far reaching geopolitical leash that favours American Corporation in total secrecy that has sought to gag every opponent who has been critical!

Key said it was beneath the position of Politicians to have sex toys flung at them. From a PM who has made crass jokes about prison rape, screamed that the Opposition supported rapists, made gay shirt jokes, minced camply down a cat walk and bullied a young waitress on 10 separate occasions, a flying dildo to the face would almost be dignified at this stage. It is John who has demeaned the position of Prime Minister, not protestors throwing sex toys.

And as for a ‘rent-a-mob’ turning up at the TPPA protest – check the picture…


…that’s a popular movement John, not a ‘rent-a-mob’.

Everywhere you go John, we will be there to protest loudly and angrily. Everywhere.


  1. Funny — I never ! watch the arrogant Paul Henry but this a.m. I did when John Key was on. Did anyone notice how overly friendly and happy the PM was ? He is in so much denial and running so scared and has to downplay and lie about any opposition. I agree with you Martyn and glad you are again affirming the reality that both Paul Henry and John Key can not and will not face. Small little men they both are in so many ways other than physical height.

    Donky wants everyone to believe the untruth ! that it was only the few protesters and the Green party who booed him off the stage at the Big Gay Out event. Wake up PM and smell the real reasons why you were booed off the stage. Again downplaying his growing opposition and truth exposing. This continually shows how out of touch he really is and frankly running scared, very scared.

    Then the ill-informed and uneducated Henry put down the anti-tppa demonstrators stating that we do not know what we are doing or why we are protesting. When asked if he read the agreement or knew much about tppa, he stated he did not. His lips should be raw and chapped by now with all the donky kissing up he does. P. Henry is just blindly pro anything smelling like National or John Key. He was insulting and rude to Jim ( his co-host ) on the show and I bet that he and Hilary secretly can not stand the disrespectful and know it all, little man with a big mouth. He has no clue about why so many are opposed to tppa yet he spouts his rhetoric as if it is gospel when it is usually superficial fluff and ego stroking.
    ===>>> Arrogance and elitism way out into outer space.

    I agree Martyn that jonky donky is full of B.S. and how horrific and embarrassing that we have the likes of Paul Henry and John Key, ” mis-representing ! ” us and NZ and that the world sees them and laughs and surely we are judged for it, in a not so good and friendly light. The real sadness here is that those two ego maniacs are not even aware that they are so ignorant and also so out of touch with the masses here in NZ and with important issues. We deserve so much better in our morning journo shows and in our leader. So continually embarrassing and frustrating to have such idiots in the media and speaking for us.
    Not sure why I broke my boycott with Channel 3 this a.m. – think I will go back to boycott mode.

    • Its interesting that I can’t see Mondays Paul Henry’s interview with JK apart from the fact that the TV3 website loads like a dog there was no reference to the interview which is weird last year link was on front page now there is no mention only an interview with Collins. When you go to TV1 breakfast page – loads way faster and is in logical sequence their interview with John is not referenced as a whole there are only snippets which is odd. Think the power and control is moving and things are changing in National Party. Also think that media works is in more trouble than they are letting on as the website is chaotic

  2. Excellent. Great Post.

    And if one ponders on the fact that jonky’s only the little white head on the big, swelling pimple, can you imagine the sphincter clinching going on around boardroom tables, offices and in fancy cars as we’re clearly soon to find out just how OUR money was/is spent on THEIR fancy lifestyles. Here comes the Truth, you fuckers.

  3. So sad I am to hear on RNZ National today that a new poll shows that 66% want the current flag retained, all this after National’s alto ego star media player Shonkey has failed to use the robbed $30M FROM THE NZ TAXPAYER TO TRY AND SELL A NEW “CORPORATE” FLAG ONTO US AS HE CORPORATISES NZ.

    We are delighted the tide against key is turning as he is a caustic SORRY MAN that has all but destroyed NZ politics and our democracy.

    • Who’s poll – I haven’t been able to find anything. Unless it was David Farrar’s company – and I’m sure that won’t be biased, lol.

      On a trip from the Manawatu through to Wellington over the weekend we noted the amount of nz flags about the place -particularly on private residences and cars. The only lockwood flags were flying at a large international hotel where there were three -and no nz flag (which I found pretty insulting as the stars and union jag is still the official flag – also felt the same about Mr Key’s lapel pin).

  4. New Zealand society doesn’t actually make it easy for people to let their political views be made public other than through the main stream media. People often don’t like political parties and political statements at community events. So in fact it is very hard for people to have political conversations with strangers in public settings.

    Other than that, people should be grateful that New Zealand is a country where people don’t do anything more than boo. And if booing is unacceptable, what the heck are people supposed to do to show their displeasure – clap?

    Finally, someone who dismisses 20,000 protestors as a rent-a-mob looses the right to complain when a small crowd boos at him. If he can’t respect 20,000 people who go to the effort of marching, why shouldn’t they show a little bit of the same attitude back at him.

  5. Hear hear Martyn. Said exactly as it is, the truth.

    FJK is a legend in his own lunchtime and nothing else. A creepy, sly despotic little man, in the mold of a dictator and I emphasize the term LITTLE here (with no disrespect to the Labour leader). He is toxic, a venomous serpent, regularly demonstrating sociopathic tendencies, unable to face up to the now increasing number of Kiwis opposing his rabid, destructive policies!

  6. Definition of a rent-a-mob:

    Anti smoking lobby groups which get their funding from the govt to increase taxation on tobacco.

    Actually speaking of which, they are excluded from the TPPA. Wait till this hits Congress and Phillip Morris want changes….

  7. The fact that so many are still showing support for the likes of Paul Henry and John Key just shows the continual dumbing down of NZ intelligence into a brain dead mode. Denial and lies they swim in to defend the madness and not having the ability to acknowledge the truth.
    Two sad wealthy men whose future legacy will not be a pretty picture.
    No wonder the aussies wanted Henry gone.
    No wonder the masses want Key gone.

    • Bet he starts avoiding public events in the future – the masses are speaking out and better hire a few more body guards for our poor little donkey – our lost phony leader in denial. Keep lying donkey – you’re good at that.

  8. Any one still thinking TPP is just a friendly deal ?
    Barack Obama; State of Union address

    “With TPP, China does not set the rules in that region,
    we do”

  9. Ah yes but the lie that has obviously been manufactured to cover for this unexpected but totally unsurprisingly loathing is to claim it’s a “rent a mob”, not the public who have had a guts full of Key and National.

    The rosy love fest that we’re supposed to have with Key,, propaganda shithe has worn off. It’s a very bad look to have him being so openly jeered so the best National can do now is to get Stuff. Co and the other payrolled media to pretend it’s just a rowdy few.

    • It funny….how the Aussies are quite proud of their Ned Kelly heritage…yet even they showed contempt for Henry , didn’t find him particularly funny , and virtually shut the door on the little wanker so the only alternative was for him to slink back to NZ and become a paid sycophant for Glitter boy Key…

      That….. should tell you how ‘ successful’ your beloved Henry is when confronted with the big boys of this world.


          • I would have thought that having a swinging voter reading stuff on here would be deemed desirable, some stuff on here is quite sensible and reasonable. But if any one thinks you even list to the right a bit, you get called names and are told to sod off, thereby turning off people that may potentially give you some support. No wonder you have not won an election for years

              • I have never looked at Whaleoil, just wanted to have a look left and see if it appealed. I found support for criminals over victims, protesters that do not care about infringing the rights of others, and a general anti establishment mood which is quite unfounded in places. The good on this sight is over shadowed by the bad and silly. Thanks anyway. Regards.

                • Dave…if you are looking for “left or right” that’s all you will see,and why your myopic view is not apparently appreciated. You prejudge based on your preconceptions that people are left or right, You are looking for a crutch to suit your limp. The key is to open your mind and seek the difference between right and wrong…learn to walk unaided young feller.Big boys pants now.Try following a straight line …left or right are just are just “sheep” drafting gates.
                  Don’t be a sheep…stand up…be a critical thinking independent kiwi with a mind of his own.

                  • Dave, we disapprove of your govt. and your leader looting our country and selling us short and poor managing that benefits the few. Because they keep getting in does not reflect the major descent many feel about their connections with criminal banks and greedy criminal corporations and the N.W.O. agenda. They dictate to the media so it is no compliment that they are in office. They bought it. This blog site is full of folks who are just trying to get the truths ! ! out and it is naive to think it is just about right/wrong or left/right. Your govt backs the US economic policies and war machine and we want something different – peace and prosperity for all.

        • You’re suggesting that the Greens should back bad policy to get your vote?
          The whole point of the Greens (at least that’s what it used to be) was to introduce good, sustainable, innovative policy that worked without worrying about who would vote for it or not in the hope that there were enough sensible people around to keep them in parliament.
          Adopting voter-preferred crappy policies is the stuff of National and, in the latter part of their last term in office, Labour – you can swing from crap to crap as you please.
          PS – still grumpy about the Greens not backing the legal drinking age going back to 20.

    • It is the ” LEFTIES ” who want prison and legal system reform and to stop the profit motives/privatization and poor prison management. Our prison and legal systems are ineffective and broken and need massive revision. In Norway, a prisoner has health care and voting rights and when they get out no one asks them if they have ever been in jail or prison. They did their time.
      Our systems are mostly based on the U.S. systems and they have failed miserably.

  10. If it was on Henry it was breakfast time. Breakfast is when lots of licking and sucking up goes on.

    Expecting a copy of that protest to be held up by Henry up and him asking the PM to justify calling it ‘rent-a-mob’ is not fair. Henry’s lips were too engaged doing the usual breakfast things.

  11. If what Key calls anti TPPA “rent a crowd”, then the New Zealand Herald political reporters have been utterly “bought”!

  12. John Key is a self-serving liar, a fascist, and generally a complete arsehole. Good riddance.

    Unfortunately, it won’t be easy to rid ourselves of Key. And there will always be another arsehole to take his place if he decides he has done enough looting.

  13. I attended the BGO and was shocked (not really) to read the coverage on NZH and Stuff.
    For the record:
    The crowd started booing gently as the Nats were being introduced. The MC tried (vainly) to chastise us into ‘behaving’ but it just got louder and the few who were clapping kind of…stopped.
    Key spoke for about 10 seconds and the boos got louder, I think he must have cut short whatever pandering bollocks he had planned. Nicky Kaye was utterly drowned out and spent about 5 seconds on the mic. Maggie Barry didn’t even get to hold the mic 🙁 Aww.
    They scurried away after about a minute of stage time. I would say 95% of the very large crowd were either actively booing/yelling or sitting in stony, unsmiling silence. People were running from other areas to get in on the booing.
    It was wonderful!
    And the band played the Michael Jackson song that goes “they don’t really care about us” straight after. Very nice shade.

    • “People were running from other areas to get in on the booing.”
      This is wonderful news, Dan. I’ve a feeling booing could catch on big-time as Kiwis find it’s the perfect way to protest. No marching, no banner-waving, no risk of manhandling by the police – just good old-fashioned LOUD disapproval.

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