“Way too many times we have perpetrators hiding behind name suppression & victims are sitting there feeling like they have been silenced once again I always stand in Parliament and say victims need to have a voice & they need to be able to stand up for themselves” Karen Chhour pic.twitter.com/2WZAag6wAi
— Tui 🤎Tarara- Matakana Island 🤎 (@Tuituituitui11) February 2, 2025
She knows she’s in the ACT Party right?
Who is going to tell Karen Chhour?
The real existential damage Jago has done to ACT is make it’s tough on crime populism a joke.
ACT had their President hidden during the election while they campaigned on tough on crime.
There’s no coming back from that level of gerrymandering hypocrisy.
Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.
Karen is unfortunately for kids and many citizens a classic Dunning-Kruger candidate.
People who are inclined to vote NACT simply will not be bothered by this.
Cognitive dissonance is strong with them. They have embraced the dark side.
For God’s Sake! Jago is a wealthy white man!
Our laws were designed to control natives and poor people.
ACT only gets excited when brown people do bad things. Also it is much easier to prosecute people who cannot afford lawyers (attacking beneficiary fraud as instead of tax evasion).
ACT M.P’s are an embarrassing collective of lightweights.
The Natz raised this orphan bastard party…..that has now become a serious rival for their traditional base.
I fucking hate a.c.t. Oh my God I hate a.c.t.
As a reminder:
“ACT is an acronym of the name of the Association of Consumers and Taxpayers, a pressure group that was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek Quigley and former Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right who served as minister of finance under the Fourth Labour Government.”
You can understand right? Where sleazemore and his acolytes use logical fallacies and the arguments put forward by Machiavellian confederates to spread psy-op misinformation to infect exhausted thinker/voters and those are people who are told to focus on, then blame, the wretched homeless and those in unending poverty for their awful plight but can’t see the Bentley that’s just driven past on the way to the airport where a private jet waits to whisk off the criminal elite to their Sydney mansions. The terminally exhausted don’t see useless cunt luxon scooping up our $450,000 K plus expenses and entitlements of OUR fucking money. They can’t see the multi-billionaires, the multi-millionaires or the four now australian owned banks stealing our money at a rate of $180.00 net a fucking second 24/7/365! You won’t get slimy zelda wailing about that. Oh no! They see the rich persons resource, poor people, being poor, helpless and hungry so they can blame them. Like foul fucking zelda. That kind of filth should be running while screaming. I swear to God. I could take on the entire motley fucking a.c.t line up in any pub car park anywhere they chose. Free entry. Ladies, a plate. seymour? You first.
Associated cunts and turds
The right wing are the biggest hypocrites in politics.
Serious question….Ummmm – Cough – Who is Karen Chhour?
It seems what ACT preaches is NOT wat ACT practice.
Whilst Karen Chhour was making that speech was she Completely Aware of the Historic Actions and later Charges upon Tim Jago or did she do what a Good Little ACT MP would have done and kept her F*cking Mouth Shut as there was an election and votes at stake in 2023???!!!
It is believed that the Youth Wing of ACT knew as far back as 2020(yes another election year)about Tim Jago but nothing was said????!!!
Now if a bunch of young people in ACT knew about Tim Jago back in 2020 then why did the so-called ‘adults’ eg leader David Seymour who recently behaved like a schoolyard temper tantrum throwing bully at a recent press conference claims to Not being Made Aware of the actions of Jago????!!!!
Was it a case of selective and political necessity in order to look Squeaky Clean during an election period of time because that Mattered More So than the Victims of Sexual Abuse by a former ACT president????!!
Some years ago Seymour indicated in an interview in the Sycophant NZ Womans’ Weekly that he wanted to be a father. His statement was one year almost after the Youth Wing of ACT knew about Jago but nothing become public knowledge.
I do wonder if Seymour would, if he ever became a father, would be happy to allow Jago into the same room as his child or children???!?!!