We have far more to fear from a mass surveillance state than ‘Kiwi Jihadi brides’




Oh it’s ‘Kiwi Jihadi brides‘ now is it? That’s why we need mass surveillance with weak oversight? That’s why we needed to ram through dodgy legislation? That’s why we need 24 hour warrantless searches? That’s why we need to boost the resources to an intelligence apparatus that keeps breaking the law?

‘Kiwi Jihadi brides’.


Scared yet? EVEN if we accept this fear mongering to justify all the power the mass surveillance state has gained, how do you combat radical extremism? You do it by reaching out to alienated communities, you don’t ramp up the fear and create the justifications to react. How about we spend that extra $8million in the SIS budget for community outreach?

This is just scare mongering crap. EVEN if the GCSB and SIS are right and there are all these young NZ women leaving our shores to marry radicals, gloating about it doesn’t many any one of us safer. A far better tactic would be working with Muslim communities, not isolating and targeting them.

We are manufacturing a Wolf so the boy can cry terrorist.

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  1. It sickens me to think that the lives of woman under IS control is a threat to me or New Zealand.

    God dam it. There is absolutely zero circumstance when a woman could scare me on any level.

    This is bat shit crazy

  2. Spot the latest Crosby Textor generated catch phrase being pushed by Dishonest John.

    Go on, you know you can.

    • The implication I got from reading the articles is that they are ‘Western’ ‘Jihadi Brides’, i.e. they’re talking about NZ citizens.

      I also got the picture that Kitteridge said the reasons for the “kiwi” women’s departure for Iraq or Syria was unknown (that is unknown if intention is bride, fighter or supporter of fighters). She also limited numbers to ‘less than a dozen’ (that’s 0.000003% of the population or less), whilst Key referred to ‘one or two’. Key was the one who mentioned the women ‘engaging in weddings’ at ‘the last minute’.

      If people leaving the country for Iraq or Syria is a concern, why aren’t we vetting people who leave NZ for these areas?

      If we can’t get enough ‘evidence’ to lay charges on ‘terrorists’ who are ‘planning attacks’ when we have them under 24 hour PHYSICAL AND ELECTRONIC surveillance, are our spies incompetent? Or are the targets of surveillance actually not a sufficient threat to justify such invasion?

      I don’t trust this government. If there were really such threats to our security, why haven’t they raised the threat level? Why are we going about ‘business as usual’.

      The reading on my bullshit detector says ‘scaremongering’.

      • Further

        It’s not a bloody wedding

        It’s a god dam slave trade

        This is complete bullshit from the PM and others. Tell us what it actually is.

        It’s anonymous militants on the internet talking sweet nothings to our girls. Bloody pimping them out.

        Dam this has really got under my nose

        • @ Sam . ” our girls” . Oh dear. Poor little things don’t have a mind of their own right? I can’t wait until @Elle or @ Andrea etc find you my man.

          • Your a bloody idiot. They are our girls.

            Tell me. When exactly do you intervene?

            – When your sister is being raped?

            – your neighbour?

            – a random been taken from the streets?

            Or do we just give these terrorists a pass to just pick up woman in order for to turn them into baby factories because of @Elle and @Andrea.

            These jihadi johns are just spouting false hope

              • IS is just taking advantage of the weaknesses in our society. Trying to move in on territory held by traditional gangsters engaged in drugs, human trafficking and all that.

                Some how we have to get more creative in fighting traditional crimes because those policies have failed. And we shouldn’t respond by bolstering failed policies. Or one liners

      • This is simply another example of taking a tiny minority engaged in dubious behaviour and employing gratuitous hyperbole to push an agenda.

        A bit like Paula Bennett and her “people on state housing waiting lists are refusing homes because of chirping birds and front doors being painted the wrong colour”. It’s a percentage so minute that it barely exists at all, but it’s useful in scaring the masses into blithely accepting the erosion of their civil liberties because… ‘TERROR!’.

        They’re so transparent it would be funny if the potential consequences weren’t so frightening.

        • Definately, create a crisis where none exists, get media to spread the lie then use crisis to push through more draconian legislation that further erodes peoples rights.

      • Just smoke and mirrors from Key.Jihardi brides would be easy to spot and be detained, hang on for perceived threat to coverup something else.TPP is the final rope around our necks .

        The One World Order is spoken about by some polititions and proffessors, they talk about TPP and false flags,everyone should read the article in Wake up New Zealand. The world is on course for total control by Cabal which consists of corporations and banks.
        Bill English has attatched us to the Brics countries, im not sure what to make of this , Brics set up by Russia and China to save us from OWO, and NZ is now part of the Brics, Key and English are up to something,either having a “bob each way” under the boot of American influence and joining Brics in case USA goes under, or infiltrating Brics but I think Russia is to smart to allow that, Maybe Russia is part of OWO ,I sincerely hope not,i prefer to think Russia is better intentioned, maybe keeping their enemies close to keep an eye on them.
        What a world we live in,not much trust anywhere .

  3. Naturally the common people don’t want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY.”

    –Goering at the Nuremberg Trials

  4. You’ve just got no game if you think woman are dangerous.

    No really.

    Any amount of woman that leave New Zealand bound for IS means, some one hated them / her more than IS does.

    Far out man. Is funding boosts to SIS all we can do for these woman.

    This is fucked

    • @ SAM ( Uncle ) OMG ! You just keep ramming your big flat feet into your gaping maw don’t you. And despite that you keep blatering like a punctured Bruce Willis.
      You’re going to show us ‘faggots what’s up ‘ by marrying a ‘jihadi bride ‘. I bet she can’t wait, who ever she is. Just make sure she doesn’t have four legs , a furry back and smells of grass ? I doubt you’d mind though so I hope you two will be happy. Are you donald trump ! ! ??

      • Pfft. your comments are quite touching, reads like the oldest trick on the Internet. One charismatic and charming piece of work sent here to set us all straight and guide the woman away from IS in a kind of romantic ceremony, a reverse IS recruitment theme. These guys are just picking on our vulnerable woman, Iv seen conversations, between recruiters and muppets. They bullshit, they say you’ll get a big house, two cars. They recruited woman, in exactly the same way as pimps and hoes, exempt in this case the idea is to have more babies than we produce bombs.

        Nah fuck you country boy. I’m right. Your just a romantic

  5. You people going thumbs down on my comments fucking disgust me. Nobody deserves to live under ISIS and organizations like it. Young woman make a stupid mistake without understanding the consequences or how thoroughly they are being manipulated. I feel sorry for them. I hope they return home safe.

  6. John Key’s troll brigade will now be getting to work to justify what he is claiming. There will be more bomb hoaxes delivered by telephone invoices with Arabic accents; empty bags left around universities and railway stations. And expect one or two cases of girls being stopped at the airports on their way to marry Jihadi John or an equivalent. All guaranteed to cause fear and hatred towards Muslims.
    Am I suggesting that National is actually behind most of the “terror” threats? Yes. While New Zealanders are afraid National can do what it likes under the guise of “protecting” us. They no longer care about democracy or democratic process.

  7. We are allowing the MSM to make a dictator that is dangerous and reckless with his arrogance fiddling the system from this small isolated country and acting it out on the world stage, like another famous dictator that caused the last world war.

  8. What the bet that these ‘Kiwi Jihadi brides‘ are Iraqi/Syrian born New Zealanders who have gone back to these areas because they have relatives there who need help or for other family reasons e.g. elderly parents, brother’s wedding etc.

    • It’s a minority among Muslims, and it’s a really small fraction, and that’s without including some of the worst offending Muslim countries.

      When 0.0003% of Muslims believe that apostasy should be punished by death and the more moderate older demographics give the idea a support rate of nearly 20% you know you have a problem.

  9. Since when does leaving New Zealand to go to another country consist of a crime?

    Since when does marrying someone overseas consist of a crime?

    How and on what level are these New Zealand women a treat to our nation by going overseas and getting married??

    It makes no sense.

    I note they’re not expressing any concern about the possible manipulation or sexual exploitation of these women. Just that they may possibly be terrorists.


  10. Key’s claim about jihadi brides is as plausible as his claim about NZ Christmas Island detainees being rapists and murderers. He was proven to be a liar then and he is a liar now.

  11. The SIS have put so many qualifiers in their statement I just had to laugh – I just wish more kiwis could see what a bad joke these SIS statements are

    • I agree. Presumably the women are NZ citizens leaving on NZ passports. Presumably the SIS has authority to request/access information from all and any agency or government department holding information on such passport holders (e.g. Gender, ethnicity, age, occupation, family members, bank account details, emails, person sitting next to them on their flights, etc). If the potential alleged ‘jihadi bride’ was already a ‘terror suspect’ then presumably their text messages, facebook, emails, bank transactions, twitter feed etc could be under 24/7 surveillance. If she is also under 24/7 physical surveillance presumably there are SIS personnel physically following her, watching her, installing cameras and microphones in her home/entering and searching when she isn’t there, accessing the camera and microphone of her smart phone, laptop, tablet, etc.

      What I am saying is that it does not seem credible that our spy agencies, with all the powers we know they have and are legally allowed to do when they have suspicions, can not gather enough evidence to stand up in court (which is exactly what has been implied in all the reports our news media has provided from the government).

      • Because no one is supposed to know they have been spyed on. Once your spy techniques can be scrutinised in open court, well you’ve just informed every one interested how you operate. Then make adjustments to the way ops are conducted in the future, potentially every time a case is brought before the courts. 24/7 surveillance is very expensive.

        • I disagree with your argument here Sam – the spy techniques I referred to are already being scrutinised in open courts and the media, for example our own homegrown case of Nicky Hager and the court documents released by Scoop, along with the subsequent public, legal and academic discussion.

  12. In the West and other non-Muslim nations, clearly the narrative of the extremists is prevalent. They simply get a lot more press. Conversely, in actual Muslim nations and nations with large Muslim populations, the moderates still thankfully hold sway. There are large-scale government and private campaigns to rebut the theology of the extremists and advance the traditional, moderate interpretation of Islamic scripture. There are also programmes in many places to identify vulnerable individuals and keep them within the moderate fold, as well as programmes to capture and deprogram extremists. The moderates are definitely still winning where it counts thanks to highly organized efforts on the ground, mostly invisible and uninteresting to the West.

    If the moderates were not still winning in the Muslim heartlands, the situation would be a lot worse than it is. If you think IS as it stands is bad, imagine it with billions of members.

    There is a battle within Islam to define itself in the modern age. Every time someone calls woman jihadi bride or identifies the extremists with Islam as a whole, he helps the extremists win this battle by associating Islam with them and advancing their narrative of Islam being under siege and requiring immediate violent action to save. Don’t help the terrorists win.

  13. Edit of original post: It’s a minority among Muslims, and it’s a really small fraction, and that’s without including some of the worst offending Muslim countries

    When 0.0003% of New Zealand Muslims believe that apostasy should be punished by death and the more moderate older demographics give the idea a support rate of nearly 20% you know you have a problem.

    Couldn’t change my original comment so I reposted

  14. The SIS should be spending its time protecting us from the real terrorists. The US of A. They are the ones who attacked Iraq and Libya under false pretences (WMD’s and lies about Ghadafi) and killed millions leaving chaos and refugees in their wake. Now they are attacking another sovereign country, Syria, intent on more death and destruction. The SIS should be providing the Government with real intelligence to counter the claptrap the media broadcasts on behalf of Washington and NATO. But no. They are busy building their, oh so important, 5 eyes empire. More money and power for them from the richest country in the world and the most aggressive hegemonic power in the world. They should be called 1 eye and 4 toadies

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