Second Poll of 2025 showing Labour leading Government


Latest internal Talbot Poll shows Labour, Greens and Māori Party forming a majority to be the Government…

Labour – 34%

National – 33%

Greens – 12%

ACT – 9%

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NZF – 5.2%

TPM – 4.6%

…this should come as no surprise.

The race war craziness, the selling out the common good for corporate and donor interests, the school lunch debacle, the rising cost of living, insurance costs, public transport costs and rate costs NOT to mention the new petrol costs caused by Trump’s Tariffs – all are combining to cause an economic down turn alongside a deep ranker.

Luxon’s weakness means Winston and Seymour’s extremism is running the agenda and causing intense fury.

The idea that the economy is going to magically bounce back after the austerity budget are ludicrous!


They didn’t spend that extra borrowing on public services, in fact they hollowed out those public services so much so it’s all going to predictably collapse…

Revealed: Tight Budgets force ‘reductions to public services’ – Treasury

Treasury officials have warned the Government that “significant reforms” or “reductions to public services” will be needed in the not-too-distant future if it sticks to its current, restricted spending track.

The Herald can reveal that even with this relatively tight spending, the Government will not post a surplus under the traditional Obegal measure until 2031, which will mark the longest period of Government deficits since the 1979-1994 deficits (which were measured quite differently).

Treasury officials also warned that the Government had planned so much capital investment – spending on items like schools, hospitals and roads – that it might have to cut spending earmarked for public services so it can fund the significant ongoing maintenance of those investments.

…I also find the idea that we should actively punish Beneficiaries who are the collateral damager here pretty sickening…

…put aside the fact that Luxon is a rich prick, look at what he has done to the economy and then consider his lecturing towards beneficiaries:

He crashed the economy with an austerity budget that borrowed more for tax cuts and loopholes we couldn’t afford, and you is lecturing the poor?


Blaming the victims of his economic policy is outrageous!

National are pushing 350,000 jobseekers to find work when there is no work because you collapsed the economy!

There are less than 11,000 jobs on Trademe and less than 5000 on Seek and National are demanding new sanctions against beneficiaries after sacking 9520 public sector workers!

National will continue to fold, Winston will look desperately to find any police to keep him above 5%, ACT will continue to try and use culture wars to cannibalise National and NZF voters.

Really all the Greens, Labour and TPM have to do is say nothing and they’ll win.


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  1. Yeah there’s the old saying government’s lose elections, not oppositions win them. Nevertheless, I think you will see a lot of action from Labour, Greens and TPM, already this week at Waitangi. Hope everyone has a great time there ; it really is an amazing experience.

  2. The Greens seem to stay the same what ever happens to them so there is little scope for them to grow .TPM appeals to the more radical Maori si little growth there so it is down to Labour to gain traction for the left and Hipkins is not very inspiring at the present .
    I believe the economy will improve enough in the next 12 months to keep National in power with Act

    • So we have categories of Maori then?. If I’m not radical then I must be a good Maori then hmmm. You know where you can stick your stereotyping.

    • That is wishful thinking in its purist form…
      National Act and N.Z First are dead…goneburgers…out the back door….finito

      Only the foolhardy and the deluded now believe that they are any good for New Zealand..

      N.Z is years away from a recovery now …. Luxon, Nikki No Boats Willis, and Seymour threw the economy into reverse and backed it over a cliff….Even your average Joe Blow Kiwi can see that.

  3. Putting it simply, it’s the escalating cost of living, and Luxon being an obnoxious dumbo. Even people with half a brain feel dragged down with an idiot like him representing them and the sooner he sods off the better.

    • `Obnoxious Dumbo’ – not a bad description of Luxon over the last 6 months. He was voted in to do a job and he is walking away from most of what matters to those who voted for him.

      He should be 20 points ahead of that failure Hipkins in the preferred Prime Minister stakes – and it is an indictment on his `hail fellow will met’ giggle giggle, kowtowing to Maori and Climate Change activists that Hipkins heads him off. Politically naive and maybe an `obnoxious dumbo’ is right.

      Jacinda Ardern mark 11 may be a better fit though – all waffle, word soup and no action.

  4. Yes, agree and I see national are doing the same policy for state housing they did last time they were in power. Bishop said they are going to sell old properties in high value areas, and they will use the money to build more apartments. They didn’t get a mandate to sell any assets, but this is what they are doing. Same old shit just another day to these bullshitting wankers ruining our country and dividing the people.

  5. “Really all the Greens, Labour and TPM have to do is say nothing and they’ll win.”

    Unfortunately, as soon as they say something, it undermines their wider support and they lose, again, and again.

  6. We will make 30k unemployed then close 25000 businesses and import more people .Then we will expect them to find a non existent job next week and cut their income if they dont .Then if they are lucky and do get work we will move them onto a 50% tax rate by taking away WFF AND FAMILY TAX CREDITS so in fact their income is less when they get a job .On top of that they have to pay the cost of getting to the low paying over taxed job .How can it be right that a low paid worker is paying 2 x the tax rate of his employer .

  7. I loath the very being of natzo. But I equally loath the embalmed mouse that’s labour.
    Nothing at all from them about how a punk-arse pint sized moustached pig fucker like douglas committed the ultimate betrayal and sold us to privateers and the morally vacuous.
    I need to see a leader of Labour come out, walk up to luxon and punch the fucker in the face. I need a proper vagina or balls to bravely un peel the lying scum who make our lives so extremely uncomfortable and in some cases fatal just to feed the greed of billionaires, millionaires and four now australian owned banks. ( 2nd most profitable in the world fyi you Kiwi’s trying to pay rorting mortgages.)
    The weakling that’s hipkins is where he needs to be for the enemy to flourish. Gutless, passionless, weak and servile. Throw a punch for fucks sake! Be brave! Say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing if you must but say or do something! Show no fear! Where are you? What are you actually doing right now? This very minute? You’re most likely at your desk. So what are you, ya know, doing? Cringing? Cowering? Wheedling? Crosswords? Youtube? Our country’s sinking. We’re in deep shit. YOU and your gutless cohorts were told to look the other way and you do. You fucking cowards. Hipkins! Why aren’t you writing a The Daily Blog piece? Why aren’t you staying connected? Why aren’t you conveying some kind of fucking hope? All we’re getting is despair while you bank our money. But no wonder you can do nothing yet get higher ratings than fucking hideous national because hideous national are even worse than you cunts and if you’ll remember it was out of labour’s fetid arsehole that roger and quigly crawled to spread their bacterial greed-diseases into our homes and lives. You fuckers!
    Lest we forget!
    “ACT is an acronym of the name of the Association of Consumers and Taxpayers, a pressure group that was ACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek Quigley and former Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right who served as minister of finance under the Fourth Labour Government.” Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right. Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right. Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right Labour Party MP Roger Douglas, a figure of the New Right
    ACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek QuigleyACT was founded in 1993 by former National Party MP Derek Quigley
    I mean, hello!
    ACT. NATZO. Labour. Etc. The same fucking thing.

    • If there was an election today and Labour won Hipkins would just be the weak labour version of Luxon with Chloe and TPM running rings. Labour need to find someone who can espouse what labour is supposed to stand for and show some mongrel doing it and command the respect of the 90% who pretty much want the same things.

      • No Hipkins is no pushover,Isay to the right ignore him at your peril, he can answer questions,he’s not thick and thank god he didn’t used to run an airline

    • Punch the fucker in the face is a reasonable idea. I suggested earlier tapping him on the head with a book. I’d have preferred a really good whack but don’t want the SIS or Nicola the Terrible after me. Chances are he’ll get rolled and rolled better than they do with their sausages. Chris Bishop’s hungry dad could devour him, instead of driving around Wellington searching for the ubiquitous sausage rolls and then whining in the media when he can’t find them. Or just roll the bloke up the road to Te Puke, he never knows where he is anyway. Knows nothing very much at all.

    • Simplicity. National are destroying the very fabric of our once beautiful country. By default, Labour have surged. Simply put National are far worse than Labour. We are all witness to this.

  8. I’m no leftie but we have problem on the right: Luxon just can’t connect. Something about him…even stern old Helen Clarke could connect…or at least She Ruled!

  9. I’m no leftie but we have problem on the right: Luxon just can’t connect. Something about him…even stern old Helen Clarke could connect…or at least She Ruled!

  10. The turkeys were never going to vote for an early Christmas, so which bit of this is a surprise. People aren’t going to rejoice because their state funded jobs are gone. No one will thank a politician for cutting any cost.


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