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Greens strangle off Chloe Swarbrick’s Central Auckland candidacy – National will win the seat


The Wellington clique who run the Greens have killed off  Chloe Swarbrick’s Central Auckland candidacy by backing predictable old Denise Roche instead.

The Wellington clique have spent a lot of time taking over the Party and the last thing they want is to be is in debt to a young Auckland upstart who has the best chance the Greens will ever enjoy to win an electorate.

Labour have put up two nobodies as their candidates for an electorate that demands dynamic candidates.

Roche is many things, dynamic is not one of them.

The Greens could have stood Chloe in Auckland Central and had a real chance of beating Nikki Kaye while Labour’s selection wouldn’t have gotten much attention at all. This was their best chance ever of winning the seat.

Instead the Greens have gone into risk management overload after their disastrous flirt with independent thought in December last year when they foolishly decided to let Julie Anne Genter throw her hat into the Mt Albert by-election with all the vote splitting damage that could cause Jacinda.

The realisation that Labour really will knife the Greens and cut a deal with NZ First has frozen Green strategists like possums in the car headlights and they are now being ultra submissive to Labour – hence the Ohariu deal, hence the ultra caution in Auckland Central.

Another confused move from a Party who doesn’t seem to know what the hell they are doing.

Meanwhile the planet melts. It would be great if the Party promising to champion climate change could work out how to win elections first.

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Orewa is Maori for ‘Old-white-bigots-slowly-dying-by-the-sea’: Don Brash as relevant as Blink 182



Don Brash returns to Orewa with familiar themes of ‘race-based privilege’

Don Brash returned to Orewa tonight to give another speech on a familiar theme – separatism and Maori privilege in New Zealand law – but this time he is putting the boot into National.

He rejects the notion of the Treaty of Waitangi as a “partnership”, as has been established in common law since the Lands case in 1987.

He says Maori are gaining a “constitutional preference” through the Maori seats and by giving tribal appointees the right to have a role in local-government decisions.

“All racism is racist, no matter which race benefits,” Brash said.

“But 13 years on, racism still rules the roost.

“The push for privilege persists and our politicians still pander to it.

“Inch by inch, step by step they have created islands of influence and positions of power – for one race only.”

Don Brash’s unique blend of hard core racism and white faced respectability doesn’t have the same excitement it used to.

In 2004 when he launched his racist Orewa rant, he had a huge audience of ignorant NZers to play to, but that was 13 years ago. Over those 13 years, we’ve all seen the bullshit logic that sticks this racism together fall to pieces.

No one believes Maori have privilege anymore, just sad old closet racists. Brash doesn’t have the pretence of mainstream respectability or thinking on this issue any longer because NZ has in ways grown up.

We know Maori have the worst social stats, we can see beyond the corporate Iwi elite and the vast majority who live in poverty, these slurs that Brash is throwing around just don’t have the same ignorance to swim in to get traction.

The last time Don Brash was relevant was in 2004. In that year the CIA had just admitted there was no imminent threat from Iraq, disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong was still competing, Shrek 2 and the Passion of the Christ were the big movies and Blink 182 was the biggest musical act.

Most of us have moved on from Blink 182 and Don Brash.

The debate now is whether Te Reo should be compulsory in our schools and should we learn about our own history first, it’s not about stripping away Maori electorates!

Brash will resonate with cross burners but no one else.

Double Yawn.

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Rachel Stewart hits the climate change nail on the political head once again


This purple tumour of a furnace is our future sleepy hobbits.

Rachel Stewart continues to be the only reason why you would regularly read the NZ Herald, and her latest blistering column on the damage Dairy farming is causing the environment is another must read, especially as Stewart’s views are now being echoed by the Huffington Post…

New Zealand’s Dirty Dairy

New Zealand is proud of its share of worldwide dairy export; it has 6 million of the world’s 271 million dairy cows, which is substantial given that the human population is only 4.5 million. The government and dairy industry congratulate themselves on their reputation, but the dark side of dairy is increasingly unsettling people. The environmentally damaging impacts of dairy and animal welfare concerns will soon make this a much less viable economic activity. New Zealand should take the lead in championing a real ‘green, clean’ agenda, rather than claiming this is currently the case while the opposite is true.

As TDB was noting yesterday, the continued increase in erratic and extreme weather caused by the pollution we are pumping into the environment is here, it’s now.

The culture of denial simply can’t gloss over the environment voters are seeing outside their windows each day now.

We know the weather is becoming more extreme, we can see it, we can feel it. Our bones are not lying to us, our  politicians and the vested corporate interests in continuing with pollution are.

We are entering a phase more dangerous and more damaging to us as a species than at any other time in our short history on this planet. Our exponential population growth coupled with mass inequality, desperation and a huge carbon foot print now out of control is a bleak reality we don’t wish to contend with because we are too busy enjoying the latest gadget, app, or selfie posting.

What politician wants to pull away the things that so distract us to confront the looming reality?

We need a cultural, political and dare I say it, spiritual revolution to prepare and galvanise us for the adaptation we are going to need to adopt if our economy, society and culture are to survive the complex and environmentally damaged future we are plunging rapidly into.

Rachel Stewart is forcing that debate, very few others have the courage.

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Political Caption Competition


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Daily Blog Guerrilla Radio – FULL BEYONCE 2017 GRAMMYS PERFORMANCE


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TDB Top 5 International Stories: Wednesday 15th February 2017


5: Kim Jong Un’s Half-Brother Assassinated by Women with Poison Needles, Reports Say

If confirmed as an assassination, it would be the highest-profile killing of a North Korean since Kim Jong Un’s uncle Jang Song Thaek was executed in late 2013.

The estranged half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been killed in Malaysia, according to South Korean security sources.

Vice News

4: Michael Flynn Resigns as National Security Adviser

President Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has resigned following revelations he spoke with the Russian ambassador about U.S. sanctions during a late December phone call. Flynn now says he misinformed Vice President Mike Pence and top White House officials about contents of the call. The phone call was on December 29—the same day President Obama imposed sanctions against Russia and expelled diplomats in retaliation for the alleged Russian hacking of the U.S. election.

Flynn has claimed the phone call involved only small talk. But U.S. officials who reviewed a transcript of a wiretap of the conversation say Flynn discussed the sanctions—a move that violates a 1799 U.S. law, the Logan Act, which prohibits unauthorized people from negotiating with a foreign government.

The Washington Post reports former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates had warned Trump’s administration weeks ago that Flynn might be lying about the call. Last month, Trump ousted Yates after she refused to defend his Muslim travel ban. On Monday, The Washington Post reported the Justice Department had warned the White House that Flynn’s call and his lies made him a blackmail risk. His resignation Monday came after a tumultuous few days in which Flynn increasingly lost support from Trump and key White House officials, even as members of Trump’s inner circle publicly contradicted each other about Flynn’s fate.

On Monday, counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway went on MSNBC to say Flynn had the “full confidence” of the president. One hour later, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters Trump was “evaluating the situation.” On Monday night, Trump accepted Flynn’s resignation and appointed retired Army Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg to be the acting national security adviser.

Many are now asking what, if anything, Trump himself knew about Flynn’s conversation. Longtime New York Times reporter and editor Jim Roberts tweeted Monday, “There is still a HUGE question hanging. Did Trump or Bannon know that Flynn was discussing sanctions with the Russian AMB?” Some are even calling for impeachment hearings.

Flynn has been one of Trump’s most criticized and controversial picks for top positions. Flynn is well known for his anti-Muslim worldview, having called Islam a “cancer” and saying “fear of Muslims is rational.” His son, also named Michael Flynn, was fired as a member of Trump’s transition team after he shared fake news pushed by right-wing websites. Among the conspiracy theories Flynn pushed is one claiming Hillary Clinton and other prominent Democrats were running a child sex ring from the back rooms of a Washington, D.C., pizza restaurant.

Democracy Now

3: What Did @realDonaldTrump Know About Russia and When Did Donald Trump Know It?

TWO IMPORTANT QUESTIONS remain unanswered following the late-night resignation of Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn: What did the president know and when did he know it?

Flynn stepped down on Monday night, days after nine current and former U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials told the Washington Post that there was proof — in the form of intercepted phone calls — that he had lied to the public and to Vice President Mike Pence when he said that he had not discussed new sanctions imposed on Russia for election-related hacking in five conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on December 29 .

But Flynn’s claim in his resignation letter that he had “inadvertently briefed the vice president-elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian ambassador,” made no mention of what Trump — at that time the president-elect — knew of the calls.

Looking back at one of Trump’s own tweets, which he posted on December 30 — the day after Flynn secretly urged Russia not to respond to the Obama administration’s new sanctions — makes it hard not to wonder if he knew about his aide’s effort to convince Russian President Vladimir Putin to delay.

The Intercept

2: Palestinians in East Jerusalem battle for their homes

Occupied East Jerusalem – Ahmad Sub Laban gently peeled back the blinds covering a window in his home, revealing the golden Dome of the Rock in Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

“If you look outside this window, you will understand exactly why the Israelis are targeting us with eviction,” he told Al Jazeera.

The Sub Labans are among at least 180 Palestinian families threatened with eviction by Israeli settler groups throughout occupied East Jerusalem, including 21 families in the Old City.



1: Republicans split over Flynn inquiry amid calls for investigation of Trump’s Russia ties

Donald Trump’s ties with Russia must be investigated following the resignation of his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, Democrats demanded on Tuesday.

Flynn was forced to stand down after it emerged that he discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador to Washington, then misled Vice-President Mike Pence about the conversations. Trump was under growing pressure on Tuesday to explain what he knew about the phone calls and when.

The president broke his silence with a tweet that attempted to deflect attention: “The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?”

The Guardian 



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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Wednesday 15th February 2017




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



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The Deep State coup against Trump: Flynn’s firing just the beginning


The Deep State Coup underway against Donald Trump is as terrifying as the coup Trump’s own people are trying to ferment.

It’s like we have the most dangerous game of chicken in the world, on one side a narcissistic sociopath who has cleverly manipulated working class anger to empower a white supremacist crypto-fascist clique and on the other side the Military Industrial Complex and all the deep state dark spiders.

NSAs creepy rapey Valentines tweet…

…the level of mass surveillance computers have given these surveillance agencies is God like.




And we are seeing that power play out right now.

Flynn’s telephone conversation was recorded, only the NSA and the Military Industrial Complex has that level of   surveillance power, they are the ones leaking this.

Flynn’s crime? To discuss National Security with the Russians. There is only one President at any time and it’s illegal for private citizens to discuss diplomacy. Flynn ‘lied’ to Pence about not talking to the Russians about unfolding events, but I suspect everyone knew what was being said and that Flynn was a messenger who was operating under a tell no one and deny everything protocols.

Watching the Military Industrial Complex attempting to dethrone their own President by leaking deep surveillance material is no win for the ‘Resistance’ – the dark spiders of the deep state want Trump to know who really runs the Nation – them.

They want their war in Syria with push back against Russia, Trump wants a war with Iran and China. The Military Industrial Complex wars are strategic and corporate focused, Trump’s wars are cultural and economic driven.

There are no heroes here, this is a vicious power struggle being played out in public. There isn’t a side to cheer for because both sides are villainous.

It’s Iago wrestling Shylock.

Dr Doom battling Dr Octopus.

The Joker fighting the Penguin.

Colonel Kurtz vs Pol Pot.

One side will get killed off and the other side will be the more horrific than we can imagine for it.

There are no winners here. Just monsters.

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Union Anger at MSD ID crackdown


Security guards unionised by Unite Union at MSD sites are angry with new policy changes brought in by the Government yesterday, that now sees them stopping every citizen trying to access their rights, and asking them for their name, appointment, and photo ID.

“This is causing queues at the door, and increased frustration from jobless workers and other citizens needing assistance delayed.” said Unite Union’s Senior Organiser, Joe Carolan.

“Ken Loach’s film “I, Daniel Blake”, which won the BAFTA awards for Best Film last night, details similar restrictive humiliations in Austerity Britain.

Here in Aotearoa, unions representing Security guards will be reaching out to organisations fighting for beneficiaries and other jobless citizens, making sure that the National Government’s policies are not pitting us against each other, and we see no repeat of the tragic incident at Ashburton.

The real risk to health and safety in our society is caused by an economic system that has failed tens of thousands of jobless workers and the poor.” said Mr Carolan.

VIDEO here-

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Nick Smith confirms 69,000 houses a figment of English’s imagination – Labour Party


Nick Smith has confirmed National has no plan to build 69,000 houses in Auckland, says Labour Housing spokesperson Phil Twyford.

In Question Time today, Nick Smith admitted that the 69,000 figure is only the theoretical number of houses that could be built to replace 27,000 existing state houses over the next 30-50 years. There is no plan to actually build these houses, let alone to ensure they are affordable for first homebuyers or kept as state houses.

“Bill English is buckling under the pressure. He’s got no answers on the housing crisis and is making up policy on the fly. Nick Smith has now admitted the government has no plans to build 69,000 houses.

“This isn’t leadership; it’s desperation from a Prime Minister who just wishes the housing crisis would go away but won’t do anything about it.

“At the same time, Nick Smith is trying to claim the housing shortage is ‘only’ 10,000-20,000 houses but he can’t back that number up in any way. The Government’s own documents say the shortage in Auckland is 30,000-35,000 and the nationwide shortage is 60,000.

“Bill English and Nick Smith are in cloud cuckoo-land when New Zealand urgently needs is practical solutions to the housing crisis.

“Labour will build 100,000 affordable homes for first homebuyers; we’ll stop the state house sell-off and build thousands more state houses; and we’ll lock out the foreign speculators who use our houses as gambling chips,” says Phil Twyford.

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Cabin crew seek inclusion in CAA regulations on flight fatigue – E tū


Cabin crew say it’s time they were included in Civil Aviation Authority regulations, including rules related to fatigue.

While pilots are covered by the regulations, cabin crew are not.

Their union, E tū says fatigue is a well-recognised aviation risk and cabin crew should be covered – a view supported by the Pilots Association, as well as global aviation regulators and industry experts.

The Civil Aviation Authority is currently reviewing whether cabin crew should be included.
E tū Senior Advisor Cabin Crew, Marja Lubeck says cabin crew are responsible for the comfort and safety of their passengers.

“Cabin crew are critical to the safety and comfort of passengers in the air. Their role requires them to be alert, vigilant, and responsive to issues arising in flight. Cabin crew need to be well-rested to perform the job effectively,” she says.

“Hundreds of our members will be filing submissions supporting inclusion in the regulations and we need major airlines to also support this. Aviation safety is just too important to ignore,” says Marja.

Submissions on the proposed changes close on 20 February.

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English leaves hundreds of state houses empty during housing shortage – Labour Party


Despite the housing shortage, more than 250 state houses have been sitting empty for over a year as Bill English tries to sell them, says Leader of the Opposition Andrew Little.

Housing New Zealand documents obtained under the Official Information Act show that there are nearly 2,500 empty state houses, more than 500 of which have been empty for over a year. Of those long-term vacant state houses, 254 are empty pending sale. Others are in need of repairs or upgrades.

“In the middle of a housing shortage, why on Earth is Bill English leaving state houses empty why he tries to sell them? We should be building houses, not leaving the ones we do have vacant.

“There are nearly 5,000 families waiting for state houses, up by more than a third in the past year.

“We know what Bill English will say – the same old excuse that these are the ‘wrong houses, in the wrong places’. Well, any house would be welcome for kids living in tents. The truth is, most of the houses Bill English is selling are in cities with long waiting lists for state housing.

“With the housing shortage growing by over 40 houses a day, the very least Bill English could do is get those houses filled straight away.

“Labour will build thousands more state houses and end National’s policy of taking a dividend out of Housing New Zealand, as part of our comprehensive plan to end the housing crisis,” says Andrew Little.

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E tū stands in solidarity with Pike River families today


E tū is supporting the call by some Pike River families for a halt to work to seal the Pike River mine.

E tū’s staff and members will join the families at a peaceful protest outside Solid Energy’s Christchurch office today at 4pm.

The union’s Southern Region Director of Organising, Alan Clarence says 29 men died in the mine and no one has been held to account.

“We want to show solidarity with the families who simply want every avenue possible explored to see if a drift re-entry is feasible and safe,” says Alan.

“No one has been held accountable for this tragic loss of life and the families want justice, which everyone can understand.

“We also want the truth revealed to the degree this can be safely done.”

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Justice for Pike River – Families lead Valentine’s Day Protest


Families of the 29 men killed at Pike River are asking for a Valentine’s Day gift of justice for their loved ones and calling on Solid Energy not to seal off evidence of the cause of one of the worst disasters in New Zealand history.

The families will lead a protest outside Solid Energy’s national headquarters on William Pickering Drive in Christchurch from 4pm today.

Anna Osborne’s husband Milton was killed in the disaster, and she says that by trying to seal off the entrance to mine, the company is robbing her of justice for her husband’s death.

“Milton was an incredible man – a loving husband, a devoted father. He was the love of my life, and there’s no way in hell I’m giving up until I get justice for him.

“None of the 29 will ever spend another Valentine’s Day with their loved ones. I don’t want to be protesting, I don’t want to still be having this fight. But when you love someone, you do right by them – and I’m going to do right by my man.

“The people running that mine cut corners, they ignored warnings and my husband was killed because of it. They got to walk away because the evidence was left down in that mine.

“Everyone knows you don’t tamper with a crime scene but Solid Energy is trying to seal this one off forever.”

The families are asking for the Government to fund a recovery plan that experts, including Tony Forster, the former head of Mines Safety New Zealand, have already agreed can be done safely.

“We’re not asking anyone to go into the mine – just into the drift tunnel that leads to it, which could hold evidence, and remains of our loved ones. International experts tell us the drift can be re-entered safely – it’s just a matter of cost.

“Our message is simple: put your conscience ahead of money, do the right thing, and let us get justice for our loved ones and help save other miners,” says Anna.

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Malcolm Evans – The Golden Fleece


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