Govt relents to Green Party pressure on banking contract


MIL OSI – Source: Green Party –

Headline: Govt relents to Green Party pressure on banking contract

“I’m very pleased that after years of Green Party pressure the Government’s master banking contract will finally be fairly tendered, marking the end of treating between the Government and Westpac.”

National has finally relented to years of Green Party pressure by agreeing to put the Government’s banking contract to competitive tender, Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today.

Treasury and the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment said the previously untendered deal was no longer meeting the Government’s needs.

The “all of government” tender covers most of the Government’s banking including public service departments, state service agencies, about 2500 schools and the wider public sector. The contract involves around 100 million transactions and is the most valuable banking contract in New Zealand.

“I’m very pleased that after years of Green Party pressure the Government’s master banking contract will finally be fairly tendered, marking the end of treating between the Government and Westpac,” Dr Norman said.

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“Australian-owned Westpac bank has held the contract uncontested for over 20 years. Australian banks are extracting billions of dollars in profits from New Zealand every year.

“A contract like this, worth many millions of dollars, should not be let on the basis of some cosy relationship.

“Ideally, our Government’s banking should be done by a New Zealand bank. This now becomes a possibility.

“Tendering out the contract should result in better value for money for the New Zealand public. It should have been done years ago,” Dr Norman said.

When in Government, the Green Party will follow procurement policies and targets that favour New Zealand-made, environmentally-sustainable goods and services.

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  1. I guess the Resrve Bank won’t be putting in a tender, but that’s who the government should be banking with.

  2. Back when Kiwibank first started it was suggested, by the Greens I think, to Clark that Kiwibank could take over being the government’s banker she said they wouldn’t have the expertise, how ludicrous, of course it should be ‘our’ bank having the government accounts, as they said at that time it would make it even more successful.

  3. Two things; I heard that American money owns our Reserve Bank, so no go there.

    As for KiwiBank, maybe not when it started up through Jim Anderton’s Alliance idea and under a Labour government, but certainly it should be the Bank to be used for Government business – our business. It needs to assert itself as New Zealand’s First Bank, with the ethical requirment of protecting New Zealanders from foreign banking vultures.

  4. “Two things; I heard that American money owns our Reserve Bank, so no go there.”

    Regardless of its operational indendence, and of American influence, the bank is still state owned. We could force it to become the government’s banker, through legislation if necessary.

    • Sorry, the reserve bank is NOT State owned & never actually has been.

      “The Reserve Bank does not have shareholders. It is 100% ‘owned’ by the New Zealand Government, with any extra revenue that the Reserve Bank makes going back into the Crown accounts. The Central Bank is not a government department, but is a body corporate whose finances are included in the Crown accounts.” – Wikipedia

      If you read it carefully, you will see that it is owned by the NZ Government. This is NOT the same entity as the State. The State is US & the Government is THEM.

      You will also note that it says that any EXTRA revenue goes back to the Crown accounts. Think carefully about this…it is very significant! (what extra revenue???)

      You will also notice it says it is NOT a Government Department. Once again, this distances it from the State & Crown & therefore State (public) ownership.

      You will also note that it says it’s a Body Corporate. This means it is NOT a State asset, but a Corporate Body in private ownership by the New Zealand Government.

      You need to understand the 100,000’s of Law changes that have been going on since 1984 while the Public has been distracted by the ‘Theatre Of Politics’ that is paraded in front of us by the Media on a daily basis.

      In the meantime there has been a Legal process going on that redefines every aspect of our lives in Law. This includes the restructuring of former State Assets & Government Departments into Corporate Bodies. This also applies to Councils & Regional Councils. Of course, regional Councils have appeared since 1984, but all were set up with the same Corporate structure.

      Now ALL former State & Public assets are ‘owned’ by these bodies.

      In the meantime these Corporate Bodies have continuously borrowed vast sums of money & then ‘lost’ it in 1000’s of bad deals & collapsed companies (that they created), invested in shonky Finance Companies & schemes etc etc.

      Now all these Corporate Bodies are on the verge of bankruptcy…

      This will probably also happen to Kiwibank, so not a good vehicle for taking over Westpac’s current role.

      The only really SAFE & ETHICAL vehicle to handle an ACTUAL democratic countries’ assests & financial transactions would be an actual PUBLIC owned financial institution,,,ie where individual public members own the shares & they COULDN’T be traded…only owned!

      Of course, this would be a major step towards a REAL democracy & an ACTUAL MMP style Governmental process, so there ain’t a Politician in THIS or any Western Country who would have the guts to lead us in that direction…

      …or in fact even have the intelligence to realise the ACTUAL reality we are living in, let alone work out the solutions. That will take a new generation of thinkers, & they are still being born!

      There is a glimmer of hope with Brendan Horan’s ‘no more Partys’ concept, as this is the first step towards REAL MMP the way it is practised in Switzerland & other Socialist Democracies. But all the VESTED INTERESTS… ie MEDIA, GOVT & OTHER POLITICAL PARTIES… will totally ignore him & bury him if possible!!!

      I think your referral to American influence in the NZ Reserve Bank may refer to the connection to the Bank Of America (which is another privately owned Corporate bank with an ILLUSION of American State ownership).

      I wonder if it’s any co-incidence that John Key is a former Merrill Lynch executive & Merrill Lynch is currently owned by the Bank Of America.

      Previous to being bought up Merrill Lynch extracted 24 billion US dolllars from the US Taxpayers through a very complex grand fraud and then gave out 3.6 billion in bonuses to it’s executives!!!

      For a little insight into this and MORE see

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