Climate change – it’s the end of the world as we know it and apparently we feel fine


Climate Change is the largest challenge that our species has ever faced.

Our denial on the impact human pollution is causing the environment is corporate self interest mixed with a selfish arrogance that refuses to accept environmentalists and scientists are right because they don’t want to ever agree they are wrong.

One gets the feeling that a Climate denier like Cameron Slater would actually prefer to perish in a fire than admit his house is on fire.

If the planet was one giant living organism, and there are many ways to argue that definition is actually true, then we as a species are a virus that has made the host body sick.

That host body is about to purge us as the virus.

As the planet super heats because of the CO2 we pump into the atmosphere, more and more heat is trapped. That heat pushes temperatures up, those temperatures melt ice at the polar caps. This melting ice does two things. Firstly it reduces the amount of white space on the planet that simply bounces heat back into space so it ends up quickening the heating process and more importantly it puts more fresh water into the oceans. As heat build, frozen methane trapped on the ocean floor and in Siberia is released in massive amounts, this rapidly melts remaining glaciers desalinating ocean conveyor pumps, particularly in the Labrador and Irminger Seas around southern Greenland which shut down the flow of heat from the tropics north which in turn plunges the Northern hemisphere into a new ice age.

Within the space of a decade we can go from a 7 degree hike in temperatures to a frozen snowball.

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The ability for most species to adapt to that kind of climate extreme will see many become extinct and the ability for Governments and civilisations to function crumble.

We need to be on a war footing to cope with the changes we need to implement, not some foot dragging irrelevancy.

Our total denial of the realities we face if we do not make significant changes now is as bewildering as our blind ignorance. We deserve political leaders who will lead, not make excuses. The very existence of us as a species demands it.



  1. CO2 as a warming gas, ‘trapping’ heat. LOL
    Not very good at physics, eh. Try googling “adiabatic heat” or, “entropy of CO2”, or “ThermoGravitics” for a bit of background on why we know CO2 is a refrigerant…

  2. Ever wondered why we’ve never picked up signals from extra-terrestrial civilisations?

    I wonder if, as civilisations industrialise, they inevitably end up polluting their environment to such a degree that they end up declining.

    Result; civilisations may reach a certain point with industrial expansion, and after that, it’s a steady decline as their environments collapse, resulting in massive flooding; extreme weather; increased UV radiation (with CFC pollution);and resource wars for ever diminishing food, water, and arable land…

    ET isn’t phoning because there’s no one home at their end. They’re too busy living the “Mad Max” lifestyle.

    • Awesome comments here Martyn,

      You should be in Parliament mate.

      We now have zombies among us who are fatalists.

      Gone are rational thinking people who care about the future of the planet and the Grandchildren.

      We are the worst custodians of our future.

      Government is the worst as they close rail and allow a 6 to 12% increase in new truck road freight task every year now.

      We are going the wrong way in transport and every other way you look at it.

      When Treasury advises Government to shut down Kiwirail you know how out of touch our Government is about what rail was intended for in the first place.

      Do they know that it takes 30 litres of oil to make one truck tyre? how much pollution emits from both the manufacture and use of one tyre compared to one rail steel wheel?

      Tyre particulate pollution in our air is now as dangerous to our health as exhaust pollution and is now finding its way into our roadside drains and rivers and we are consuming it, as “Butadiene Styrene” which is causing us all cancer now.

      One train uses p to 12 times less fuel per tonne carried one km then a truck uses so why are they closing rail?

      Petroleum companies want more business to sell more oil products that’s why and should be made accountable for wrecking the planet.

    • Martyn, I know it’s your blog but what proof do you have to offer that signals haven’t been picked up. Are you relying on MSM reports? And anyway, they probably use pictures to communicate – like crop circles. So there!

  3. 4000 generations of man…2 left .Or we fight an absolute war starting now on emissions . A binary choice that even for me with no children is not 0 but 1

  4. “One gets the feeling that a Climate denier like Cameron Slater would actually prefer to perish in a fire than admit his house is on fire.”

    I’ll say it again. Slater is not a well person. He is demonstrably sick. He has said as much himself; and calls one clique ‘chaos and mayhem’. His mind is only set on causing confusion and disorder.

    He simply does not have the ability to empathise or act even in his own interests. The sooner the media wakes up to this, the sooner we can all ignore him and he can get the help he so desperately needs.

      • Some people love wallowing in mud. When they read they move their fingers along the line and their lips move.

      • It is easy to set up a computer with a website page, and then have it reload itself every minute or so, or even seconds, so this would appear like numerous “hits” or “loads” or “views” of the page by something like “sitemeter”.

        There are also other methods to hike page views and so forth, which can be generated by manipulating the systems.

        I am sure our “friend” Cam has worked this out to a fine art, to have “achieved” such ratings, as he claims he gets through blog visits and page views.

        It is just expert BS, nothing else, while here we have honest posters and commenters play fair, even allowing trolls to comment.

  5. “One gets the feeling that a Climate denier like Cameron Slater would actually prefer to perish in a fire than admit his house is on fire.”

    Well we can always live in hope Martyn…

    The simple truth is, as with the venerable Flat Earth Society, the climate change deniers’ opinions do not matter.

    Nature will do as she do do,
    And there’s no doing anything about it.

    Actually there is (and apologies to Thomas Stearns) “anything” we can do about it.

    What I’m trying to say (and not very well) is that when it all ends (not with a bang but a whimper), whatever opinion or idea you had, including (and especially including) “There is NO climate change”, will not make one iota of difference;


    “Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm. But the harm does not interest them.”

    It actually goes a little further though, and the harm itself couldn’t give a flying fuck. It doesn’t pick and choose, is completely amoral and is ubiquitous. It just is.

    As is climate change.

    Do something or do nothing but the result applies to 100% of humanity.

  6. The current spike in CO2 concentrations looks largely (if not entirely) cyclical to me, and is CERTAINLY NOT unprecedented or even extraordinary (let alone some sort of “all time high”). Somehow the planet has ALWAYS “recovered” from spikes in CO2, and imo climate change believers underestimate both the planets capacity to adapt to changes in C)2 levels let alone mankinds’s capacity to adapt to whatever the planet dishes out (think about where we originated from (i.e. Africa) and where/how we live now (i.e. EVERYWHERE)).

    • looks largely (if not entirely) cyclical to me, blah, blah

      Who cares what you think?

      It’s the scientific consensus in the relevant field that counts.

      For some reason that eludes you.

      Hmmm, one one side, every scientific community on the planet, on the other hand, a no-name on the internet.

      Not difficult.

      • “Scientific consensus” has been wrong before, so it’s most certainly NOT “what counts”. What counts is scientific (i.e. measured) FACTS. The FACTS are that no climate model to date has accurately predicted measured (i.e. factual) changes in temperature due to mankind’s derived CO2 emissions, which means the models are, so far, incorrect. When a scientific hypothesis doesn’t pan out, then one of two things are true: either the model is wrong/incomplete or the entire hypothesis itself is wrong. Until we know which it is I don’t see the urgent need to completely change humanity’s way of life, which almost certainly will lead to mass starvation. If you think this can somehow be avoided, I’d like to hear how. Particularly I’m thinking of overpopulated and/or rapidly developing countries such as India, China, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia etc here, without whose cooperation (given their contributions to global CO2 emissions) your noble endeavours to “save the planet from us” are frankly COMPLETELY a moot point – how do you think you can force them to change their ways? Military force?

        • Nitrium, I believe the data this far points pretty strongly to human-iinduced climate change.

          It’s hardly surprising. It’s happened before.

          In the 1990s, we had to ban CFCs because of the destruction of the Ozone Layer. That was us – humans – that done that.

          And around 2.7billion years ago, early bacteria – known as cyanobacteria – changed the first early reducing atmosphere (carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia) into an oxidizing atmosphere, with the nitrogen-oxygen we suck in today.

          So not only is it feasible for organic intervention in the planet’s atmosphere – but it’s already happened. And one of those instances was due to human-induced pollutants (CFCs).

          Considering the mega-tonnage of CO2 and methane we’ve been pumping into the atmosphere since industrialisation and intensive farming, it’s hardly surprising there have been consequences.

          Just as the amount of pollutants we dump into rivers and lakes has an effect on our water quality.

          • “Just as the amount of pollutants we dump into rivers and lakes has an effect on our water quality”.
            Now now Frank, that’s just an opinion, you know John Key has someone to counter that.
            Cur Peter Gluckman isn’t it?

          • Actually Frank, the jury is still out on CFC’s too, since we won’t know for certain whether banning them has actually had an effect on the Ozone Hole until mid 2030s(!). And, yes, that’s is according to scientists at NASA.
            Again, like my opinions on CC this doesn’t mean it’s not factual or that I “deny” the effects of CFC – simply that it hasn’t yet been proven. I’m definitely not a climate change “denier” (I never have been, since the climate does and will forever continue to change, with our without us), I just don’t think from my own reviews on the actual science that’s it’s slam dunk certainty that many here at TDB are all too willing to believe.

        • Nitrium,

          You still don’t get it. It’s not you vs me. It’s not you vs Frank, or you vs The Daily Blog.

          It’s you vs every scientific community on the planet.

          Think about that.

          Write a paper on how all the climate models are flawed, get it published and collect your Nobel Prize for overturning the scientific consensus. Until then you are just background noise.

          And here’s a hint, lay off using allcaps in any paper you write, they make you come across as certifiable.

        • It must be a pretty big rock you’ve got your head under.
          Scientific FACTS – well the scientific facts so far tend to corroborate the general accuracy of the modelling – and mass starvation caused by doing something to try and ameliorate what is going to happen….wait until it happens – then we’ll see some mass starvation! The US military are now factoring in wars over food and energy over the next 100 yrs -so, in one way, perhaps military force will be the only way to change peoples attitudes…….

      • The scientific consensus on physics was Newtonian until Einstein came along.

        The point is that consensus doesn’t matter – that’s not how science works.

        ….and anyway there is no consensus because many scientists have differing opinions on the matter.

        • The point is that consensus doesn’t matter – that’s not how science works

          Total bullshit. Your ignorance is breathtaking.

          Consensus is exactly how the current sate of scientific knowledge is understood.

          Einstein postulated hypotheses, largely mathematical in construct. Even though the mathematics was internally consistent it took observation to validate the hypotheses into theory and to shift the consensus.

          ….and anyway there is no consensus because many scientists have differing opinions on the matter.

          … and with that it is obvious that you don’t understand what the term ‘consensus’ even means.

    • Please examine the very evidence you present! Not only are the levels of warming gases unprecedented, they show no signs of slowing. Hence the very difficult task of reducing humanity’s output.

      Are you a published expert in climate science? If so, please cite your papers. If not, your opinion means f*** all.

      Yes, our society coincides with an interglacial, that is why we prosper. But you forget that during the others the planet was not industrialised!

      The funny thing is even those who accept climate change are unwilling to adjust their lifestyles because they feel powerless to change anything and they are too comfortable with the way things are.

      Enjoy the record heatwave in Europe and the record cold winter in NZ.

  7. John Key and his cabinet should be alive long enough to see the destruction wrought by climate change. I would like to see them charged in their eighties and nineties for their contribution to millions of deaths and global environmental destruction.

  8. The world has heated by approx 0.85 degrees Celcius over 150 years.

    Hardly what I would call “super-heating”

    • Seeing as it would normally take hundreds of thousands of years to create the heat issues we have generated in 2 centuries, yes Andy – it is super heating the planet

      • your statement is easily falsified busy looking at the temperature records

        Even the early 20th C warming is not attributable to humans, yet is the same order of magnitude as the latter which is.

        Anyway, if you want to believe that humans are vermin that need to be exterminated, I can only offer my encouragement.

        I am even prepared to chip in for the rat poison.

        • your statement is easily falsified busy looking at the temperature records

          Even the early 20th C warming is not attributable to humans, yet is the same order of magnitude as the latter which is.

          In your opinion. Science data does not support your views.

          By the way, evolution and plate tectonics are also confirmed science. Just in case you were wondering.

          • Yes the science does support my views. I suggest you read the IPCC reports. That’s is where I get most of my information on climate. Not some blog or article in Slate or Rolling Stone

    • Time and time again the so-called ‘scientific’ predictions haven’t been incorrect so it’s no surprise that people are getting a bit sceptical by now.

      It’s embarrassing for scientists to be even associated with this rubbish.

      My personal favourite is Gordon Brown saying “we only had hours left to save the world” ….in 2009 😉

      Whereas Prince Charles said we only had 96 months to save the planet …in 2009

      But Rajendra Pachauri said we only had four years to save the planet in 2007.

      I wish these idiots would make their minds up!

      We’ve had failed hockey sticks

      We’ve had pacific atolls that don’t get submerged by rising sea levels as predicted

      We’ve had claims of an ice free Arctic that didn’t happen

      We’ve had no increase in cyclone intensity or frequency as predicted.

      We even had a claim that all the glaciers in the Himalayas would melt

      Haven’t you figured it out yet? They’re making this stuff up!

      • Yeah, Right, Andrew, all the scientists, organisations, NASA, et al, are all lying. Only you and other deniers – who’ve carried out no scientific research – can be taken at your word?

        Try doing surgery on humans beings without the necessary medical-scientific training.

          • @AndrewO please tell me you’re taking the piss.

            That list, is that it?

            Pretty paltry list – and there’d be a few ring-ins, like:
            * the botanist
            * theoretical physicist
            * German politician and energy executive (sic) with a doctorate in chemistry
            * solid-state physicist
            * professor emeritus of mining geology (Ian Plimer – seriously??)
            * American politician, biochemist
            * space and remote sensing sciences researcher
            * physical chemist with expertise in coal ashes
            * professor of nuclear physics

            And, Fred Singer was in the list. Yes, you’re definitely taking the piss.

          • @AndrewO – are you taking the piss?

            That paltry list is the best you can come up with? Take out the botanists, solid state physicists, politicians, energy advisers and you’re left with a pile of physicists, geologists and a smattering of climate and atmosphere scientists.

            Fred Singer and Ian Plimer are on the list. Great guffaws of laughter, mate. Is that your “smoking gun” evidence of there being no consensus?

            Yes, you are definitely taking the piss.

            • Michael J Fox and M Mouse were on the original published aversion of the Oregon Petition as well.

              Along with Singer, Carter and the usual retirement home escapees.

          • Most of the ones on those lists are not climate scientists, Andrew, and are therefore outside their fields of expertise.

            The question you should be asking is why people like solid-state physicist, David Douglass is on the list in the first place?

            Just as, I wouldn’t take much note of something that a climate scientist said about plate tectonics.

            And by the way, your claims that the link was a “list of eminent scientists who have had the courage to stand up against the ‘party line'” is actually not correct.

            The link goes to a page with several categories, including;

            * Scientists questioning the accuracy of IPCC climate projections

            * Scientists arguing that global warming is primarily caused by natural processes

            * Scientists arguing that the cause of global warming is unknown

            * Scientists arguing that global warming will have few negative consequences

            * Dead scientists

            Interesting to note that the page you link to states,

            “These findings [of the IPCC] are recognized by the national science academies of all the major industrialized nations.”

            Interesting, eh?

        • “Time and time again the so-called ‘scientific’ predictions haven’t been incorrect ” – so, you admit they’ve been correct and you’re just having a laugh!

          “Haven’t you figured it out yet? They’re making this stuff up! ” – nice of you to admit it!

      • We’ve had failed hockey sticks
        We’ve had pacific atolls that don’t get submerged by rising sea levels as predicted
        We’ve had claims of an ice free Arctic that didn’t happen
        We’ve had no increase in cyclone intensity or frequency as predicted.
        We even had a claim that all the glaciers in the Himalayas would melt

        Mann’s ‘Hockey stick’ graph has been one of the most successful pieces of climate research in the past 17 years. Totally vindicated by numerous subsequent lines of research. That’s why climate change deniers hate it so much.

        Pacific island atolls are well on track toward submersion as sea levels rise.

        The Arctic is well on track toward being ice free in the summer within five years.

        Cyclonic activity is increasing in intensity.

        The minor erroneous statement regarding Himalayan glaciers in the draft AR4 was quickly acknowledged and corrected.

        • So wrong.

          The hockey stick was fundamentally flawed and subsequently outed by statisticians appointed by the US Congress to provide wider peer review. (The Wegman Report)

          It was subsequently pulled off the masthead of the IPCC to avoid embarrassment but used by Gore in his ‘inconvenient lies’ spin.

              • You are obviously new to this topic.

                Nobody gets called out as a fool or liar unless they have habitually distorted the facts; or have been shown to have been demonstrably disingenuous or dishonest; or have refused to recognise and correct demonstrable shortfalls in their methodology (fact and source checking).

                Those anonymous individuals that you feel have insulted have all habitually behaved in such a manner on this blog. Presenting the same canards and
                PRATTS over and over again.

                Fools exist. Liars exist. It’s perfectly valid to identify them and call them out.

                You comment suggests that you have may have difficulty in recognising them.

                Lastly, you miss the most important point, sceptic, andrewo and nitrium are not disagreeing with me.

                They are disagreeing with the global scientific community. Refusing accept the scientific consensus, which means they are refusing to accept the overwhelming weight of evidence behind it. Instead they focus on aberration, anomalies, deliberate distortuions, lies and conspiracy theories.


    I hope that this link works, this is a must read article, I know they had fat bum Kim on the cover recently but this is a very good article on climate change and what is happening right now. Other must read sites are;
    and for the really depressing truth

    I don’t have kids but boy if I did I would be terrified, but many parents are doing NOTHING but making matters worse, my mind boggles, how can that be? Parents should be leading the charge for their kids future, whats more important, obviously business as (head in sand) usual is.
    Now all we can do is hang on to our seats get the popcorn as we go on a wild ride ending in extinction of our blind, arrogant, earth plundering species. We now have the privilege and front row seats for bearing witness to our self created end, imagine knowing this as a kid? Some of us are watching everything and witnessing it all right now, others haven’t even noticed or give a shit just like you said Martyn.
    The 6th mass extinction is here folks and we are an animal and need habitat to survive. Why don’t we have a climate watch channel? The dimwit News is pathetic, it isn’t informing anyone how bloody seriously in the shit life on earth is. LIFE ON EARTH! It doesn’t get more frightening CO2 has a 40 year time lag the atmosphere hasn’t yet registered the last 40 years worth (which is massive amounts) not yet hit the earths temperature gauges. Then the CH4 methane bomb ontop. That is what abrupt climate change looks like, a swift head chop. Amazing. I can’t see a way out of this mess. It is at runaway with the mess already apparent at 1c. And apathy is running supreme in the dominant culture, business as usual, with the presence of oil drilling platforms in the Arctic.” We are fucked,” Jason box said.
    This is the scariest event ever and only the awake people are seeing it coming as for the rest some think they will be saved eg the Jehovah’s witnesses that visit me trying to save me??? they are excited about our near term extinction!!! Seriously if that isn’t proof of unbelievable ignorance, arrogance and irresponsibility I don’t know what is. And proof humans can fool themselves into believeing anything as long as it suits them, eg the climate change isn’t real camp, while we go straight off the cliff. It is just astounding, and everyone NEEDS to know what is happening. Everyone deserves to be slapped in the face with the truth. It’s just horrendous to think of all the poor animals suffering because we want more shit and to drive and fly around in circles. Like moths we are whizzing faster and faster around that open flame until we get burnt alive. Humans do not deserve this planet, as innocent animals suffer and die and many people just don’t care at all just makes me vomit. I just hope most of the apathetic selfish pricks suffer when the shit hits the fan. Sorry I am more dark on humans than usual as some wanker shot my beloved cat for FUN while hunting rabbits on a farm behind my house. He (the cat) was saved from the wild and tamed as a little kitten by me and he was an amazing little spirit. He was less than one year old, and it fucken hurts to lose what you love. Especially to a stupid human with a gun.

    At the edge of extinction only love remains. Guy McPherson

  10. Why, oh why, does anything and everything always have to be about Cameron Slater. Obsessed much?

    If you were to write a blog post about cheese or model trains sets, I’d wager a guess that you’ll somehow bring Slater into that too.

    I realise you despise him, but using silly little excuses like global warming or any other argument to try and make your points is just plain daft.

    This shows these posts up for what they actually are – personal attacks, because you seem to have little else left.

  11. It wouldn’t matter if we went to 450 or 500ppm CO2
    …. The last time the planet saw 400 ppm CO2 about 96% of all life went extinct (so some say?)
    BUT back then the planet went from about 270 ppm to 400 in 10,000 years(?), kind of what we have done in something like 130 years.
    In the past a goodly amount of ‘ice trapped’ CH4 would have been released over something like 833 CH4 life times, where as this time around we have done it in about 10 , and in fact most of the ‘damage’ has been done in the past 30 years, so we have a massive amount of CH4 trapped as clathrates that have been going off like new years champagne corks since 2007 ish, along with the seabed methane is ready to go CH4 – by the gigaton – just sitting below the tundra, as we have already witnessed there have been up to 20 (?) small – 100 m across x 300 m deep holes in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf region, CH4 is spiking at something like 2.5 ppm in the Arctic region.
    A 4 gt sudden release would cook us (some say?) Dr Natalia Shakhova is saying 50 GT anyday now ?

    There is 100% nothing we can do to change what is in motion.
    Even if we all became Green party voting fully paid up Kiwi Savers, who use squiggly light bulbs, and shared showers.

    It is the end

    On the bright side there is something you can do to help reduce future human suffering ….. help reduce the numbers being born.
    Alas it will not be much longer before the ‘pregnant’ get looked at with sadness. ………………………………

  12. It wouldn’t matter if we went to 450 or 500ppm CO2
    …. The last time the planet saw 400 ppm CO2 about 96% of all life went extinct (so some say?)
    BUT back then the planet went from about 270 ppm to 400 in 10,000 years(?), kind of what we have done in something like 130 years.
    In the past a goodly amount of ‘ice trapped’ CH4 would have been released over something like 833 CH4 life times, where as this time around we have done it in about 10 , and in fact most of the ‘damage’ has been done in the past 30 years, so we have a massive amount of CH4 trapped as clathrates that have been going off like new years champagne corks since 2007 ish, along with the seabed methane, which is ready to go CH4 – by the gigaton – just sitting below the tundra, as we have already witnessed there have been up to 20 (?) small – 100 m across x 300 m deep holes in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf region, CH4 is spiking at something like 2.5 ppm in the Arctic region.

  13. A 4 gt sudden release would cook us (some say?) Dr Natalia Shakhova is saying 50 GT anyday now ?

    There is 100% nothing we can do to change what is in motion.
    Even if we all became Green party voting fully paid up Kiwi Savers, who use squiggly light bulbs, and shared showers.

    It is the end

    On the bright side there is something you can do to help reduce future human suffering ….. help reduce the numbers being born.
    Alas it will not be much longer before the ‘pregnant’ get looked at with sadness.

  14. A 4 gt sudden release would cook us (some say?) Dr Natalia Shakhova is saying 50 GT anyday now ?

    There is 100% nothing we can do to change what is in motion.
    Even if we all became Green party voting fully paid up Kiwi Savers, who use squiggly light bulbs, and shared showers.

    It is the end

    On the bright side there is something you can do to help reduce future human suffering ….. help reduce the numbers being born.
    Alas it will not be much longer before the ‘pregnant’ get looked at with sadness.

  15. Do you think if each one of us cleans up our act, it might make a difference? We could start with things we can change, like recycling, picking up fishing lines washed up on beaches and disposing of them properly (what do I do with all these lines?), eliminate buying things wrapped in plastic/carried in plastic bags and so forth. Then we could petition our government to provide free energy (now available). Maybe make other climate improving changes too.

    Petitions receive a positive response from the President of the United States of America. Why wouldn’t they receive a positive response from our TINY LITTLE ITTY BITTY PRIME MINISTER who rules over such a tiny little itty bitty piece of land?????

    • Alas Hellena, the Al Gore answer was a lie. We are way past any point of return.
      ‘We’ are stuck with the 96% extinction rate that is 402ppm CO2, and nearly 2 ppm CH4 – which according the the IPCC’s UNDER value – is equivalent to 168 ppm CO2e …. putting the atmosphere @ something like 570 ppm CO2/CO2e …… and then there are other gasses, and the negative affect of the particulates (pollution), which pushes us up past 700 – 800 ppm CO2e.
      So as nice as it feels to be ‘doing’ something, you are just pissing in the wind, and getting ya pants wet.
      Anything you or NZ can do that compares with say China placing the same amount of cement on the planet in 3 years what took the good old USA 100 years, or the amount of oil the US military uses, included in the 85 million barrels of oil we use each day just to keep 7.2 billion people alive and moving.
      It is just humanly impossible to reverse what is in motion, or even speed it up!, as it has it’s own self feeding loop , which will carry on for the next million years or so.
      And if you don’t want to choke to death on a hydrogen sulphide gas, the oceans will need to be avoided. 🙂

      • @ ROBERT ATACK Gee :/ Well we are about to undergo a total finance collapse and the warmongers and thieves are being rounded up for trial.
        After we pick ourselves up, dust off all the soot, open the vaults, cupboards, roll out the “top secret” drawers and truth rears up, we just might find that things aint as bad as the “experts” say it is.
        What do ya think of that then???
        Then maybe, you might think about helping us clean up, recycle, picking up fishing lines………..above repeated.
        Al Gore is on the membership list Club of Rome – Committee of 300. You want to believe him??? Fear mongering is a weapon, you know.

        • What do ya think of that then???
          Well you are asking me so here goes ) ………………………
          Regardless of everything – the amount of ‘climate change gasses’ and shading pollution in the environment is equal to, though more than likely, above above 700ppm CO2/CO2e. And ‘we’ are stuck with most of that for at least the next 1,000 years, certainly the human friendly environment will not see 260 – 280 ppm CO2 again for a very long time. ……………………….
          Now that is the numbers as it stands with us @ 700 ppm, but ‘any day now’ there is going to be an even bigger release of CH4 from the Arctic sea/permafrost, which could see CO2e levels of another 200 ppm practically over night, you will not squiggly light bulb your way out of that.
          This is a good ‘rendition’ of people picking themselves up after the storm has passed, I don’t recommend you watching this alone, or with a gun ) but yeah definitely a good view of how I see some of our futures –
          Its always been to late, humans are just not capable, we ARE dumber than yeast, the petri dish is overflowing, it has to end with humans going extinct. We are just the ‘lucky’ ones to be hear when it happens.
          Humans have done in 30 years what last time took 10,000 years. Advanced CO2 @ an average of about 2 ppm per year (?)
          We might have postponed this point a couple of more generations, if we had started ‘picking up fishing lines’ 6 billion people ago. And even then we would have to be 1 child vegetarian families, with the average life expectancy of about 30.
          The last human generation is at best 10 years old now, but they could be 20.
          But as always I will be happy to say I was wrong in a few more years.

        • ……………………………………………………………….
          What do ya think of that then??? – Helena
          Well you are asking me so here goes )
          Regardless of everything – the amount of ‘climate change gasses’ and shading pollution in the environment is equal to, though more than likely, above above 700ppm CO2/CO2e. And ‘we’ are stuck with most of that for at least the next 1,000 years, certainly the human friendly environment will not see 260 – 280 ppm CO2 again for a very long time.
          Now that is the numbers as it stands with us @ 700 ppm, but ‘any day now’ there is going to be an even bigger release of CH4 from the Arctic sea/permafrost, which could see CO2e levels of another 200 ppm practically over night, you will not squiggly light bulb your way out of that.
          This is a good ‘rendition’ of people picking themselves up after the storm has passed, I don’t recommend you watching this alone, or with a gun ) but yeah definitely a good view of how I see some of our futures –
          Its always been to late, humans are just not capable, we ARE dumber than yeast, the petri dish is overflowing, it has to end with humans going extinct. We are just the ‘lucky’ ones to be hear when it happens.
          Humans have done in 30 years what last time took 10,000 years. Advanced CO2 @ an average of about 2 ppm per year (?)
          We might have postponed this point a couple of more generations, if we had started ‘picking up fishing lines’ 6 billion people ago. And even then we would have to be 1 child vegetarian families, with the average life expectancy of about 30.
          The last human generation is at best 10 years old now, but they could be 20.
          But as always I will be happy to say I was wrong in a few more years.

        • What do ya think of that then??? – Helena
          Well you are asking me so here goes )
          Regardless of everything – the amount of ‘climate change gasses’ and shading pollution in the environment is equal to, though more than likely, above above 700ppm CO2/CO2e. And ‘we’ are stuck with most of that for at least the next 1,000 years, certainly the human friendly environment will not see 260 – 280 ppm CO2 again for a very long time.
          Now that is the numbers as it stands with us @ 700 ppm, but ‘any day now’ there is going to be an even bigger release of CH4 from the Arctic sea/permafrost, which could see CO2e levels of another 200 ppm practically over night, you will not squiggly light bulb your way out of that.
          This is a good ‘rendition’ of people picking themselves up after the storm has passed, I don’t recommend you watching this alone, or with a gun ) but yeah definitely a good view of how I see some of our futures –
          Its always been to late, humans are just not capable, we ARE dumber than yeast, the petri dish is overflowing, it has to end with humans going extinct. We are just the ‘lucky’ ones to be hear when it happens.
          Humans have done in 30 years what last time took 10,000 years. Advanced CO2 @ an average of about 2 ppm per year (?)
          We might have postponed this point a couple of more generations, if we had started ‘picking up fishing lines’ 6 billion people ago. And even then we would have to be 1 child vegetarian families, with the average life expectancy of about 30.
          The last human generation is at best 10 years old now, but they could be 20.
          But as always I will be happy to say I was wrong in a few more years.

        • What do ya think of that then??? – Helena
          Well you are asking me so here goes )
          Regardless of everything – the amount of ‘climate change gasses’ and shading pollution in the environment is equal to, though more than likely, above above 700ppm CO2/CO2e. And ‘we’ are stuck with most of that for at least the next 1,000 years, certainly the human friendly environment will not see 260 – 280 ppm CO2 again for a very long time.
          Now that is the numbers as it stands with us @ 700 ppm, but ‘any day now’ there is going to be an even bigger release of CH4 from the Arctic sea/permafrost, which could see CO2e levels of another 200 ppm practically over night, you will not squiggly light bulb your way out of that.
          This is a good ‘rendition’ of people picking themselves up after the storm has passed, I don’t recommend you watching this alone, or with a gun ) but yeah definitely a good view of how I see some of our futures –
          Its always been to late, humans are just not capable, we ARE dumber than yeast, the petri dish is overflowing, it has to end with humans going extinct. We are just the ‘lucky’ ones to be hear when it happens.
          Humans have done in 30 years what last time took 10,000 years. Advanced CO2 @ an average of about 2 ppm per year (?)
          We might have postponed this point a couple of more generations, if we had started ‘picking up fishing lines’ 6 billion people ago. And even then we would have to be 1 child vegetarian families, with the average life expectancy of about 30.
          The last human generation is at best 10 years old now, but they could be 20.
          But as always I will be happy to say I was wrong in a few more years. ………………….

          • It’s by design. UN Agenda 21. Overpopulation. Bill Gates wasn’t the brains of microsoft but he’s certainly the mouthpiece for the cabal. He’s blatant about their actions. Those that dominate figured it out centuries back – where we will all be, how we will be controlled, blah blah blah. Dial up and click on geoengineering climate control. Haarp can be used to control – lets say for argument’s sake – earthquakes – great for areas where there is nuclear power. Then check quantum physics/mechanics consciousness. Technology can measure and control human consciousness that’s why the UN Agenda 21 i being pushed hard in the US. All this information and yet we still don’t know what we don’t know and to assume at any given point we know is, I respectfully suggest, nonsense.

            What about the, what if, factor. What if this existence from the outset is a 3D test in spirituality?
            What if we have been swimming around in a swamp since (say) the sinking of Atlantis? There’s positive results for possible nuclear warfare BC.
            What if NESARA was planned and organised with the hope that we wouldn’t nuke ourselves and pass 21/12/2012 and thereafter wake up to what’s going on.
            If we can survive until now the asinine antics of these Master Race Manipulators, we can certainly work out a way of cleaning up our bit of the milky way galaxy.
            Anyway, we’re surrounded by friends who are coming to help. (Put that in the What If box, please)
            In the meantime, Robert, we can help pick up the fishing lines – perhaps it might help a dolphin as it swims through radioactive water particles and plastic pellets.

  16. Keep in mind there’s a 40 year lag between emission levels and their full environmental effects. Current methane release cannot be mitigated and represents a powerful feedback loop. Collective action on emissions can still buy time but focus also needs to shift toward coping with the inevitable changes that are locked in. Whatever the causes, we are in the most rapid loss of biodiversity in Earth’s entire history including the P-Tr mass extinction – fact. 98% of all species that have ever existed are extinct. We simply have an illusion of permanence that essentially defies logic.You can ignore reality but not the consequences of ignoring reality. Be kind to each other. Good night and good luck.

    • I think the 40 year time lag only works while there is ice to melt, meaning the lag is getting a hell of a lot shorter.
      Currently, if anything, it is closer to 15 years.
      So + 15 years = +6C easy = minus us.

  17. Throughout history there have always been arguments presented that the world will end soon unless we do X – previously it was mainly religious fanatics basing their justifications on scripture or divine inspiration.

    Nowadays everything is based on science, although climate science is probably a misnomer given its impossible to accurately predict the weather 50 days from now, let alone 50 years.

    Here’s a few reasons I think panic regarding “climate change” is an over reaction:

    – the earth’s orbit wobbles, this causes regular ice ages and warm periods over approx. 100,000 year cycles.
    – these cycles have occurred regularly for millions of years, and the results measured
    – during these cycles the amount of energy reaching earth varies +/- 25% from peak to trough
    – we are currently towards the end of a warm cycle, the sea level was approx. 120 metres lower about 20,000 years ago during the ice age, will reach about 10 metres higher in a few thousand years, and will then drift lower until the next ice age is at its worst about 80,000 years from now
    – this means that the seal level typically rises 130 metres over 50,000 years, and then falls by the same amount
    – thus we should expect the sea level to be rising by 2.6mm per year
    – sea levels have been accurately measured for 125 years – the rise has been consistent, and about 1.8mm per year – actually well less than could be expected by the current point in the glacial cycle
    – lastly, you have to admire the way it was renamed to “climate change” because apparently both unusually cold weather and unusually warm weather is proof of it.

    A good thing about the climate change end of the world hysteria is that it at least makes the world work together. Its a welcome change from the historically much more common hysterias in which one country says to itself “we cannot survive as a nation unless we ….” – somehow this always involved making war on someone else, so as hysterias go its an improvement!

    • You’ve omitted the fact that the rise in temperature, intensive farming, and de-forestation.

      – lastly, you have to admire the way it was renamed to “climate change” because apparently both unusually cold weather and unusually warm weather is proof of it.

      Same with AGW deniers. First they denied global warming was taking place. Then, when the evidence became too strong to deny, they accepted global warming – but denied the human-caused aspect to it.

      – we are currently towards the end of a warm cycle, the sea level was approx. 120 metres lower about 20,000 years ago during the ice age, will reach about 10 metres higher in a few thousand years, and will then drift lower until the next ice age is at its worst about 80,000 years from now

      Except we are now taling about sea rises in decades – not thousands of years.

      As usual, Deniers are proferring opinion, in lieu of evidence gained by scientific research over the decades (including core samples from Antarctica).

      • Nonsense Frank, everything in my comment is verifiable fact, look it up. I would be interested to know which numbers you claim to be false, and what your sources are.

        Its your reply that is pure opinion.

          • Look up sea level rise and Milankovitch cycles on Wikipedia and do some homework.

            Still waiting for you to post facts instead of opinions and assertions.

            Perhaps you believe some of the posts above which state that climate changes which normally take 100’s of thousands of years have taken place in the last decades – that’s funny, I’m sure if Queen St had been submerged by 10m of water or the English Channel had gone dry I would have heard about it.

            I’m open minded about the issue, but it seems over blown to me. Its better to spend billions on wind farms and sequestering carbon than on nuclear bombs and aircraft carriers.

              • Wow, not much chance of a sensible discussion here.

                Really, look up these references, sea levels have been rising/falling by these amounts naturally.

              • Like I said before, take a look at the Wikipedia page on past sea levels – they have indeed risen and fallen as I described.

                Do you disagree with these facts, or my interpretation of them?

                I think you win the snide comments race hands down.

              • As I said above – take a look at the Wikipedia page on past sea levels – these numbers are undisputed by climate scientists.

                Still disagree?

                • Around here the burden of proof generally goes with the person making the assertions.
                  One of Frank’s (many) excellent qualities is that he is punctilious about citing his references – he’s not asking for anything he doesn’t do himself.

    • Here’s a few reasons I think panic regarding “climate change” is an over reaction:

      Who cares what you think?

      It’s the scientific consensus in the relevant field that counts.

      You are just a nobody on the internet.

      You have a hypothesis that challenges the scientific consensus?

      One that no one else, of the thousands in the field, has yet noticed considered, investigated and dismissed?

      But you’ve figured it out, you can see the Trooth.

      Well fine. Write it up and publish it in the scientific literature. Under your real name for a change.

      Do some real work. Take it to the arena where these ideas are rigorously examined and weighed. See how you go. Do that and you might even earn the right to self identify with the status of your nom de plume.

      Only a total fool would take any notice of your aberrant interpretations of the scientific literature written on a blog and hidden behind a nom de plume.

      Hmmm, one one side, every scientific community on the planet, on the other hand, a no-name on the internet.

      It’s not difficult.

    • Throughout history there have always been arguments presented that the world will end soon unless we do X – previously it was mainly religious fanatics basing their justifications on scripture or divine inspiration.

      Completely irrelevant. We are considering science, not religion. What religious fanatics do or have done in past is of no bearing.

      So what are you trying to say?

      Nowadays everything is based on science, although climate science is probably a misnomer given its impossible to accurately predict the weather 50 days from now, let alone 50 years

      Climate Science.

      Got that? Not Weather Prediction, but Climate Science.

      So much stupid in your statement it’s difficult to know where to begin.

      • Just wondering if you can justify your claim that my comments are stupid.

        So you deny that the glacial periods have caused sea level rises/falls of approx. 100m at 100,000 year intervals for millennia, entirely without any man made influence?

        Do some research and you might become more sceptical yourself. (and hopefully less gratuitously insulting)

        • Just wondering if you can justify your claim that my comments are stupid.

          Wonder no more.

          You are choosing to ignore the global scientific consensus and are instead presenting your own opinion on blogs in an attempt to sway others against the consensus.

          Stupid with a capital S.

          Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

          So you deny that the glacial periods have caused sea level rises/falls of approx. 100m at 100,000 year intervals for millennia, entirely without any man made influence?

          I don’t deny any historical data or record.

          But my methodology is far superior to yours. Not being an expert or working in the field I accept the consensus of the scientific opinion in the relevant field/s.

          I accept the consensus interpretation of the data by those in the field and representatives of the scientific community, not any interpretation of my own, or that fed to me by politically motivated pressure groups. Certainly not yours.

          Do some research and you might become more sceptical yourself. (and hopefully less gratuitously insulting)

          What? so I can make an ass of myself like you do?

          The Dunning Kruger effect runs strong in you.

          • So still going with the gratuitously insulting type of arguments then?

            Guess that’s because the facts as I presented them are correct, even agreed by the “consensus of climate scientists”.

            I suspect you have more political motivation than me – doesn’t the fact that sea levels have risen / fallen hundreds of metres numerous times previously with no man made influence over relatively short time periods cause you any doubts at all?

            I guess I don’t have the same faith in “experts” as you do.

            • I guess I don’t have the same faith in “experts” as you do.

              Congrats. A glimmer of self awareness. A tiny step forward.

              Now, firstly, correct the statement

              I guess I don’t have the same faith in “the scientific community” as you do.

              Now I invite you to consider the implications of your position and who you share that particular boat with…

              ..Creationists, Young Earth creationists, Moon landing deniers, Anti-vaxers, Germ theory deniers, 9-11 truthers, anti-fluoridationists…

        • Do some research and you might become more sceptical yourself.

          We have.

          It contradicts your claims.

          Feel free to present any science-based data of your own, rather than constantly demanding that we find evidence to prove your unproven assertions.

          Even Creationists aren’t that lazy.

          • “Do some research and you might become more sceptical yourself. ”

            We have.

            No Frank, we haven’t. I realise you appreciate the following, but it is worth repeating…

            NASA has done the research, NOAA has done the research, thousands of scientists working in the field have done the research. The world’s scientific community has examined the research and formed a consensus on the results and implications of the research.

            “We” don’t have to do the research. We are not academically equipped to do the research.

            Don’t buy into the framework of arguments presented by moronic trolls such as “Sceptic”.

            It is pointless arguing over aspects of the science outside the scientific arena.

            Science isn’t determined in blogs, or newspapers, or on film or television.

            It’s part of the denier tactic to argue minutiae and anomalies of the data in order to create doubt. Invariably the denier hasn’t a clue as to the subject matter they present.

            Take “Sceptic” for example. He hasn’t a clue about Milokovich cycles and climate beyond a page on Wikipedia and the PRATTs he has picked up in the denier echo chamber. The idiot thinks that his observations haven’t been seen and considered by climate scientists and the scientific community.

            Nitrium does the same thing above in regard to the cyclical changes in CO2.

            Hello Sceptic?

            Hello Nitrium?

            Found the Trooth have you?

            Done your research?

            Figured out in your living rooms what the scientific community has missed?

            All by yourselves? (or help from What’s Up With That, Prison Planet TV, Mad Monckton, Andrew Bolt and Glen Beck?).

            • You entirely miss the point, and are an excellent example of the hysteria I referred to.

              You don’t present a single factual argument and in effect just say “trust the experts, they know what they’re doing”.

              Well, I for one don’t. Are you a sheep that believes everything you’re told without question?

              Its an undisputed fact that sea level rises and falls of over 100 metres have occurred at roughly 100,000 year intervals for millennia with no man made influence. Don’t take my word for it, check up on it.

              This says to me that the rises measured in the last century are not extraordinary compared to the past.

              Get as excited and as insulting as you like, I don’t care, but it would be more interesting if you contributed a fact or two to the debate.

            • NASA has done the research so it must be right?

              A consensus of NASA scientists believed that the space shuttle was safe to fly ….. until they lost a few and then the same consensus decided it wasn’t.

              Still believe that the consensus of climate scientists know everything and we should just trust them without question?

              • A consensus of NASA scientists believed that the space shuttle was safe to fly ….. until they lost a few and then the same consensus decided it wasn’t.


                Do you ever fact check?

                Or do you write any drivel that pops into your tiny mind?

              • Since you bring up the space shuttle (which has absolutely nothing to do with climate change), the vehicle was discontinued after due process of data analysis by engineers and scientists.

                Not by Luddites who voiced every nonsense under the sun.

                Is that the best you can do? I can only assume that if you’re deflecting all over the place, you don’t actually have any evidence to present?

    • You’re 100% right sceptic.

      When someone is predicting the end of the world…..unless you give him power or money


      It’s a scam

      • It’s a scam

        Always, the konspiracy theory.

        Drill down far enough (and that’s not very far with most of them) and science deniers will invoke a conspiracy.

        It’s so predictable as to be inevitable.

        The comedy writes itself.

    • You do realise that climate change scientists factor all these things into the equation, sceptic!

      What’s the accuracy of the local weather forecast got to do with AGW? – absolutely nothing, as anyone should know!

      Currently toward the end a of a warm cycle – are you insane – temperatures are steadily ramping up, and are going to ramp up a lot faster in the very near future. The old meme about “no heating for the last (insert no, but 18 seems to be the standard atm) years”
      “”Change points of global temperature”,

      And they found that no evidence of any detectable change in the global warming trend since ~1970. We conclude that the term 'hiatus' or 'pause' cannot be statistically justified.

      And can be easily seen in this graphic."

    • It’s interesting, Robert, how Deniers will quote from non-scientific sources such as conspiracy websites, finance/capitalist organisations; various cranks; and other unreliable sources.

      But no credible scientific organisations.

      They decry data from NASA – yet no doubt they’ll watch the weather forecast to see if it’ll rain tomorrow. Those weather forecasts were determined by satellites – launched by NASA.

      So it’s good enough to know what the weather will be in the coming days, but when NASA examines CO2 trapped in core samples extracted from Antarctica – all of a sudden that doesn’t count as evidence.

      Funny people. Remind me of Creationists.

      • Since you like references so much Frank, here’s one from the MIT professor of Meterology and lead contributor to the IPCC Report Richard Lindzen (scientific and creditable enough for you?):

        “Global Warming has become a religion. A surprisingly large number of people seem to have concluded that all that gives meaning to their lives is the belief that they are saving the planet by paying attention to their carbon footprint. There may be a growing realization that this may not add all that much meaning to one’s life, but, outside the pages of the Wall Street Journal, this has not been widely promulgated, and people with no other source of meaning will defend their religion with jihadist zeal.”

        This is from his article entitled “Science in the Public Square: Global Climate Alarmism and Historical Precedents” which can be read in full here:

        • 1. Lindzen is not “lead contributor to the IPCC“.
          There is no “lead” contributor. He is one of many contributors. The IPCC canvasses the current state of the science and data from thousands of sources.

          It is a synthesis. Hence it is the most powerful and authoritative authority on the planet in regard to the current state of knowledge in climate science.

          2. The views of any single scientist do not prevail against the consensus view. Doesn’t matter how eminent they are or how many degrees or Nobel Prizes they hold. Any scientist can be wrong. The consensus is more likely, by far, to reflect the best understanding we can have of the science.

          3. Science is not a religion. It’s methodology is completely different. If he was referring to climate science in the excerpt quoted then it illustrates just how much he has lost the plot.

          Lindzen is one of the tiny (under 3%) of mostly geriatric climate scientists (actually atmospheric physicist in Lindzen’s case) who are regularly coaxed out of their zimmer-frames
          by the denier movement in attempts to confuse and fool the gullible.

          • You’re exactly the type of person he’s referring to – you have no particular expertise, you just “believe” in global warming in a semi-religious sense, and defend it the same way, like a zealot.

            Anyone who disagrees must be knocked down, and their character, intelligence and integrity insulted.

            Relax, and stop spreading alarmist hysteria.

  18. And finally from me …… the NASA pictures of Mars have an orange film placed over them before going public. The Chinese have confirmed that the atmosphere of Mars is blue, just like ours.

  19. So what can one do? The Transition Town movement offer a positive response – a global grass roots movement to build resilient local communities. Goggle transitionnetwork – it is all there, different communities doing great things – and it is positive for one’s wellbeing. Join or start your own local community group.

  20. What do ya think of that then???
    Well you are asking me so here goes )
    Regardless of everything – the amount of ‘climate change gasses’ and shading pollution in the environment is equal to, though more than likely, above above 700ppm CO2/CO2e. And ‘we’ are stuck with most of that for at least the next 1,000 years, certainly the human friendly environment will not see 260 – 280 ppm CO2 again for a very long time.
    Now that is the numbers as it stands with us @ 700 ppm, but ‘any day now’ there is going to be an even bigger release of CH4 from the Arctic sea/permafrost, which could see CO2e levels of another 200 ppm practically over night, you will not squiggly light bulb your way out of that.
    This is a good ‘rendition’ of people picking themselves up after the storm has passed, I don’t recommend you watching this alone, or with a gun ) but yeah definitely a good view of how I see some of our futures –
    Its always been to late, humans are just not capable, we ARE dumber than yeast, the petri dish is overflowing, it has to end with humans going extinct. We are just the ‘lucky’ ones to be hear when it happens.
    Humans have done in 30 years what last time took 10,000 years. Advanced CO2 @ an average of about 2 ppm per year (?)
    We might have postponed this point a couple of more generations, if we had started ‘picking up fishing lines’ 6 billion people ago. And even then we would have to be 1 child vegetarian families, with the average life expectancy of about 30.
    The last human generation is at best 10 years old now, but they could be 20.
    But as always I will be happy to say I was wrong in a few more years.

  21. What do ya think of that then???
    Well you are asking me so here goes )
    Regardless of everything – the amount of ‘climate change gasses’ and shading pollution in the environment is equal to, though more than likely, above above 700ppm CO2/CO2e. And ‘we’ are stuck with most of that for at least the next 1,000 years, certainly the human friendly environment will not see 260 – 280 ppm CO2 again for a very long time.
    Now that is the numbers as it stands with us @ 700 ppm, but ‘any day now’ there is going to be an even bigger release of CH4 from the Arctic sea/permafrost, which could see CO2e levels of another 200 ppm practically over night, you will not squiggly light bulb your way out of that.
    This is a good ‘rendition’ of people picking themselves up after the storm has passed, I don’t recommend you watching this alone, or with a gun ) but yeah definitely a good view of how I see some of our futures –

  22. I have repeatedly read the mention of the description “sleepy hobbit” on this blog. I think the phenomenon “sleepy hobbit” is part of the reason that so few care or worry about the consequences of climate change, and happily continue their usual short sighted behaviour day by day (.e.g. driving cars to everywhere, polluting the air).

    Some research is warranted into the phenomenon “sleepy hobbit”, and we may get the answers to this problem.

  23. There are many natural processes which can be used to estimate the age of the earth. Henry M.
    Morris, Ph.D. of the Institute for Creation Research has an article called “The Young Earth” at In it, he shows a table of 76 different processes in
    nature that can be used to estimate the age of the earth. The table includes processes such as
    the influx of various elements into the oceans, the decay of the earth’s magnetic field, the
    accumulation of meteoric materials on the earth, and many other processes. Of these 76
    26 show the earth to be less than 10,000 years old
    15 show the earth to be more than 10,000 up to 100,000 years old
    11 show the earth to be more than 100,000 up to one million years old
    5 show the earth to be more than one million up to 10 million years old
    13 show the earth to be more than 10 million up to 100 million years old
    6 show the earth to be more than 100 million up to half a billion years old
    None of the 76 processes show the earth to be more than half a billion years old.
    More than half of these processes show the earth to be less than 100,000 years old.
    If you have read this far then hopefully you are open to the idea that we don’t know everything & what we think we know is often based on assumptions that are at best an educated guess.
    There is a body of evidence that rightly interpreted tells us that this Earth will go through a time of trouble such as never was, the Papacy & USA will be dominant at this time, economic collapse, wars & other disasters will increase. This has been published for over 100 years & so far has accurately predicted events in this world. Believing this has implications for how we behave so competing theories of evolution have proved to be more popular with the majority today but any realistic person would realize that believing evolution is an act of faith much the same as Christianity requires faith.

    • Wasn’t the Arctic ice nearly gone in the 1920’s? Hasn’t all this drought and global warming happened in the past. In pre European western USA for example, droughts lasted for decades. (What will they do now they have nearly exhausted the giant Aquifer?)

      In mediaeval Southern Scotland “Northumbria” grapes were grown,while only a few hundred years later Eskimo’s were spotted paddling kayaks off the north coast.

      Also, where is this sea level rise actually Happening in reality? The Maldives Government refused to show Nils-Axel Mörner’s evidence on TV, that the sea levels around the Maldives hadn’t changed in decades. Maybe the Maldive Government decided they would be better off hedging their bets and receiving funding from the UN?

      The lack of snow on Kilimanjaro is caused by the felling of the forest around it’s base? The floods in Bangladesh (sea level rise) are caused by the felling of the forests in Tibet?

      There is even another explanation for the gulf stream supposedly keeping Europe warm. Other scientist’s believe its the westerly winds blowing across the Atlantic that is more responsible for allowing higher temperatures than the latitude would normally allow. The same happens in western Canada with the westerlies blowing across the Pacific.

      Surely Climate change is normal. The difference is there are exponentially more people now living on this Earth

      I’m sorry but I just don’t agree that just because we’re told there is
      a consensus among the majority of people who study climate change for a living. That we have to believe Their conclusions.

      Feel free to call me stupid and uneducated if you wish.

      • Feel free to call me stupid and uneducated if you wish.

        Acknowledging the possibility is half way to recognising the reality.

  24. What do ya think of that then??? – Helena
    Well you are asking me so here goes )
    Regardless of everything – the amount of ‘climate change gasses’ and shading pollution in the environment is equal to, though more than likely, above above 700ppm CO2/CO2e. And ‘we’ are stuck with most of that for at least the next 1,000 years, certainly the human friendly environment will not see 260 – 280 ppm CO2 again for a very long time.
    Now that is the numbers as it stands with us @ 700 ppm, but ‘any day now’ there is going to be an even bigger release of CH4 from the Arctic sea/permafrost, which could see CO2e levels of another 200 ppm practically over night, you will not squiggly light bulb your way out of that.
    This is a good ‘rendition’ of people picking themselves up after the storm has passed, I don’t recommend you watching this alone, or with a gun ) but yeah definitely a good view of how I see some of our futures –
    Its always been to late, humans are just not capable, we ARE dumber than yeast, the petri dish is overflowing, it has to end with humans going extinct. We are just the ‘lucky’ ones to be hear when it happens.
    Humans have done in 30 years what last time took 10,000 years. Advanced CO2 @ an average of about 2 ppm per year (?)
    We might have postponed this point a couple of more generations, if we had started ‘picking up fishing lines’ 6 billion people ago. And even then we would have to be 1 child vegetarian families, with the average life expectancy of about 30.
    The last human generation is at best 10 years old now, but they could be 20.
    But as always I will be happy to say I was wrong in a few more years.

  25. Yep. Blue atmosphere Mars … and … glass buildings on the moon five to six miles high. And you guys on earth thought we (you) already knew everything there was to know. Confucius saying inserted here seems appropriate.

  26. Adapt people! If ya want to worry about something see whats coming thats invisible. Fukushima Radiation, The Pacific Ocean is dying the northern hemisphere is bathing in radiation, evacuation level rad spikes are being recorded in the US on a regular basis. The radiation is still spewing out and whats out will continue to contaminate what ever it contacts with creating further radioactive particles and so on for the next 250,000 years even if they stop the flow of new radiation from the reactors and that maybe decades away if you can believe the people working the prob.
    At least your future Rad suit may also keep ya warm in the future ice age.
    Cancer will get ya long before you could starve.

Comments are closed.