Herald & Stuff have story about cafe not serving trim milk above Labour’s free tertiary education policy – this is why we need new media


Where a newspaper places a story gives it prominence. A day after Labour announce 3 years free tertiary education and how have the Herald & Stuff online placed the story? Under a story about a bloody cafe not serving trim milk!

I kid you not.

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This is why we need a new media.

More on that this week.


  1. Pathetic!…this is why I don’t read the newspapers any more

    …they are misleading and irrelevant

    …they are out of touch with the concerns of New Zealanders and young New Zealanders in particular

    ….and they are morally defunct

  2. And don’t forget the quality headlines like “property markets about to go bananas” but to be fair that coffee article has attracted more passionate comments than anything Mr Little has to say would.
    Weird world we live in.

    • So, essentially, in order of headline importance, we have…

      1. Hey! Greedy landlords and rapacious property investors! Look over here! There’s money! And more money! And what’s this?! It’s yet more money!

      2. Ermahgerd, Felicity! They won’t put low fat milk in my latte anymore! If I end up with a gross muffin-top and three chins, I’m blaming them!

      3. Andrew Little said some stuff.

      The Mainstream Media — keeping the peasantry stupid since ages ago.

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