TWITTER WATCH: Ummm – I’m not sure that’s the Treaty Principles Referendum flex David Seymour thinks it is….


Ummm – I’m not sure that’s the Treaty Principles Referendum flex David Seymour thinks it is…

…because if you look at the data from the Horizon Poll, it’s all VERY damning towards ACT and their anti-Treaty Agenda…

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…the Right have utterly misjudged the racism they are attempting to exploit here.

The vast majority of Kiwis see the Treaty as a source of inspiration where as right wing  Boomer Culture Warriors, South Island rednecks and the insufferable Hobson’s Pledge losers are the ones proclaiming Elite Maaaaaares getting too much.

The Political Right have misjudged the character of this country to their infinite shame, the majority want to work together, we do not want to be divided the way ACT, NZF and National are attempting.


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  1. Until we have an agreed version of our history there will be zero progress. I suspect elements of embarrassment and shame are barriers for many Pakeha accepting the very shady things their forefathers did in this country to facilitate land acquisition for settlers and alienation for Maori. It is promising that there are some who can see through the face value ‘common sense’ of the Treaty Bill and issues around equality being raised.

    • That would be a shame, since I doubt any nation ever has an agreed version of its history. I think one of the good things about New Zealand since 1975 is that we have understood that these issues are difficult, we won’t all agree, but have to do our best regardless. Act’s loathsome TPM seeks to impose an “agreed” version of history on us all, which is why it is so odious.

      • Agreed..very odious…

        However .. groups with the most power and money…more often than not, ill- gotten… always have the greatest advantage when wanting their way.

        That is why other methods
        have to be employed to counter that unwarranted advantage…

  2. Bob you are on point.
    ” I suspect elements of embarrassment and shame are barriers for many Pakeha accepting the very shady things their forefathers did in this country to facilitate land acquisition for settlers and alienation for Maori”. Go here for info on that 180 years of Disgrace and embassment.

    All the laws passed and actions against Maori are there.

  3. Matt Hooten back here! I’d be all for him and Trotter contributing posts.

    I’m just a writer to the letters section — like all we commenters — which is to say, a low worm, idler and masticating cow. Not a ‘doer’ of big things. The advantage of impartial without the advantage of in-partial — in-depth knowledge of the practical reality of doing things.

    So, I can say this, and should, my idea of reality. Tribal sovereignty, which was left intact by the Treaty of Waitangi, disturbs even me. I don’t know how it would work. The native North Americans have it rightfully on their reserves. It’s an unknown path here, which scares the bejeebus out of fat huhu bug know-nothing pakeha. If that conundrum could be solved the racists would be over.


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