Relief for some at last

Source: Labour Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Relief for some at last

The decision from the Court of Appeal in relation to the ‘Quake Outcasts’ case alongside news that Gerry Brownlee will be announcing the Port Hills zoning review this week will come as a huge relief for the residents who have had to face a delay of close on a year, Labour’s Earthquake Recovery spokesperson and MP for Port Hills Ruth Dyson says.

“I trust the Minister has used the long delay as an opportunity to line up the Section 124 notices with the Port Hills red zone. Continued mismatch will cause upset and frustration.

“I also hope that he will provide resolution about ‘turning green’ for residents who have their Section 124 status removed through the determination process of MBIE. Without this ability to change zone once their home is made safe, my constituents face continuing battles with insurers and banks.

“Those who issued this challenge initially should be offered the opportunity to resolve their situation in a fair and agreeable way. This should no longer be a matter for the courts and lawyers, but an opportunity for Mr Brownlee to agree a fair resolution with a small number of residents.

“He could make this happen and provide these people a well-deserved early Christmas present. Common sense could break out in Canterbury and a few smiles could be restored to some sad faces.

“The issue of a fair offer for the bare land and commercial properties in the red zone also needs to be decided soon. It involves another group of people who have had a huge and additional strain in their lives due to this process.

“I offer my support to the Minister as he focuses on getting these issues resolved.  The process needs to be transparent and it needs to be fair. That’s not a big ask and I hope it is delivered.”

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