National can let Serco off hundreds of thousands in fines but won’t give beneficiaries money they’ve underpaid


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It really does say something about the National Party doesn’t it?

When it comes to fines for their pet private prison experiment, National can let them off to the tune of $375 000, yet when it comes to beneficiaries who have been underpaid their benefit for 18 years, the Government is busy rushing legislation through to stop them from getting that money.

Huge corporate who has breached its safety contract and gets let off hundreds of thousands in fines – sweet as.

Paying beneficiaries money they are owed – no way, pass a law to prevent it.

Welcome to the priorities of this Government.


    • More corporate fraud and corporate welfare, while real struggling New Zealanders are shafted again.

      Still, a new flag will fix it all and kiss it better. oj ;owihv lqkughl ufqlwcjkeflqfjqejhfbkjcbh oops, my fingers just slipped in the irony of it all, which has leaked all over the keyboard..

      • Ha ha key looks so bloody stupid here.

        NatZ are proud to say always that their changes of all parts of Government procedures since becoming Government so how long have they been in Government?

        Oh yes, seven years.

        And with all that looking into every corner of Governance practices and radical changes they boast about, how was it that they all failed to spot the payment issue error the day after?

        NatZ cant run a piss up in a bloody brewery mate.

  1. There are a few issues here, not all of them obvious. Firstly, National can claim (somewhat legitimately) that beneficiary payments was due to an administrative ballsup and was not of their making. However, this doesn’t excuse their unwillingness to correct the underpayments. If it had turned out that the government had paid too much do you think National would kindly write off the overpayment? Yeah right! What if my bank told me that they had actually paid me less interest than they should on my investments? Would I expect them to pay me the shortfall? too f…..n right I would and the government should play by the same rules as everyone else.
    The other issue is the attitude of the government ministers. Anne Tolley was on the radio this morning basically saying that because the individual amounts were so little (she didn’t actually specify what they were) then it didn’t really matter. I guess when you are being paid a salary of over 100k a year a few measly dollars is just like parking meter money to you Ms Tolley, but don’t you dare to presume that it is the same for beneficiaries struggling to meet the bare necessities of daily life!
    And now they want to rush a new bill through parliament to effectively rob the poor and give it to the rich.
    That’s National through and through. I can only quote the headline from John Minto’s post: Give it back, you bastards!

    • “If it had turned out that the government had paid too much do you think National would kindly write off the overpayment? Yeah right!”

      That is it: Endless double standards, beneficiaries are not worth anything, not even an honest apology! That is what NatACT are all about. F*** these “bludgers”, that is what they think.

  2. Will the Nats let me off my speeding fine as well??

    C’mon, John, it was only 65 in a 60k zone.

    What are my chances? One rule for all, isn’t it?

  3. Ask yourself this? Why do the unemployed not go, in droves, to jonky and kick him in his diddle ?
    Why do us lot not side with the unemployed, the sick and the injured and head downtown to Wellingtons Suitville and do some diddle kicking of our own?
    Do we need to rewind the psychological mechanisms they use against us which now have us in chains ?
    When will the fuzzy faced idealist diddle kickers in waiting come to realize that to defeat the enemy they must use the enemy and its tactics against it ? After all , the tactics they use against us are pretty effective don’t you think?
    Jonky can please himself what he does to us and with us. THAT should be our focus . That he can do this with impunity.

  4. National can do what it likes, when questions in parliament are allowed to go unanswered. Key was asked what he thought about his own treasuries advice on a matter ( about the state of the economy) and Key said he didn’t believe Treasury actually said that. When a document showing exactly what treasury had said was asked to be tabled, National objected to it. So much for nothing to hide, nothing to fear Mr Key.

  5. A bag of arseholes is what they is. Every day that goes by we get closer and closer to mediaeval times. The peasants are treated like shit and the robber barons take from everyone. They wield unfair taxation on those that can’t afford it all the while ensuring they themselves are exempted. The hearts of the cities that once contained the predominant beliefs of the time, the great cathedrals and churches, now contain the predominant beliefs of our time, the banks and investment houses. God has been replaced by Mammon, and though I am an athiest, we are the poorer for it.

    A plague on all their houses. Privateers and thieves all…

  6. It says something about WINZ too who when someone is overpaid are onto it like flies on honey but when they underpay someone they are slower than a sloth.

  7. What is going on here?

    Firstly these penalties only come out of the bonus layer of the money going to Serco. They never ever get their profit touched otherwise no matter how badly they perform. But even then they get let off.

    Is there some Nats who have share holdings in Serco? It would make corrupt perfect sense then.

    Or is it that the contract Serco signed is so full of holes that the government cannot enforced fines because our government are idiots when it comes to handling taxpayer money? On the past 7 years, also likely

    Is Serco being paid as per normal whilst these white wash enquiries are going on? Probably!

    What a stinking mess this whole arrangement is. One assumes the polling on this matter has shown New Zealanders couldn’t care less!

  8. One rule for the corporates and one rule for the rest of us?

    Don’t worry Serco will be skinning us Taxpayers for the fines in other ways?

  9. The New Zealand welfare system is designed so that the hardest hit end up destitute living under a bridge. The goal of WINZ is to clear the welfare books, and not get people back on their feet, or give them anything – least of all what they deserve as human beings.

    In National’s mind if everyone couldn’t receive welfare, and was living under a bridge, begging at a church for food. Then they could claim there is ‘less poverty’ or ‘lower unemployment’ because those people no longer exist (until they die and need to be buried) as WINZ wiped them off the books. That’s the National ‘welfare’ state.

    • WINZ assumes everyone is a fraudster until proven innocent.

      Ok, ok, who am I kidding? WINZ just assumes everyone is a fraudster, period.

  10. Unemployment, homeless, poverty, it wouldn’t exist as it does, if Key let Serco get off scot free, yet stopped overdue beneficiary payments. Yet again, this is a “Government”, not mine, but nevertheless, it exists.

  11. Beneficiaries are not only second class citizens, they are not even third class citizens, they are no citizens at all in the eyes of this government, paying so much lip service about “supports” for them, and “raising” the benefits “the first time in 40 years”.

    They are blatant liars, Key, English, Joyce and these misinforming “Ministers”, they do not care, and due to the media being in the hands of forces loyal to them, there is virtually NO reporting on the beneficiaries having for many years been short payed a day after applying for a benefit. Only Radio NZ, that lonely voice, that only has comparatively few listeners, bothered reporting on this.

    So most will not know, will never know, and that is how the government wants it.

    Serco did not get fees charged, the Minister, Lotu Iiga, said in Parliament today, claiming that they remedied the most situations where they were found to have failed in the first place. I wonder how much truth is in that?

    It is the same with Charter Schools, where failings are covered up, and where extra millions are spent, to save the face of the government, as their ideology is more important to them, than resigning to the fact they made wrong, stupid decisions and took measures that do not work and do not bring the desired outcomes.

    There is much information about welfare reform also, re that “evidence” they so often go on about. If anybody would bother reading the actual reports their bold and bizarre claims are supposed to be based on, then people will find, there is not much real evidence at all, to justify what they brought in during mid 2013 (the most draconian reforms since 1991):

    Their Principal Health Advisor already appears to have become a bit more silent on some former claims about the benefit being “like a drug” and so, I wonder why?!

    • Sorry, it has been noted that some “links” in that PDF found via the first live link above do not work, so you need to go to the post on the website (using the second live link) to activate them there for further info.

  12. I will be happier for the government to use my tax to pay for those unfortunate people who struggle to live than paying for a new “Flag”

  13. The moral of tis story is in two parts. Firstly that crime does pay under National.

    Secondly, if you’re wanting to dodge fines, become a limited liability company and get a contract with a National government.

    They’ll be too embarressed to publoicly admit you’ve done any wrong.

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