Labour candidate will cast an advanced vote with first-time voters

Source: Labour Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Labour candidate will cast an advanced vote with first-time voters

Meka Whaitiri  | 
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 – 16:07

Advanced voting for the Ikaroa-Rāwhiti byelection opens tomorrow, 12 June, and Labour’s Ikaroa-Rāwhiti candidate Meka Whaitiri will cast an early vote with rangatahi and first time voters in Flaxmere Public Library at 10am.

“In 2011, the voter turnout was the lowest it has been in 100 years at 74.21 per cent. It was substantially lower in the Ikaroa-Rāwhiti electorate at 58.8 per cent.

“Many of our rangatahi and first time voters are not enrolled to vote and are not engaged in the political process.

“Advanced voting is an opportunity for our people to have a say in who represents you and your whānau in Parliament and lets you vote at particular places and times before the final voting date of 29 June 2013,” says Ms Whaitiri.

In addition, Ms Whaitiri has supported calls for all political parties to put differences aside to focus on increasing the number of Māori signing up to the Māori Electoral Option.

“We are halfway through the four month Māori Electoral Option process and there have only been 4,984 net enrolments on the Māori Roll compared to the 7,457 net enrolments at the halfway point in 2006.

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“The last time the Māori Electoral Option was offered, the net increase was 14,914 on the Māori Roll.”

“While it is unlikely that any Māori seats will be lost, no Māori seats will be gained if numbers remain the same and it would be disappointing if Māori were to lose the opportunity to increase their influence in Parliament.

“It is crucial to ensure Māori fully exercise their political power to participate and be active in decision-making in Parliament. This is essential to overcome historical inequalities and discrimination.

“While our focus is very much on the byelection at the moment it’s important we don’t lose sight of the bigger picture and the opportunity to increase the Maori voice in Parliament.

“I am encouraging our younger voters to get out and vote anytime from Wednesday 12 June to Saturday 29 June. Our young people are our future, and their voice is critical in political decision making,” says Meka Whaitiri.

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