Most Recent BlogsThe Daily Gallery TDB Political Caption Competition By The Daily Blog - January 12, 2016 15 7 FacebookTwitterWhatsAppLinkedinEmailPrintTelegram
“See now that, Frau Merkel, is someone who was born to play fetch for the state department.” The question is, did this photo take place before or after he warned her about what happens when you team up with the Americans?
merkel:..’thank you for your kind offer..of the dog…but no thank you..i do not need any more refugees’..
“See now that, Frau Merkel, is someone who was born to play fetch for the state department.”
The question is, did this photo take place before or after he warned her about what happens when you team up with the Americans?
putin:..’would you like me to take my shirt off and pose with him for you?’..
putin:..’would you like to take your shirt off and pose with him for me?’
putin:..’why don’t we both take our shirts off and pose with him?’…
merkel:..’thank you for your kind offer..of the dog…but no thank you..i do not need any more refugees’..
Leaders with balls
Leaders and dog with real balls.
“Sie schmutziger Hund Putin!”
“Он кусает Ангела…”
A Russian bears it…
“Haff you met meine hund Barbarossa Herr Putin?”
Summit described as “dog’s breakfast”…
Merkel accuses Putin of hunting with the hounds and running with the hares…
Merkel and Putin agree on non-agression pact over Poland…
Merkel dogged by a black dog…
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