Seymour trolls Waitangi and protesters take bait


Microphone taken away from David Seymour during Waitangi speech

The ACT leader was giving a speech at Waitangi when someone snatched the microphone away from him.

He went to Troll and protestors took the bait by removing his microphone.

David can now whine on about Free Speech and how Māoridom don’t want a debate and play the victim which is exactly what he wanted.

This is a tactic that could have worked late 1990s, early 2000s, but this is 2025, and a whole new generation doing see the celebration of Māori as a lessening of their identity and are proud of the Treaty.

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Instead of seeing David as a Free Speech Champion, people feel he’s being a dick and he’s lucky he’s not getting a hiding from the Aunties!

He’s on tea towel duties fort the rest of his life on a Marae!

This sort of stunt would have worked 20 years ago, but people have an enough respect for Māori tikanga to know Seymour’s being a smart alec jerk.

When you consider all the damage ACT has managed to do in just a year, that Māori merely turned their backs and symbolically removed the microphone until it was returned is a level of humble magnanimousness that New Zealand European culture is incapable of appreciating.

Meanwhile, when the Fascists strut, don’t feel blue this Monday…

Happy Waitangi Day Comrades!

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  1. We didn’t “take the bait”. It was an action that was agreed upon. He still had the freedom to speak, just no with the microphone. Cmon now. And correct yourself – we aren’t “protestors”, we’re tanagata whenua, and we call the shots here. All tikanga was upheld, he was just not afforded the usual EXTRA graces that dignitaries have come to expect, and that Ngapuhi is renowned for.

    • Yes Vanessa 3, you ARE protesters!
      If you cannot see that, you are indeed the problem… and have been for decades.
      Turned Waitangi day into a shambles and an embarrassment.
      Well done, I hope your proud!?
      Seymour grabbed the headlines, yet again, when protester grabbed the microphone….he wins every time because maori protesters allow him to win every time lol

  2. I don’t agree with your conclusion bomber. I think it’s a disgrace that Seymour is allowed to use the stage of Waitangi for his politics. Denigrating the mana of that place with his vile and heinous intentions and acts, grabbing the mic away is the correct move to do.

    The left tolerate BS too long it until it becomes normalized and we need a crisis to wake up, just look at the US; you think we won’t get there, “we’re not like them” you say but what’s common is the collective dumbing down of our consciousness, when clownery is paraded with the same weight as truth (Trump/Seymour) and the population is dumb enough to go with it. When that happens to a population you get abnormal extremities like Seymour, Winston/Shane racist against immigrant views and all the other boils come to the surface.

  3. Martyn – Nearly every year this type of thing happens at Waitangi…allow another marae/iwi to host it, and move it around the nations’ tribes instead.

  4. So the left goes nuts because Luxon didn’t go to Waitangi, and they go nuts because Seymour did go to Waitangi????

    Er, can they make up their minds?

    • You have no f’ing clue what “the left want”. It’s not a a left or right thing. In case you hadn’t noticed f’wit Seymour’s bill, to make asset sales easier ( because it’s certainly not about all NZrs being equal), isn’t supported by his gutless coalition partners

  5. A few weeks ago representaves of Ngapuhi sent Seymour a letter advising that because of his behavior towards the Treaty he was not welcome to visit the marae.
    Rather than acknowledge the rejection from the hosts he decided to front up, no doubt hoping to cause some sort of conflict.
    In previous times a stranger abusing protocol like that would have had faced something more ferocious than having backs turned and the mic taken.
    He really is an “arrogant prick”.

  6. If Seymour hadn’t gone, many posters would have called him a coward and that he doesn’t want a debate….

    When I heard that the microphone had been snatched away, I thought it showed the childishness of most of his opponents.

  7. Seymour got 2 major bonuses
    1 The hosts were shown as arrogant rude pricks who can’t debate ideas
    2 TPM stated the removal of Parliamentary democracy and replacement by an unelected commissioner is a bottom line for joining a coalition in 2026.
    He’ll be looking forward to next year


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