Has Cameron Slater bitten off more than he can chew with Colin Craig?



I say yes.

I think Slater and Co have made a terrible blunder in underestimating Colin.

They thought Colin would just leave the Leadership of the Conservatives after they made their allegations, and they would be free to gerrymander someone else into the position.

They didn’t think Colin would side step the Friday night meeting and go on the offensive.

Jordan Williams’ counter defamation action is just a bluff and Slater waving around the Lange vs Atkinson case as a means for him to avoid any defamation action ignores the fact Colin has hired the same lawyer who argued for Atkinson.

In short, Slater has gone after a target who he has misjudged and Colin has nothing to lose by fighting back. Cam keeps telling everyone that Colin is all bluster and he won’t be served, I think Colin has taken his time to ensure the case will stick.

If Cameron hasn’t been served with his papers today, my guess is that it will be in the next 24 hours.

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If Colin wins and beats Slater, it will be more than just a defamation case, it will be Colin fighting the Dirty Politics Cameron & co represent.

There’s a lot at stake here, and I don’t think Cam has realised how serious Colin is.


    • It’ll be fun to watch them squirm —- * @ # + ^ ! $ & @ +^# ? ! @ # * + ! !
      Glad to see more light put on the brainwashing; crimes and hypocrisy — the Dirty Politics ( Thank you Nicky Hager and others )
      In denial, the greasy whale and the lying donkey slowly sliding into the abyss as more and more see right through them now.
      Hopefully more NZ’ers will wake up to the truth and to the — ” REAL ”
      and true conspiracy theorists and their hidden agendas to destroy so much.
      They’ll get their just desserts in time ! !

      Thanks – Mary_A for clearing up the past issue I had and being thoughtful and helpful.

  1. Has Cameron Slater bitten off more than he can chew?…Hope so!

    …Hope Colin Craig causes him to need new dentures

    …It would be good to see jonkey nacts fighting pig dog given a good mauling …most of NZ would be cheering

  2. How many people on this blog honestly think that Craig would win? He is against the sick, corrupt, grubby political system that underpins this National government – do you think they are going to let Craig beat them? No way Jose. This government has shown an appalling casualness about interfering in proper legal processes before and it won’t balk at doing it again, especially considering that its underlying credibility will be at stake. National will make sure that their dirty little henchman is not touched and they will conduct do anything sleazy or corrupt to ensure that.

    • The way to catch them will be the Whale’s tax records. The Whale doesn’t have the money to fight Craig – but the caucus club/dirty politics machine has. But if they pay him there’s a tail leading back to interesting places. Shades of Banks.

  3. It may be that planet Key is in for a Pompeii , Krakatoa and the San Francisco earthquake all at once when the whale gets beached…

    And a Hiroshima to boot as well when all the radioactive fallout starts to happen and the blame game starts…then we will see the knives coming out…

    • Hiro – fucko – shima as the elite criminal banksters and whales and donkeys clean out their hard drives and emails in the middle of the night. Hope justice prevails in some corners as we, hopefully ! !, put out to pasture more and more of these WACKO judges and dirty politicians.

      Thanks to Nicky Hager and his book “Dirty Politics” and Glenn Greenwald and many more for giving NZ’ers the opportunity to see through the BS and see the truths.

      Finally wake up you 30% + asleep Natz supporters and smell the greed and lies and deceit and most importantly – the fear producing and war mongering brainwashers.

  4. If whale loses, how much cash do you think he will be asked to shell out and/or for how many years will he have to go under with other crims in jail? Can he be put in jail at all for defamation?

    • The wannabe killa whale will never pay from his own pocket,
      he will again sucka his faithful few into raising the dosh
      with a “lets see how fast we can raise this lot” and a
      “awww if only everyone else was loved like me.”

      Soon more of his fan boyz will find out how he likes to manipulate people for the fun of it
      he will then hopefully go reside in Oblivion Town with all the other saddo’s, writing his auto book ‘How to fool them all’
      with a quick follow up of ‘My Dirtier Politics, Snigger’.
      with forewards written by the author of ‘Fooled Ya’ and
      “I don’t recalled that”

      Greedy shameful people making a living off lies and deceit go down in HIStory as such.

    • Defamation of character is a very serious charge to lay against anyone. I do believe it used to carry a prison sentence, but that may have been changed to a very hefty fine and nothing else.

  5. Thank God for a guy to enter the fray who can take on pure slime whale oil and put him I his place.

    Yeah let the games begin, this is my best birthday present one could have, go Colin.

  6. Key will pump some serious resources in behind Whale Puke as he would not want him to squeal or throw up any ambergrease.

  7. And what if CC is all bluster? I suspect that pamphlet was all the shots he’s going to fire. It was never about defamation against Slater & co it was about winning over his party faithful…

        • We’ll have to wait and see. In any case, as you say, it’d certainly be more than just a defamation case. But I don’t agree that Slater has underestimated Craig. The reason is because Craig has a reputation for suing and so I’d be very surprised if Slater didn’t take this into consideration before posting.

          BTW and apologies for being off topic but I reckon you were best editor Craccum ever had (just something I’ve been meaning to say for a while)

  8. The Right will eat itself, once it has consumed its own young.

    But lets not make CC a people’s champion- he is just part of the Right, one of the sharks circling the feeding frenzy where they parasite their greed upon their own kinds’ misfortune.

    The end result, when the winner slithers forth from the grey and clouded viscera of the banquet, slimy-lipped and satiated – will be that nothing has changed- a skeleton of a once wounded whale, and a thousand smiling sharks… out there, looking for their next meal, gorging on the fish that rightfully belong to us….

    • “But lets not make CC a people’s champion- ”

      Just because two people you don’t like are fighting, doesn’t mean one of them is your friend.

  9. Will be great if Colin Craig has the balls to take Whale Slime right to the wire, should be great entertainment in the Press.

  10. That Nat woman on the Panel on Radio Live did have something to reveal about Cameron today, few did expect that. But Mr Slater later tried ridiculing Ms Boag. Now, are both liars, is one of them, or what are we meant to make of it? I suppose the truth will come out eventually. Eventhough I have little time for Michelle Boag, I think on this I may give her more credit than Cam.

  11. Another take of the Whale doing a dirty smear campaign against Craig, as that fat bastard did for Key before, involving other opposition party members. We all know Slater is Key’s employed shit stirrer, for the simple fact that Key is too cowardly to face the truth of his very own dirty tactics of the political arena.

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