Nat’s courts good, Labour’s courts bad?!



party-logos - which


It seems that some special Courts are “bad”, according to National;


National - Labour's quake court poorly considered


… whilst other special Courts are good, according to National;

TDB Recommends


New ACC tribunal to replace District Court


Kinda hard to know what National thinks is a “good” or “bad” idea…

… unless it involves giving away our taxdollars to corporates in subsidies and bailouts, and screwing the poor, beneficiaries,  and workers even further.




TV3 News:  National – Labour’s quake court poorly considered

NZ Herald: New ACC tribunal to replace District Court



Vote and be the change

Above image acknowledgment: Francis Owen/Lurch Left Memes



= fs =


  1. Well put Frank. ACC has been a thorn in the side of neo-liberals ever since they went on their ideology purity trip. Any move by national around ACC is always Fubar, they have a long history – the 1992 reform, with it’s problems

    The 1998 Act which was just ideology dressed up as reform. And finally, the way these Tory idiots have funded the scheme – Which Mr Trotter did a great piece on – canny find the link.

    This was the one time in history were a system came into play to stop stress and imped in peoples recovery from injury. A system which acknowledged our juridical system could not cope with this kind of conflict, with out all parties losing. And what do the Tories do, bring back the one thing that the system was designed for in the first place to avoid. What a bunch of ideological wankers.

    • Unfortunately, the 2001 Act (Labour) was just a cut and paste job from the 1992 Act (National) with a flowery “purpose” provision (s3) inserted to deceive the punters into thinking ACC would treat people decently. Under Labour, it was “business as usual” and some truly horrible things were done to people in those years. Those people (the ones still alive), their families and friends remember how they were treated under Labour. It is no coincidence that many of these people will not vote again unless someone convinces them that their party can stop agencies like ACC crapping all over them. Evidently, Labour is not that party.

  2. National are probably taking the many many ACC claims out of court – because as each claimant wins yet another ‘battle’ with ACC within the legal system, a new legal precedent is set – and ACC then have to honour the new precedent, and they do not like this one little bit.

    ACC exists so that court is not required – but alas, court is required because so many work injured NZers are treated with malice by the ACC staff – court is the only way to get back any entitlements that have been shafted off you by the ACC.

    The Fairway (formerly DRSL) tribunal to hear grievances against ACC shafting decisions, is supposed to be independent of ACC – but of course it is not – and how could it be when the ACC minister, and the Finance ministers are the Directors. Impossible. Everything is manipulated!

    This latest dirty move from Collins, will in 12 months time, have reduced the court hearing statistics, and the staistics is what its all about.

    More ACC claimants will be shafted under this new way than ever before – as there will not have to be as much clarity as there is with the courts, to expose the ACC corruption unit.

    Court decisions are currently available publicly after they have been won, and other shafted ACC claimants get to see how to win their own cases by reading these court outcomes. And ACC dont like that – the public knowledge of their devious and malicious ways of treating the disabled and abused of NZ. They have an agenda to hide it all – and to prevent the outcomes from becoming legal precedents.

    It is simply more shafting, and less access to justice and entitlements for anyone who will ever need ACC in their future.

    The more money they can rob from claimants, and NZ public, the more prisons they can build!

    God save us all from this Nat tyranny.

    opinion and belief.

  3. Boy have you got this one wrong Frank.

    The ACC changes will reduce the cost and speed up the time of bringing ACC appeals. No wonder the lawyers are complaining!

    On the other hand, Labour’s plan to use my money to pay for private citizens to take their insurers to court will slow the process down and do nothing but feed lawyers more cash.

    It seems to me both policies may drive lawyers to vote Labour!

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