TWITTER WATCH: Luxon attacking beneficiaries is outrageous richsplaining 


Can you believe the balls on this guy?

Put aside the fact that Luxon is a rich prick, look at what he has done to the economy and then consider his lecturing towards beneficiaries.

He crashed the economy with an austerity budget that borrowed more for tax cuts and loopholes we couldn’t afford, and you is lecturing the poor?


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Blaming the victims of your economic policy is outrageous!

You are pushing 350,000 jobseekers to find work when there is no work because you collapsed the economy!

There are less than 11,000 jobs on Trademe and less than 5000 on Seek and you are demanding new sanctions against beneficiaries after sacking 9520 public sector workers!


What would Jesus say Chris?


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  1. No way would I defend Chris about anything, but his empty head wouldn’t have come up with that hectoring bullying message. Underlings write these things, and they’re mainly young and ignorant. He does what he’s told and could be much worse if left to his own silly devices.

        • Joy I suppose he can walk on water then, all the way to Hawaii, via Te Puke of course. I suppose that’s why he spends so much time in his PJ’s and minus his trousers, the silly bugger keeps sinking just the way he is now.

      • Richard Christie. He’s said that he prefers to be called Christoper, and I can’t be bothered with his preferences. Chris’ll do. Don’t forget that in the Christian tradition, Christopher means “Christ Bearer”, and that’s an oxymoron if there was ever one when applied to Chris Luxon.

        I don’t recall Jesus Christ vulgarly boasting about being “ sorted”, or referring to have-nots as “ bottom-feeders”, in fact quite the opposite.

        (Saint) Christopher is, I think, also the patron saint of travellers. Ha ha. Chris Luxon couldn’t even walk a few paces up Bowen Street on his own two feet and claimed to be in Te Puke when he was really in Hawaii. I think he’s a congenital idiot.

  2. What a bald headed nonce–with a barely concealed nasty side–“bottom feeders” etc. He tries hard to be a ‘tough’ guy on a key board but will not front Waitangi.

    His Govt. on behalf of the parasite class has caused mass unemployment for the first time in years, for ideological reasons, including stopping state houses mid build and sacking thousands of public servants.

    Stand up, fight back, as I always say. We may not be able to defeat these swine at this very moment–but we will ultimately–otherwise Aotearoa NZ is just going to be a wasteland with degenerate suburbs and provinces, pensioners sucking what is left of the public purse, and all the young productive people in Australia.

  3. Horrible man. This millionaire who made his money the easy way, preaching like some Dickensian hypocrite, deserves a good tap on the head from one of Charles D’s worthy tomes. That’d be as close as Luxon’s ever come to any good book, let alone perceptive social analysis, sickening creature that he is.

    • It was laughable when three chins Jones said “send the Mexicans home” when Mr Luxury Luxon spent many years since the 90s offshore in UK, USA, Canada and Australia in the corporate world. Luxon is a migrant too–and even when he claims to be here on social media he can actually be found in Hawaii.

      • His mentor, hair-puller Key, was the same, both returning to New Zealand thinking they’re the cats’ pyjamas, Luxon posing in them every Christmas. Neither know their history. Key said this country was settled peacefully, which is nonsense, but Luxon has to be the most repulsive PM ever, worse than Shipley.

        This latest effort is National trying to demonise all the unemployed as work-shy just the way that Bill English did about all our young males.

  4. If lazy beneficiaries refuse to fulfil their work obligations, they should be sent to Victorian style workhouses, where they will learn the value of hard work through strict discipline and productive labour. They will be required to wear striped pyjamas as a visible reminder of their refusal to contribute to society. No one should be allowed to live off hardworking taxpayers without consequence.

    • What an evil, vile cunt you are. You, and your ilk are in reality the draining, parasitic element of a functioning society. You use the god to hide your psychopathy behind. It’s you and your foul breed who should be chipped so we know where you are 24/7.

      • The KW T-Cell. Zelda is no female. Z’s some screwball who has never held down a proper job and lives in his granny’s garage. Best ignored.

    • Hey Zelda, have you got a list of jobs these people can apply for.
      My neighbor who has been employed by our local council in middle management has been made surplus to requirements after 15 years.
      If you have a job on your list just reply on this blog and I will pass it on.
      If you don’t fuck off.

    • Allow me to complete the missing word: “…they will learn the value of hard work through strict discipline and productive UNPAID labour.”

      After all, the whole exercise is designed to force the populace to accept poorer wages and conditions.

    • Zelda your awesome….lefty trolling masterclass!
      And the fact most on here can’t see it, is even more delicious.
      Keep it up, the snowflakes are melting.

    • Sounds exactly like what National have done! Boot camps anyone? Although you’d be training expendable canon fodder killers now and guess who they’d be using their new found skills against eventually.

  5. Message for Chris. If you have failed so badly on hitting the KPI to increase the number of jobs in the economy – (you are minus 30,000) – get out your cv, resign, move on let someone who knows how to run an economy do the job.

    • I thought of Ken Loach’s “I Daniel Blake” film immediately I saw Luxon’s moralistic stab at vulnerable people.,_Daniel_Blake

      The CoC lot have purposely created unemployment and then castigate those unemployed for their situation–and then make accessing support a humiliating punishment maze at WINZ/MSD.

    • Yes, of course you thought it terrible Darien….that’s your job, Labour/unions no matter your paymasters that’s your job.
      Your opinion as to why Labour lost the election is also lost on you, look in the mirror as it’s Labour people like you who keep the idiotic policies and selecting potential useless MPs to stand in elections….
      Please keep it up, your terrible at it, but please keep it up.

      • Labour are.a shoe in next election they way the retard righties are ruining the country and retard followers like I’m righty and their unintelligent policies are to blame

    • Rather than have some empathy, Luxon is doing the cut throat CEO rhetoric by treating NZ citizens like expendable employees, it’s no wonder kiwis are flocking to Australia in droves and not looking back.

  6. That’s rich coming from a lying, god bothering bludger like ‘fake it till he makes it’ luxon.
    We all know who the real idol bludging beneficiaries are. The 14 multi-billionaires, the 3118 multi-millionaires each with a base net figure of $50 million and the four now foreign owned banks; asb, anz, bnz and westpac making them the second most profitable banks in the world, second only to Canada.
    The useless, lazy, greedy banksters. Now Australian owned and also our primary industry competitors. Funny that.
    The Press. 2023
    NZ banks ‘some of the most profitable in the world’
    And home to perverts like ron brierly. The so called titan of industry.
    He’s riding again, apparently.
    Financial Review.
    Disgraced corporate raider Ron Brierley rides again
    The former corporate titan was convicted for possessing child porn in 2021. Now, he’s out of prison and investing in Seven West Media.
    When scum like brierly becomes that bold you know that shit’s dirtier than it actually appears.
    Oh look! There’s ronnie and he’s all over the bnz.
    Business Desk.
    David Lange, Roger Douglas, Ron Brierley and the BNZ

  7. ‘If lazy beneficiaries refuse to fulfil their work obligations, they should be sent to Victorian style workhouses, where they will learn the value of hard work through strict discipline and productive labour’.
    Damned right Zelda! Good old Victorian virtues like imprisoning people for debt and hanging sexual predators.
    Imagine if we had those rules again! Why old Jago would be swinging from a lamp post at this very moment.
    I tell you another thing – some six times bankrupt bastard would not be able to run as President of the United States if the prick was languishing in debtor’s prison. Nor would he brag about committing adultery and barging into female dressing rooms if the pervert knew he could get flogged for it.
    We should refuse all benefits to those girls who bear children out of wedlock. That way they can be forced to scrape a living as the syphilis riddled whores like the ones your father used.
    Refuse all benefits to young people so they can uphold the proud traditions of bushranging, highway robbery, burglary, pickpocketing and all the other things that went with workhouses and paupers’ clothing.
    Oh Zelda, if you only knew how whenever I despair that we are losing touch with the obselete obsceneties of the past rejuvenated fossils like yourself and Trevor fill my heart with hope!
    I do not know what I would do without you( but I certainly would like to)!

    • Good old victorian virtue sent kids up chimneys child labour and women were the property of their husband who could beat them, cheat on them and even kill them.

    • The KW T-Cell. Not as much as his creepy photo ops with young children sickens me. Shades of JK’s girls’ hair obsessions, or perhaps his media advisors are pervs.

      • I agree. He shouldn’t be allowed into daycares and kindies to pose with young children. What are the staff and parents thinking? I’ve been saying this from the start.
        it’s difficult to change daycares if they annoy you but I’d seriously consider it if they used my child for that man’s publicity photos.
        It’s creepy.

        • Yes, Joy. It puts parents and carers in a terrible position and it is very unfair on young children who shouldn’t have to have a strange man sitting and fooling around with them, complete with camera crew. It’s child exploitation.

  8. I’m convinced and it was simple to draw the conclusion,that our Prime Minister Luxon has an IQ considerably higher than his detractors.He is a successful person while the majority of his detractors most certainly aren’t.( many cannot spell.)

  9. Perhaps this reads better Bob; Notice the commas and use of active voice, also the placing of adjectives and adverbs and when you use the pronoun ‘he’ we already know that is a person. Words in parenthesis should be arranged better.
    I am convinced, and it IS simple to draw the conclusion, that out Prime Minister has a CONSIDERABLY HIGHER IQ than his detractors. He is successful while the majority of his detractors are most certainly not (many cannot spell).
    It is better that contractions such as ‘I’m’ and ‘aren’t’ not used in formal writing.
    Are you, like Trevor, an ex-grammar school boy?

  10. Good quote from Herman Melville about the disgustingness of the comfortable judging the poor that regularly appears on my Facebook.

    After poverty being supposedly a major thing in the last govt I was disgusted by this govt’s disproven cliche of an attitude to it — the rising tide will raise all boats! No need to raise benefits or do anything else. But we don’t care anymore.


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