Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald to speak at September 15th Auckland Town Hall event

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So Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald will speak at Kim Dotcom’s Auckland Townhall event . Dear oh dear, how will the mainstream media journalists handle this news? All week they’ve been screaming how unfair it is that they will have to actually work the night of the 15th rather than knock off for cocktails at 4pm. They claim it will be a fizzer because as the gatekeepers of power they are the only ones allowed to vet information.
Screw that elitist arrogance.
Let’s see those same journalists sneer at Greenwald’s inclusion shall we?
The polls don’t matter, the smear tactics don’t matter and the media bias doesn’t matter now. What matters is 7pm September 15th at the Auckland Town Hall.
There are many twists yet to come. Key has few reasons to sleep easy.
The Town Hall meeting will be streamed live on The Daily Blog


  1. Kim has already said that he believes Key will have a way of spinning the evidence. So if the media is complict and core a National voters just don’t care about lying and deceit. What effect will the revelations have?

  2. I hope Democracy Now! Covers it. They often have Greenwald on and it would be great to see it get international attention. I gave them a headsup on the situation a month back but doubt it made any impression. Maybe one of the organisors of the meeting can get greenwald to give tthem a heads up.

  3. Hi,

    If Kim knows something that renders John Key unfit to be PM then he has a moral responsibility to tell us as soon as possible.

    07:00 tomorrow morning please Martyn. If there is something to reveal and it is in the public interest how dare you ask us to wait.

    If it is nothing but bluster just admit it.

    • Dotcom had to fit it in with when his guests could visit NZ. Also given how quickly MSM is to distract the public from any source of corruption
      discovered, 5 days out from election means it’s still fresh in the minds of voters. Glenn Greenwald is no mug. Absolutely excited about this. Everything on the evening of Sept 15 will be cancelled so I can watch the live stream from the South Island!

    • How do you work out that Dotcom has a moral obligation? He’s free to say stuff when he feels like it, not when you want him to. And if you don’t already know that Key is unfit to be PM, you’re beyond help anyway.

  4. For John Key it will be a rare “moment of truth.” I can’t wait for the moment to arrive!
    Let’s give the boot to the National party’s chief American boot-licker, John Key and reclaim New Zealand for New Zealander’s again.

  5. Key , after spending 2 weeks dozing in a hammock under the coconut trees, frolicking in the surf or socialising at the golf course, looks about as rested as a World War 1 trench fighter.
    Or maybe a couple of falling coconuts explain the dark bags under the eyes . Hmmmm.

    • Good point, Petronious, Key may even try having his chums at the GCSB and SIS come up with some reason for denying Glenn entry into NZ.

      • If JK is so certain he has nothing to hide then he has no reason to bar Greenwald entering the country. If it happens, though, it’ll be a blatant political decision (far worse than the joke decision to keep out that hip hop group a few months ago).

        And in any case, Greenwald regularly appears at conferences via video link. Even if he was denied entry to NZ, they can’t stop him appearing via the interwebs.

        Hopefully the plan is to get Greenwald into the country with plenty of time to spare so other arrangements can be made in case of government fuckery. No doubt he’s used to being harassed when he travels: Someone is his position is likely to be held for the maximum allowed time in any port through which he travels.

        Nothing to hide, nothing to fear, Mr Key.

  6. This is huge. The leading reporter who has helped the entire world learn about Snowden’s nation-shaking revelations of US global mass surveillance is coming to NZ! To let us know what our spies are really getting up to. From their own “top secret” documents. To let us know just how much of a threat the secretive surveillance state poses to everyday NZers.

    Key must be shitting his pants. Dotcom’s exposure of his lies must have been gnawing away at him, but bringing Glen Greenwald onto the scene raises this to a whole new level. The whole world will be watching.

    Amongst my glee and anticipation, I’ve been wondering how they’re going to battle this. They won’t just sit down and wait. I might be paranoid, but as I pondered I began to think it’s not just Key and the National Party that are worried. There are some bigger players involved in this. A heap of ominous acronyms. The SIS. The GCSB. The FBI. The NSA. They don’t come much bigger than this, or more menacing. Or more ruthless.

    The US want to increase their domination of the Pacific against Chinese influence. Having a compliant PM like Key would help that. The NSA spies to give US corporates, like Warner Bros, competitive advantage. Key has already showed he’s happy to shaft NZ workers and change NZ law for them on that score. aihopai is geographically critical to the global surveillance network they are building with such gusto.

    If one of the most powerful and ruthless “security” agencies in the world wants Key to win this election, we could see much more than manipulated polls and the odd smear campaign trumpeted by a biased MSM.

    The one thing I can think of that would take the wind completely out of the upcoming meeting at the Auckland Town Hall would be a local “terrorist” scare between now and then. Rattle the people up, and Key’s lies “because of national security” would be seen as badges of honour, rather than showing him up for what he is.

    I won’t be surprised if we see a false flag operation conducted here. I hope I’m wrong.

    • This is why Dotcom is making so much drama about this meeting – nothing is secret any more so there’s no chance to spring this on people as a surprise. Much better to make sure everyone is thinking about it because then they’ll be more likely to connect it up with any attempt to create a distraction.

      I hope.

  7. Wow Glenn Greenwald! This one is a biggie. About as big as it gets.

    Go for it Kim and Glenn.

    However, something ominous is niggling at the back of my mind. I suspect the “powers that be” will pull a few stunts to try to prevent this meeting going ahead.

    For one, Greenwald getting into NZ, then clearing customs without a problem. Knowing how this government operates, I wouldn’t put it past authorities to have the journalist arrested on a very trivial matter, on arrival in Auckland to delay his appearance at the Dotcom meeting.

    Then there could be “organized” transport issues in Auckland, intentionally designed to make travelling to and from the Town Hall difficult at that time! Then the Auckland Council could come under some “political pressure”, to cancel Mr Dotcom’s booking for the venue!

    The old cynic in me is screaming that this meeting could possibly face a battle to get it underway.

    God I sincerely hope I’m wrong here.

  8. I have commented on this over on Prast’s “Apocalypse Now” post, and don’t want to bore by repetition (should have scrolled down rather than just going to the most recent, but the mainpage post-list display is often very laggy on this site).

    To summarise:

    Key will try to weasel out of it by claiming he had only heard of Kim Schmitz not Kim Dotcom. He has already said that “we weren’t actively involved” which leaves involvement via a third party as an open question.

    Fearfacts is already floating the idea of banning Greenwald:

    That was provided Greenwald was allowed into the country.


    • I’ve watched Glenn Greenwald appear on live feeds to talks many times from his home, if banned entry that will create a bigger story and have no real effect in the release of information in the digital age. Kind of like the time the British Government took The Guardians hard drives down to the basement to smash with hammers. Obviously unaware of the cloud and usb sticks.

  9. Key has been proved to be a liar time and time again. One more time is not going to be a game changer. Voters dont like Key because he is sooo honest and trustworthy. They like him because he’s the sort of guy they’d like to have a beer with.

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