The Daily Blog Open Mic Monday 21st December 2015




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



  1. andrew little..while visiting washington/and clearly drinking far too much of that pentagon kool-ade..

    ..blurts out that he sees the only solution to what is happening in syria to be a land-war/invasion..

    ..and pledging new zealand troops for this new war/’solution’..

    ..and then little having had barely time to lick his foam-flecked/war-mongering lips..

    ..came the news of an apparant managed ending of conflict..worked out by the main players..(and of course the pressures from the tide of refugees..and to making that stop..cannot be underestimated..) little has his armchair-warrior moment..on the eve of peace-deal..

    ..could he be more wrong..?..more out of step..?..more of a fucken ‘worry’..?

    ..this clown would have us going to fucken the favoured ‘political’-solution to issues..

    ..especially as a water-bearer for the americans..again/still..

    • +100….well i think Michelle Boag said she thought Little would be a good choice for leader of the Labour Party! ( say no more)

      …just as now Hooton on Kathryn Ryan’s progamme is endorsing James Shaw as one of the most successful politicians of 2015…taking Greens to the centre

      ( again ….say no more!)

      time for a new Labour Green Mana Party …

      (a real opposition not a pretend one)

  2. NZF supporters come out tops in opposing the TPPA…shows that NZF supporters are staunch and left wing ( unlike the lies spread by some)

    ThIs from ‘Its Our Future’… TPPA News Bulletin #80

    ‘Kiwis against the TPPA’

    “In successive polls, Kiwis have rejected the TPPA. A stunning TV3 Reid Research poll revealed that a majority of NZ voters reject the TPPA. The coverage said that 52% rejected the TPPA (some people didn’t have an opinion, and the rejection was over 60% of those who expressed an opinion). 73% of Labour supporters were against it (is Andrew Little listening?), 84% Greens and 87% NZ First. Even 23% of National Party supporters were against the TPPA. That’s an amazing result especially as it came after a month of media carrying the government’s PR and spin while we couldn’t see the final text. Then last week, 97.5% voted no to TPPA in an online referendum run by the people’s ‘Real Choice’.”

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