Is the corporate slop David has used to cut costs getting worse?
Serve this at Bellamys and watch how quickly the contract changes.
This corporate slop was sold as our great saviour as well as clever cost cutting, but it was corporate welfare for food that no one wants to eat.
The Rights response to this shitty food is, ‘you ungrateful swine, how dare you question the slop we feed you, you should be grateful the taxpayer is carrying this cost because your loser parents can’t afford to feed you – fuck off’.
Which I’m paraphrasing just a little.
The Right wing HATES that we feed hungry kids at school because that admits the true level of poverty in NZ and it highlights ho social policy is failing.
They despise that they have to feed other people kids because they are selfish and cruel.
Despite knowing hungry children perform poorly educationally, the Right don’t care.
This level of privilege is blinding. These 2 images from the same day…
…dog food for your children, yummy food for David.
At some stage this is all too ugly to behold.
We have mutilated a feed the kids programme that was working and replaced it with corporate slop and corporate welfare for those making the slop.
This is the land of milk and honey and this is what we feed our hungry children…

…we should all be collectively ashamed that this is what we have degrade ourselves to.
We are a better people than this.
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All kids should be served a nutritious lunch at school that also takes into consideration cost but also what the kids will actually want to eat – this doesn’t seem to be problem overseas (France / Italy etc) but of course it is here (like everything else).
So when Labour was serving sloop at 4 times the price, it was ok?
Fact check…they weren’t…..The Labour program had fresh food being sourced locally and meals made by locals who actually knew how to put together a healthy nutritious lunch and deliver them on time.
The price was per lunch was around $7-$8…cheaper than a coffee and a muffin at my local cafe and 10 times more nutritious.
If silver-spooners like Jordan Williams and Seymour think that having good nutritious lunches provided in schools is a sign of bad parenting, then all the parents in Europe, Scandinavia , The U.S.A and the U.K.are all bad parents…..they are dinosaurs.
Here’s an idea…crash the property market by 50% so houses and rent become more affordable so parents will then be able to afford to feed their kids again.
Our politicians created this situation of unaffordable housing, decline in real wages, lack of jobs, real increase in prices and so on.
You only need to look as far as how they have manipulated stats such as the CPI to ensure that the disparity in wealth continues to grow. When Bolger and Shipley removed the cost of existing houses, the cost of a mortgage, and the cost of land from the CPI they knew exactly what the outcome would be.
The current situation is by design, not by the choice of parents, and politicians should be punished not the unfortunate children of parents who are too busy struggling to survive to make sense of the destiny carved out for them by lying and unscrupulous politicians.
What does bg stand for bullshitting git seems so with his commen.t
I said to wait and see the result before passing judgment.
Well the first week has shown the food is bad and the service is worse. The deal is resulting in wasted food an increase in the waste of consumables and a poor ly feed children that will effect their education.
I think it is a shame that children cannot be feed by their parents but that is happening so it is something we need to do to try and stop the flow on effect of another lost generation and high prison numbers . I believe it costs $100000 per year for a prisoner so a few thousand on food to stop,the rot is a good investment.
Jordan Williams – bad parents = poor parents!
Just another sociopath!
Grant best reply yet.
Here’s an idea…crash the property market by 50% so houses and rent become more affordable so parents will then be able to afford to feed their kids again.
‘The Labour program had fresh food being sourced locally and meals made by locals’.
Well dammit Grant – that it is the problem doncha see!
Corporations want profits they put into the bank or distribute to shareholders as dividends. They do not want the bloody peasantry getting their grubby hands on it( much less the natives).
Now imagine; A school in Opotiki gets a local caterer to make 350 school lunches daily and they pay a total of $2450 a day for those lunches.
The caterer does not put that money away in a bank, or in investments. It uses it to buy meat, fish and vegetables from local people – income for Opitiki residents, some of them parents of the children at the school.
People use that income for housing, power, fuel, food, ice-cream, toilet paper, all sorts of commodities. A local community looks forward to a bright future where children study well at school and graduate to skilled work and decent futures.
Well I ask you:
Do you imagine that will pay any director’s salaries or bonuses?
No, have locals cut out of feeding schoolchildren at all. The lunches must be factory made in Auckland, using the cheapest imported foodstuffs, low paid, non unionised workers(preferably exploited migrants) then transported in heavy , road damaging, fuel guzzling vehicles owned by the coalition’s donors so that when they arrive they are appropriately unwholesome and rejected.
This has been successfully trialed in the 1990s when the Montpelier society successfully hired its lackeys to reduce welfare benefits on the grounds that beneficiaries were sucking the lifeblood from hard-working Bobs ,Trevors and Zeldas.
Idiot economists protested that the welfare money immediately flowed back into local economies and that reducing people’s incomes made communities poorer but they were over ruled by those National MPs serving on the boards of foreign banks and corporations.
So y’see Grant it is against the National interest to properly feed children( or against National’s interest). Well nourished, well educated children might be become citizens who remember what the welfare state has done for them and wish to perpetuate it! EVEN IMPROVE IT!
Have to stop, heart racing, need to lie down for a bit.
See the memsahib is plucking a few sparrows for lunch.
Would the Geneva Convention allow this crap to be served to P.O.Ws?
It reminds me of those little packets of left over meals my grandmother used to hide away in the old deepfreeze my father had bought us about 1980 something.
“Qu’ils manget de la brioche”. Sounds a bit foreign. But recognizing ‘cake’ as a translation for the French, ‘brioche’, gives us a clue. Either language, it represents a chasm between those who have alot and those that have little, and highlights for those uttering the phrase a lack of understanding.
We used to eat Ants and drink water from the tap when I was at school. That slop looks ok, compared to eating Ants of the ground.
‘We used to eat Ants and drink water from the tap when I was at school.’ Marco+Battler what are you trying to say? Has does your deprived childhood make it all right to keep other people ill nourished?
The idea is to progress, not go backwards.
I have read somewhere that in some countries in Europe the school children have incredible nutritious lunches all paid for by the government. Those kids have grown up healthy which is a credit to their country and their government.
Here in NZ we have a government who through some major cost cutting so the rich can get richer tampered with the Lunch in Schools program to the degree that much of the food made by whomever is the dreadful company involved has provided ‘cheap’ food that is unrecogniseable. In fact some of the photos has something could well be horse meat in the ‘lunch’ along with mash that could have been potatoes in a previous life-time.
One thing for sure is on the same day Seymour was happily sitting at a cafe in Epsom extolling about what a wonderful meal he had the photos came out in the media of what he(Seymour)expects NZ schoolchildren to eat.
I doubt very much Seymour would rave on in such glowing terms that cafe if he was served at that same cafe the same food NZ schoolchildren are subjected to?
There is a quote of “If It Isn’t Broken Don’t Fix It”. The Lunches in School Program was working well. Students were getting nutritional food. Yes there was probably some waste but a by far greater waste happened not too many days ago when 700 school lunches had to be thrown away because of both its appearance and the fact that probably even a seagull wouldn’t eat it.
If Seymour ever became a father would he have HIS children in say a public(not charter)school eating the pigswill on show to date???!!! I think not but if Seymour ever did become a father would he do this country a favour and quit politics because he is such an Arrogant Prick(Quoting Jacinda) lacking in any sense of human decency?