2012 TPPA interview with Jane Kelsey & Lori Wallach – see how long this fight has been


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The fight against the TPPA has been a long one.


      • Be kind – most RWNJ didn’t finish secondary school and will be needing Andrew Little’s education package. I just hope we have enough waitresses to pay for them all.

    • I’m really happy with the way opponents to the TPP are going.

      Just for discussions sake. Imagin twenty years after a TPP is ratified. It will be the most scrutinised document ever. If Foriegn corporations get to up themselves in that time. I’m guessing the TPP will be axed.

      New Zealand has experience with treaties. It’s taken less than 200 years for calls of the Treaty of Waitangi to be scraped. I’m guessing it will take a lot less time before middle New Zealand start repeating the nonsense they say when whinging about Te tiriti.

  1. I enjoyed this protayal of the world from an academic perspective. However, I come from a farming background and excluding dairy, we are looking at the removal of subsidies, on sheep meat, beef, wine, kiwifruit and to some extent dairy. What happens in the USA as stressed by Lori has (in my view) less of an impact on us. Much has been made of sovereignty issues but to be fair what is written into this agreement does not differ from any of our other free trade agreements.

    • Unfortunately it is significantly different from most previous agreements with the degree that transnational / multinational corporates have a welfare system established for themselves, and the NZ farmer, the NZ businessman and the NZ individual does not. The “unthinkable” can happen if the corporation deems its profits to have been compromised for the future, when a NZ law is put in place to protect NZ farmers and businessmen, or the NZ environment, or the NZ workers, or the individual in NZ. These are the ISDS clauses, which may enable a multinational company to sue our government in an overseas tribunal, which is in secret, with no independent oversight, needing just 3 lawyers, and in which there is no right of appeal, and in which practically everything is kept secret. You and I and all NZrs will pay the tax / costs to pay such financial penalties, and there have been about 600 such instances around the world today. The rate at which they occur is likely to get a lot worse with TPP type agreements. Please research this some more. Thanks.

  2. Thanks Richard – I think you may need to repeat your post absolutely everywhere on social media, so people who believe corporations ‘will be nice’ and not SUE OUR ARSE, will perhaps think again… Oh it will happen alright, and New Zealanders WILL PAY DEARLY.

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