The true cost of Len Brown’s sex scandal



So now we now the true cost of Len Brown’s sex scandal.

My Co-Editor Selwyn Manning made this very pertinent and correct call on this last year in a blog asking Len to step down while making the case that Brown’s embarrassing expose made him a joke without a mandate to Wellington and as such, Auckland’s quest for an infrastructure upgrade would be made on the Government’s terms, not Auckland’s.

How true that has turned out to be.

The humiliation wrought by the scandal has deliberately damaged Len’s credibility to the weakened point whereby his ability to negotiate on behalf of Auckland has been so seriously compromised, he has to adopt the Government’s strategy to sell off assets rather than force them to front the cash themselves.

Forgetting the fact Wellington has underfunded Auckland’s infrastructure for decades, it seems the sudden desire by Len to privatise what remains of Auckland’s public spaces to pay for the city rail loop is the true cost of his sex scandal. His inability to push back against the Government agenda is the result of the weakened position he’s been left in.

Len can only be saved by a change of Government. He has more to lose than Cunliffe does.


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  1. What I could never understand was, with Len deep in tory country – why the right just keep quite and kept him as an apologising puppet. This way I suppose people get to see labour as the neo-liberal traitors to working people they are.

    • It certainly has the virtue that none of the lack of integrity that doomed Prosser, Collins, Brownlee, and Bridges are vulnerable when a compromised left-winger is in the line of fire instead.

  2. There could be a change in government in September; Akld council has no right to make these sorts of decisions now. Is this why the rush is on by the plunderers and the government allies in council?

    Actually, who made the decision to sell? Have they made the decision?

    Does the Assets/Property CCO have responsibility for this, as an inaccessible group with no intention of doing the public’s will? Rodney Hide and Key/Joyce set them up after all. He and other free market lunatics are destroying our country purely for greed.

    Promises not to sell assets made it worthwhile keeping Brown in place; if the assets get sold he has betrayed his promise. I know that several (7) councillors have agreed on the possibility of the sale of land; I don’t remember seeing anything in the media about them asking Aucklanders for permission to do that. Every Aucklander should be demanding that their particular councillor fronts up and explains himself or herself.

    This present government must front up with the funding for the rail loop now. There is so much to be gained by New Zealanders economically that Auckland should not be left to pay for it by losing valuable assets for peanuts.

    Our assets are NEVER sold for their true value. Therefore, the buyers must be receiving a special deal from the government. Why?

    Joyce/Key are trying to force Christchurch into selling their assets too because the government is not interested in funding the people of Christchurch to recover.

    Remember the fuel levy that New Zealanders were happy to pay just after the Christchurch main earthquake and Key refused it. Why? What was his plan? Now we know. A city in disarray is easy pickings for those that seek valuable assets, at ‘disaster capitalism’ prices.

    This is what happens when we allow free market idiotologists to take over our country.

  3. I’m not sure where Len has shown integrity … The personal gym? The wet bus ticket for the Chow Brothers demolition of The Palace? The disaster that is Auckland Transport?
    Forget the “affair” and tell me where he has shown any integrity rather than serving his egotistical self interest?

  4. The true cost of Len Brown’s affairs of the heart, will be revealed when the religious fearing Pacific Island vote is delivered to National in September. The Pacific Island church leadership used to back Len Brown, but no longer. No wonder John Key never called for him to resign!

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