Join the #TPPANoDeal protest this Saturday: Nationwide Rallies March 7


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Across the country NZers are stepping up and realising that the TPPA represents the worst erosion of our national sovereignty we have ever faced. If signed, it will allow American Corporations the power to stop any domestic law that threatens their profits.

NZ can be taken to an international tribunal that is weighted towards contract law, not democratic sovereignty. We will face massive legal bills if we try to pass laws that are for the benefit of us as a nation rather than a trans-national conglomerates profit margin.

Screw that. We must not allow Key’s slavish devotion to America to undermine our sovereignty. We have become America’s nark in the Pacific, let’s not become their pop up store as well.

Step up now, join us at the march on Saturday.



    • Gisborne today Martyn,

      We all put out a good turnout today as no rain came until it was over at 2.30pm.

      There was a couple of hundred folks with placards walking all the way down the city main Street (Gladstone St,) Gisborne to the Courthouse and past National MP’s office Ann Tolley for photo shoots then finished up at Courthouse with Guest speakers.

      Where do we send the pictures?

  1. ”Hastings – 12pm Clive Square”

    If indeed it’s at ‘Clive Square – 12pm’, Clive Square is in Napier, not Hastings.

    Just for reference…. 😉

  2. We will be there, although it’s unlikely John Key and his party will take the slightest bit of notice.
    Pushing the TPPA through is part of the price he must pay to be “in the club”.
    Unfortunately once it’s signed there will be no turning back…..NZ will be held to ransom by big global corporations such as Monsanto, Statoil, BP, GlaxoSmithCline, Merck, DuPont etc.

    • A chilling thought , will there be usa military boots on the ground here to ensure the masses here do not rebel against the actions from usa?

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